Chapter 64 – Final farewell

“Bai Yu!”

“Zaomen Tanjirou!”

“I will give you the instructions of the ghost killing team.”

Tanjirou was slightly taken aback when he heard the crow spit out people’s words.

Shiratori, Rin Taki Sakinji, and Iron Tomb were very indifferent, without any surprise.

“Please go to the town to the northwest! The girl there is disappearing. After investigation, it is related to {Ghost}. Your task is to find the {Ghost} hidden there and fight it!”

“White Feather, Tanjirou Chiamen! Please be careful, this is your mission as ghost hunters!”

After passing the mission instructions, the two crocos flew out of the wooden house.


After receiving the mission of the ghost killing team, Shiraba and Tanjiro took a day off, and then they changed into the ghost killing team uniforms in the early morning of the next day.

Bai Yu wears a blue robe with a water pattern over his team uniform, while Tanjiro wears a black and green plaid robe with a sword.

Shiraiwa wears Rin Taki Sakin who specially prepared Shiraishi for the second time, perhaps taking Shiraiwa as his own inheritance.(Read more @

Tanjiro wears the clothes his mother made for him during his lifetime. In fact, Tanjiro also has a blue robe with the same water pattern as Baiyu, but Tanjiro is more willing to wear clothes with his mother’s memories.

Before departure, Rin Taki Sakonji called Shiraba and Tanjirou to his front, preparing to give the final explanation: “Shiraba, Tanjirou, before starting the mission of the ghost killing team, I have something I want to explain.”

“Regarding the black blade, there are rumors that the swordsman who cannot get ahead is the black blade. This may have something to do with your character, so don’t be affected by your character at a critical time.”

It is said that Tanjiro does not have any negative emotions. Tanjiro doesn’t care very much about not being able to stand out. Tanjiro cares about whether you can become a human again.

“Master, although I don’t know what will happen to me in the ghost killing team, but I will definitely turn Nidouzi back into a human with Shiraba-senpai.” Tanjirou replied to Rin Taki Sakonji.

After hearing what Baiyu said, Baiyu looked at Nidouzi, who was hiding in the quilt and peeking at himself and Tanjirou.

Hearing that, Rin Taki Sa Kinji also had confidence in Shiraha and Tanjirou: “Yeah! Yes! I believe you two!”

“Hakuyu, your talent is unquestionable, so you must be careful when making decisions. Because your decision may be related to Tanjirou’s life and death.” Rin Taki Zaojin did not forget to give Shiraito a point.

Bai Yu nodded, knowing that his existence and choices are always affecting the development of this world.

“Finally, take this!”

As Rin Taki Sakonji spoke, he pushed a small wooden box next to Tanjirou in front of Tanjirou.

“This is the box used to carry your sister during the day. It is made of {fog spruce}, which is a very light wood.

The surface of {fog spruce} is also treated with {rock paint}, which improves the sealing performance and strength. ”

“Thank you very much, sir!” Tanjiro thanked Rin Taki Sakon twice, and then picked up the {fog spruce} wooden box.

Picking up the {fog spruce} wooden box, Tanjirou was shocked by the weight of the box.

“It’s so light! It’s so light!” Tanjirou said with emotion.

After that, Tanjiro took the wooden box {fog spruce} to the front of Nidouzi, and motioned for Nidouzi to get into the wooden box.

The obedient Nidouzi, like a caterpillar, wriggled into the wooden box.

“Let’s go! Senior Bai Yu!” After finishing this, Tanji Lang said to Bai Yu.

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