The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 5: First entered the world of heaven

   As soon as Zhang Yue got his transcript, his portable communicator started to sizzle, and since he just left the examination room, he didn’t look at it. He waited for Zhao Yunshu with his master at the school gate.

   Zhang Yue gave the transcript to the master, and the master came to have a look.

   "Good boy, okay, you can open the address book and see, those Warrior Academy should have sent you admission notices."

   "Take the battlefield special trick route, it's useless to see it." Zhang Yue shook his head

   "I am ambitious, after the apprenticeship dinner is over tomorrow. I will enter the world of the heavens to awaken and start to roam. I will find you a low-level team and take you first."

   "Thank you, Master."

   After the exam, Zhao Yunshu strode over cheerfully.

   "How are your grades, can you go to Life College?" Zhao Gaoshi hurriedly asked when he saw his daughter coming over.

   "That must, I believe your daughter is the best, Brother Yue, how are your grades. Or let's go to school together in the Capital Galaxy." Zhao Yunshu looked at Zhang Yue with expectation.

   "Your brother Yue, who has greater ambitions, will go to the Capital Galaxy to find you sooner or later, because there is the best Warrior Academy there." Zhao Gaoshi replied.

   "The master is right, I will find you sooner or later, and wait for me." Zhang Yue promised.


   The two families ate together again at noon to celebrate Zhao Yunshu's admission to the College of Life Sciences. This also means that she is about to leave Aquastar, because the spacecraft will fly to the capital galaxy for more than a month. There is also a teleportation array, but most people can't afford to sit on it. This is only for teleporters in an emergency.

   Zhao Yunshu felt a little depressed when he knew that he was leaving in a few days, and felt very lonely when he went to such a far place alone.

   "Sister Yun Shu, don't you have a frown, so I will apply for the truth college next year so that I can go to Capital Star to accompany you. The two colleges are very close." Zhang Luoluo comforted.

   "Yes, maybe Zhang Yue will be recruited by the War God Academy by then." Zhao Gaoshi also comforted him beside him.

   "I'm just a little depressed, it seems that I don't want to go to school because of you." Zhao Yunshu was a little touched, and the whole family cared about him.

   Zhang Yue's face was a little blush next to him, he really couldn't say any comforting words, saying nothing was inappropriate, so he could only accompany them next to him.

   The next day, Morning Star Hotel, the largest and most luxurious hotel in Jushi City, this is the place where Zhang Yue apprentices for a feast.

Zhang Yue and his master greeted the guests at the door. Today, more than half of the professionals in the city’s battle circle have come. As a Tier 5 shield bearer, Zhao Gaoshi has never lacked friends. In the world of heavens, every city and planet are Fellow villagers, it is an unwritten rule to help each other. The world of heaven is too big and boundless, so it is easy for cities to clump together.

   Guests gathered, the master and apprentice greeted one wave after another.

"Haha, Lao Gao, you are finally willing to accept an apprentice. It must be unusual for you to become an apprentice. I have to hurry up and make friends." The middle-aged man dressed as a fat businessman has a shrewd look, especially They are eyes, as if they can perceive people's hearts, and they are the big men in this city.

   "Xiaoyue, let me introduce this to you. This is Shen Manjin, the boss of the Jushi Chamber of Commerce. This is a big money owner and likes to make friends with talents from all walks of life." Zhao Gaoshi introduced

   "Uncle Shen, hello." Zhang Yue gave a junior gift to Shen Manjin

"Well, well, it really is a young talent. It seems that we will have another real dragon in Jushi City. Xiaoyue, don't let you be called uncle for nothing, and give you this bottle of spiritual water essence." Shen Manjin couldn't help but say a beautiful Stoppered the blue vial of Zhang Yue. Zhang Yue didn’t know the value of the things, so he looked at the master without knowing what to do.

   "Accept it, your Uncle Shen is really generous, and I am more optimistic about you. Then there will be good equipment and good materials that are not used in the world of heavens and remember to sell you Uncle Shen."

   "Thank you Uncle Shen, junior."

Zhang Yue accepted this and added friends with Shen Manjin. This is also something that every guest has to add when entering the door. There are elders and peers. The address book of only more than 100 friends in the past has now become more than 600 friends. Is increasing.

In addition to the combat professional circles, many people from government departments have come, because the development of the city is inseparable from the world of heaven. The strength of urban combatants, the specialties of the fragmented world, resources, etc., are state subsidies. The second is taxation.

   Approaching the time for the banquet, both the master and the apprentice went back to prepare for the ceremony.

   The banquet began, Zhao Gaoshi sat high, Zhang Yueduan tea apprentices, and presented the apprenticeship ceremony, which is the trembling metal. It was useless at the time, but now it is used as a teacher apprenticeship, and then three bows and nine knocks, reading the teacher apprenticeship.

   Zhao Gaoshi, drink tea, then exaggerate Yue's character and talent, so he accepted him as a disciple and accepted the gift of apprenticeship.

   Amid the applause of the guests, the whole apprenticeship ceremony ended, and the rest of the activity was eating and drinking. After eating, go to the lounge next to it, drink tea and chat.

   Zhao Gaoshi was chatting with some of his former comrades-in-arms, and Zhang Yue was getting to know each other with a group of peers.

   At three o'clock in the afternoon, the banquet was over. Zhang Yue and his family returned home by car. The banquet and the whole family went, but there was nothing to do with the father and mother, that is, eating and chatting with each other.

