Chapter 47 – Behead

Tanjirou didn’t expect that his Sunwheel Sword would actually break, and he lost his mind in the next moment.

“Chichichichi~ My neck was specially strengthened by me, your sword is broken, there is no chance!” Seeing Tanjirou’s Sunwheel Knife, {手鬼} suddenly began to enjoy the joy of victory, as if Bai Yuhe Tanjiro has completely become its plate Chinese food.

Seeing Tanjiro’s Sunwheel Sword break, Bai Yu threw his Ghost Slashing Sword over without feeling too much melancholy.

“Tanjiro, go on!” Bai Yu reminded.

Tanjiro looked at the Ghost Slashing Sword flying towards him, and immediately stretched out his hand to pick it up.

{Hand ghost} Seeing this, the expression of enjoying victory instantly solidified.

“I won’t let you succeed!” {Hand Ghost} sneered, and worked hard to condense an arm specifically.

The arm squeezed his fist firmly and slammed into Tanjirou’s head quickly.

This move was {手鬼}’s last blow to kill Rin Takizakon’s strongest disciple that year, because the boy at the time was like Tanjirou, and the blade happened after the Hirotaka hit the neck of {手鬼}.了rupture.

So {hand ghost} used the same method to kill Tanjirou with one blow.

“Go to hell!” {Hand Ghost} said spitefully.

Tanjiro looked at the ghost hand coming towards him without any fear or panic. Instead, after taking a deep breath, he actively slammed his forehead into the fist of the ghost hand.

“Bang~”(Read more @

Hearing a muffled noise, Tanjirou’s forehead slammed into Guishou’s fist abruptly.

Tanjiro’s superiority was revealed at this time, and the fist of {手鬼} did not harm Tanjiro.

Tanjiro immediately turned around to take it, and grabbed Bai Yu’s Ghost Slashing Knife into his own hands.

Then Tanjiro treated the ghost hand as a horizontal bar, and then shook the ghost hand and fell on the ghost hand.

Finally, Tanjiro approached {手鬼}’s neck along the ghost hand.

“The breath of water, the shape of one, the water surface slash!”

Tanjiro held Baiyu’s Ghost Slashing Knife to start the breath of water once again, the shape of a one, and the water surface slashed.

In the next moment, Bai Yu’s Ghost Slashing Knife landed on {手鬼}’s neck once again under Tanjirou’s use.

“It’s useless! The first time you can’t hurt me, the second time the result is still the same. Hahahaha~”

With the first result, {手鬼} didn’t panic this time, because it felt that even if Tanjiro was given a second chance, the result would not change.

——”This time, I will squeeze your head completely! Just like that guy!”

“You have no chance! This time, I won’t live up to the trust that Senior Bai Yu placed in me!” Tanjirou holds the belief that this blow will kill.

With Tanjirou’s firm belief and the extremely sharp blessing of the Ghost Slashing Blade, Baiyu’s Ghost Slashing Blade cut into {手鬼}’s neck when Tanjiro’s voice just fell, and at the same time it aroused arrays. Splash.

“How is it possible!” {Hand Ghost} felt the blade cut into his neck and suddenly panicked.

“Go to hell!” Tanjirou roared angrily.

At the moment when the water splashed, the extremely sharp blade of the Ghost Cutter knife cleanly chopped off the head of {Hand Ghost}.

Tanjirou, who cut off {手鬼}’s neck, galloped down to the ground due to the acceleration of gravity.

{Hand Ghost}’s head separated from the torso and fell to the ground due to gravity.

It’s over~

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