Chapter 49 – By chance

Tanjirou, who had separated from Bai Yu, walked down the mountain.

On the way, Tanjirou also ran into my wife Zenizu who was thrown out by Shiraba and was in a faint.

Tanjirou hurriedly came forward to my wife Zenyi’s, and then he leaned against the tree trunk.

Looking at my wife Zenizu, Tanjirou laughed helplessly. This guy was hiding deep enough.

If it weren’t for my wife Zenitsu, it is estimated that Tanjirou would not be able to support Shiraito at all.

“Sen Yi! Wake up! Are you okay?” Tanjirou patted my wife Zen Yi’s cheek lightly.

With Tanjirou’s awakening, my wife Zenyi moved her brows, and then slowly opened her eyes.

“Tanjirou~Did you save me?” My wife Zenyi’s vision was a little fuzzy, and after recognizing the person in front of him, Tanjirou slowly asked.

At this time, my wife Shan Yizhi felt sore in every part of her body, and her body didn’t have much strength.

“No, Senior Baiyu saved us!” Tanjirou replied.(Read more @

“Really? That’s great!” My wife Shanyi said relievedly.

“Sen Yi, can you go by yourself? We have to leave here quickly and go to a safe place to wait for Senior Bai Yu!” Tanjirou asked again.

My wife Shanyi tried to move, but found that her body had lost her strength and she couldn’t stand up temporarily. My wife Zenyi shook her head helplessly, and said, “Tanjirou, I don’t seem to be able to stand up anymore. Am I going to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair? I’m not married yet!”

“What are you talking about! You think it should be off, I’ll leave you behind!” Seeing my wife Zenyi started to talk nonsense again, Tanjiro showed a wry smile.

After that, Tanjiro stopped talking nonsense, and ran down Fujiaki Mountain with my wife Zenizu on his back.

In the process, Tanjiro ran into the crippled boy again. Because of his crippled feet and being thrown heavily by Bai Yu, the young man moved very slowly. In this way, the three got together again. Seeing that Tanjirou and my wife Shanyi were not killed, the young man knew that Bai Yu should have defeated those {ghosts}.

Thinking of the group of {ghosts} at that time, the youngsters still had lingering fears. How strong is Bai Yu to settle such a situation?

“You are all right! Great! That, my name is Murata Shinji, I can survive, and I have to thank you and your brother!” The crippled boy named Murata Shinji was very moved because of his life and death.

“I don’t want to see something wrong with you, Shinji. Under the formal introduction, my name is Tanjirou Tanjirou, and my wife Zenizu is on my back.” Tanjirou also introduced himself and my wife Zenizu to Murata Shinji.

Shinji Murata looked at my wife Zenitsu, recalling the outbreak of my wife Zenitsu at a critical moment, Shinji Murata did not look down on this timid boy anymore.

Because of the situation at the time, if it were not for the outbreak of my wife Shanyi, it is estimated that the three of them would not be able to sustain the arrival of Bai Yu.

Therefore, Tanjirou and my wife Zenyi made it possible for the three to survive.

“Shinji, are there any older sisters or younger sisters in your family who are about the same age as you? Can you introduce them to me?” My wife Zeni asked Murata Shinji.

Hearing that, Tanjirou and Murata Shinji both smiled bitterly at each other. Both of them knew the thoughts of my wife Shanyi. While searching for Bai Yu, this guy kept yelling that he was not married and didn’t want to die.

Unexpectedly, now he is still paying attention to Murata Shinji. I really don’t know what to say!

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