Chapter 69 – Water ghost

As Tanjiro chased towards the place where the aura became stronger, Tanjiro soon chased into an alley.

And this alley is not the alley where the fiancée disappeared, but the alley in a different place.

Tanjiro then stopped in the middle of the alley, and Shiraito stood firmly on the wall behind Tanjiro.

“It’s here!” Tanjirou secretly said in his heart, and at the same time his body had already instinctively made a posture of drawing a sword, and then Tanjirou wanted to pull out his Sunwheel Sword from the scabbard.

Bai Yu still stood quietly on the fence, and didn’t mean to make a move.

I saw Tanjiro looking around, but he didn’t see anything unusual. Just when Tanjiro wanted to ask Baiyu, Baiyu’s previous teachings echoed in Tanjiro’s mind.

As a result, Tanjirou gave up the idea of ​​requesting Bai Yu, and started thinking hard on his own.

“Smell! Just find the smell!” Tanjirou murmured to himself, and at the same time closed his eyes, using only his nose as his only sense organ.

“It’s here! Underground!”(Read more @

Tanjiro yelled, then his eyes suddenly opened, and then Tanjiro thrust his sunken knife into the ground under his feet.

Suddenly, black water splashed on the ground, as if Tanjiro smashed a water pipe.

Then, a puddle of water appeared on the ground, and a part of a woman’s kimono appeared on the surface.

Seeing this, Tanjiro’s complexion changed suddenly, and instantly he stretched out his hand and took a dip into the water.

After Tanjiro’s palm touched, Tanjiro knew that this guy was a woman. Soon Tanjiro wanted to pull the person up, but found that something was still holding the woman underwater.

Tanjirou bit the Sunwheel Knife in his mouth, then plunged his hands into the water and hugged the woman completely.

In the end, Tanjiro made a leap into the sky with all his strength, only to completely rescue the woman from the pool of water on the ground.

Under the influence of gravity, Tanjirou fell back to the ground again.

And the woman that Tanjiro was hugging was unconscious, and in that black water, a hand emerged from the water, and on the palm of that hand, she was still holding on to the fragments of clothes that were torn from the woman’s body. This fragment is exactly the same. Tanjirou pulled it down.

Then, in the black water on the ground, a {Ghost} wearing tight mesh clothes and a pair of red eyes emerged from the black water, with three horns on the forehead of {Ghost}.

“A ghost with blood ghosts!” Tanjiro was surprised when he saw {Ghost} who was only half of his body exposed on the ground, he didn’t expect to meet him on the first mission!

At this moment, the {Water Ghost}, who was half of his body, gritted his teeth angrily at Tanjirou. At the same time, the arm that was scratched by Tanjiro just now gradually healed.

At this time, Hesi, who was overdue, also saw the half-body {Water Ghost}, and immediately showed a shocked look, and asked himself: “Is that guy a {Ghost}?”

At this time, {Water Ghost} suddenly and completely submerged in the black water. With the disappearance of {Water Ghost}, the black water on the ground also disappeared without a trace, leaving no water stains on the ground.

“Mr. Kazumi, this girl will be taken care of by you! Senior Baiyu and I will get rid of this {ghost} and restore the peace to the town!” Tanjirou took the sunken knife in his mouth back to his hand, and then He said to Hemi who rushed over.

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