   Back home, Zhang Yue handed the spirit water essence to his father.

   "This injury to you should be useful."

"It's useful. Although it can't be cured, it can alleviate the pain on the soul. This bottle is for half a year. I can sleep well during this period. It seems that Zhao has a lot of face. Is he going to be promoted to Tier 6." , Let Shen Manjin bleed like this." His father opened the bottle cap and drank.

   After drinking, his father snorted comfortably, and the whole person became more energetic. Zhang Yue was a little bit painful while watching. Because of this injury, his father couldn't sleep well at night. When his father was seldom energetic, he often saw his father alone in the middle of the night looking up at the stars in a daze.

   "Dad, this spiritual water essence is more expensive a bottle." Zhang Yue asked, buying more of this for his father when he made up his mind, it can relieve the pain before his father is cured.

   "Not much, only 5 million energy points." Zhang Shaohui said jokingly, if this thing was cheap, I would have used it every day. Energy point is the currency unit of this era, 1 energy point = 10 kilowatt-hours of electricity.

   "Give me time, let you drink it as water every day." Zhang Yue said firmly. Zhang Yue didn’t expect it to be so expensive, and his parents’ salary for working in a year is less than 1 million energy points.

"I got my mind. If I drink too much of this thing, it's useless. Leave it for you and your sister to drink, temporarily improve your understanding, purify your mind, drink some during training, and use it for 2 days a day. The children of large families use this Stuff."

   "Well, nothing, I will enter the world of heavens."

   "Go, I'll also go to the training hall to work. See you in the world at that time." Zhang Shaohui said.

Zhang Yue can’t wait to enter his room. A teleportation warehouse that has been prepared for a long time has been placed in his room. Entering the world of the heavens is not a consciousness journey, but the soul and the body will travel through the world of the heavens together. Teleported to the teleportation warehouse, this is the knowledge learned in school.

   Zhang Yue entered the teleportation chamber with excitement, started to activate, the internal system began to activate, and an electronic sound played.

   "Detected the user's first transmission to the world of heavens, opened the whole body scan, and recorded the soul characteristics."

   "The whole body scan is complete, start transmission."

   Zhang Yue felt the same as the feeling sent during the exam yesterday, the world revolves. According to the teacher's instructions in advance, keep your eyes closed when teleporting. Holding on will easily cause time-space dizziness.

   Zhang Yue felt that the temperature of the surrounding environment changed and his body became lighter. The Wuzhou energy between the heaven and the earth could also be felt a little, and the sound in his ears could start to become noisy.

   "Boy, don't be intoxicated, come out, it's our Aquamarine."

   Zhang Yue opened his eyes and found that he was in a small bright room with a complicated formation at his feet, and a handsome middle-aged uncle dressed as a receptionist stood at the door.

   "Yes, it belongs to Aqua Blue Star. Are there people from other planets here?" Zhang Yue asked questioningly. Generally, after the race base is built, there will be positions corresponding to the world of the heavens. Generally, a planet corresponds to an area.

   "Recently, a heavy treasure was unearthed in our water blue area. Many big men from other areas have come to hunt for treasure." The receptionist uncle looked at Zhang Yue up and down.

   "The guy was admitted to the Warrior Academy for the college entrance examination. The God of War Academy is still the Xingtian Academy. Let me authorize, check your college entrance examination results, and configure the awakening fluid for you."

   As Zhang Yue appeared in front of Zhang Yue, an authorization to query the results of the college entrance examination, clicked to agree.

"Awesome boy, perfect level of strength, and excellent in other If you are not in college, do you want to introduce a guild of Niu X to you?" The middle-aged uncle saw Zhang Yue's report card Later, the smile on his face became more cordial. I finally met a genius in the warrior line, and I must take it well.

   "No need, uncle, I have already joined the Jushi Alliance. Let's hurry and awaken." The Jushi Alliance was joined by Zhang Yue yesterday. This is a loose alliance organized by Jushi City for the exchange of information, trading resources, and publishing tasks. There are no restrictions, you can leave at any time.

   "It turned out to be the Giant Stone Alliance. Other guilds will provide resource subsidies to geniuses like you. Then tell me if you need it."

   "Go, follow me to the awakening room."

The middle-aged uncle took Zhang Yue out of the room to the awakening room. After he walked out of the room, Zhang Yue was shocked. He was on the 300th floor before reaching the middle part. This is a tall cylindrical tower building with a column diameter of about 1,000. It is more than meters, more than 2,000 meters in height, and the middle is empty. You can directly see the ground hall from above, and the top is blocked by a huge luminous sphere.

"It's shocking. This is the integrated business processing department of the main city of the blue water area. The building is called Yunta. You will handle most of your business here in the future. You will receive tasks, transaction information, transaction materials, purchase equipment, weapons, and skill books. , There is also a training room here, and almost all your needs can be met." The uncle began to introduce the cloud tower.

   Zhang Yue looked curiously and found that not only the human race, but also a small number of alien races. That seems to be the Shui tribe written in the book, this tree man should be a wooden tribe, and the coquettish-looking cool and tail should be a fox tribe, which opened Zhang Yue's eyes, especially the coquettish-looking fox tribe, Zhang Yue almost Unable to open his eyes, he finally retracted his gaze with great concentration.


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