The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 209 Chapter 280 Fast food truck back to the future!

Chapter 209 Chapter 208 Fast food truck back to the future!

Facts have proved that the floating spell can always be trusted in critical moments, and Gwen landed lightly like a feather, completely unscathed.

Gwen just broke free from the death crisis, and immediately screamed: "Bomb! Get out of the way!" She was really calm enough, with a bunch of pumpkin bombs strapped to her body, her first thought was to let Peter and the others escape.

"Lin!" Peter used the Linde summoning technique.

"With me here, why are you panicking?" Linde was very calm, and he used the most proficient transformation technique.

The Green Goblin's triumphant smirk echoed through the clock tower. "Goodbye, Peter!" He pressed the detonator.


Gwen squeezed her eyes shut.

The pumpkin bombs suddenly turned into bouquets of flowers, and with the loud explosion, her skirt danced wildly in the flowers and air currents.

The colorful roses and carnations are falling down one after another.

Harry Osborn stepped on the aircraft to chase down to check the results.

"Peter, how about the surprise I prepared? How do you feel now?"

Then he saw the young couple kissing in the sea of ​​flowers.

The Green Goblin's face turned green.

Linde greeted him, "Hey, Harry, you can't stand this couple, can you? Why don't we go for a walk?"

Harry Osborn was silent for a while, jumped off the aircraft, and stood side by side with Linde to watch the two of them chew their faces over there.

The Green Goblin was puzzled, "When are they going to kiss?"

"Last time I stood next to them for two full minutes as if I didn't exist."

The Green Goblin was thoughtful, then suddenly drew out his dagger, ready to stab Linde beside him.

But before he shot, he found that a pistol had been pushed into the back of his head.

Linde had been guarding against this move for a long time, "Don't move. I won't be soft-hearted."

Harry Osborn's face was gloomy, "Who the hell are you? Why did you help Peter?"

"I am a wizard." Linde smiled, "I will make up for the regret."

"Liar! You are a liar just like Spider-Man!"

Linde suddenly raised his hand and pulled out the soul of the Green Goblin.

Harry Osborn was affected by the spider venom and gave birth to the personality of the Green Goblin, and his soul was also in a distorted state, and the core consciousness was almost split into two.

"Lin, is Harry still alive?" Peter leaned forward, his lips swollen like two sausages.

"You want to save him?" Linde is also very clear about Peter's disposition of repaying hatred with kindness. Just like Batman, he implements the principle of not killing villains, and he will be harmed instead of killing snakes. Naturally, there is a certain reason for doing so. After all, superheroes cannot adjudicate a person's death on behalf of public power.

But Linde always believes that homomorphic revenge should be preserved. A tooth for a tooth, blood for blood, very simple truth. For super criminals, even if the amulet of mental illness is moved out, at least their ability to continue to cause trouble should be removed, rather than simply imprisoned.

"The Harry I know is a nice guy."

"I could draw out his villainous personality, but doing so would be very risky."

All magic involving the soul may have accidents, especially high-risk operations such as dividing the soul. Even if Linde has studied related ritual magic, there is no guarantee of a 100% success rate.

The soul of Harry the Green Goblin begged for mercy, making a hollow voice: "Peter, I'm sorry. Let me go... I'm in pain... I beg you. Aren't you Spider-Man? You said you would bring hope."

"Lin, I can't ask for more help from you. Please forgive my greed," Peter looked at the wizard with his lovable brown eyes, "for one last time, please help me remove the evil side of Harry."

The Goblin's spirit screamed, "No! You can't do this! I'm a psycho!"

Linde looked at the group of twisted souls calmly, "Before you split the Green Goblin personality, you cooperated with the Electrons because you were desperate and killed some security personnel of the Osborne Group. When you ordered the Electrons to commit crimes, When you witness others die in front of you, have you ever thought that your own life will also be crushed by stronger people?"

"I'm desperate, I just want to live."

"Because of this, you are still worthy of being saved. The Green Goblin's personality is damned, but Harry Osborn is a poor man struggling to survive." Linde's hand lit up with a blue magical aura, "Go to sleep, Harry, the nightmare will go."

Harry's soul was overwhelmed by the bright light.

The consciousness of the Green Goblin was fixed by precise soul spells, and then stripped out, together with a small part of the attached memory, stored in the soul stone.

When Linde stuffed the remaining soul back into Harry Osborn's body, the empty flesh and blood suddenly took a deep breath, and then passed out. Peter hurried forward to check his friend's condition.

Gwen on the side sighed, she was used to being ignored by her boyfriend.

"Stacy, is your father okay?"

"He's fine, what's the matter?"

"Well, it's fine." Linde nodded, "It seems that the mission has been successfully completed."

Gwen looked curious, "What mission? By the way, De Lin, why did you only become a transfer student for one day? Also, what did you mean when you said time travel?"

Linde winked at her, "Such an interesting experience, do you need me to tell you? It can be used as a conversation piece for you young lovers, and you can talk slowly for a lifetime."

Gwen blushed, "Peter? This idiot, an ass, I don't want to talk to him forever."

Peter looked up in a panic, glanced at Gwen, read her mind, couldn't help scratching his head and pretending to be stupid.

He knew that Gwen had experienced the moment of life and death, and felt that he had failed to teach Harry a big lesson, and he was very upset, but Gwen appreciated Peter's kindness and compassion, so he calmed down.

Gwen also knew that Peter understood her eyes.

She was full of joy.

Linde pressed his forehead, "I really can't stand the atmosphere of your young couple. You don't treat me as a human being at all, do you?"

Both Peter and Gwen smirked, and then Harry Osborn, who fell to the ground, suddenly smirked too.

"Harry! You're awake."

"Yeah, man, it was like a nightmare, man, I'm glad I'm still awake."

The four of them walked out of the bell tower, got into the fast food truck, and chatted non-stop. Peter couldn't bear his girlfriend's flirting, so he finally let go and told the story of the fast food truck traveling through time and space, triggering Gwen and Harry's conflicts. There was a scream of horror.

"You mean I was going to die?!" Gwen widened her eyes, and then suddenly laughed, "Did you feel sad after I died?"

"It's like a heart being torn apart." Peter's eyes were filled with sadness like a lagging dog.

Then the two little lovers gnawed on it again.

Harry was still apologizing, but now he and Linde covered their noses and yelled, "Damn, bitch!"

Linde gave them a ride, Gwen and Harry got out of the car one after another, and finally returned to Peter's house. Both Uncle Ben and Aunt May were safe and sound.

"I gotta go."

After Peter hugged everyone, he stood by the cab and looked up at Linde, "Lin, you are a true friend and an amazing wizard."

"I know that." Linde patted the steering wheel, "The energy of the food truck is almost exhausted. I have to leave quickly. Is there anything else you want to say?"

"Can we meet again?"

"If you try harder and learn magic, I think we'll meet again."

The sun is about to rise, and the street is still cold, but it is getting warmer a little bit. The orange-colored fast food truck is bathed in the morning light, like a warm orange.

Peter watched Linde drive, slammed on the accelerator, and the fast food truck turned into a rainbow and disappeared at the end of the street.

This should be considered a reunion drama, right? Except for Electro not being able to save in time (poor Miles), it felt okay, and when I wrote about these characters laughing, I couldn't help but laugh along with it for a while. Everyone should be happy too.

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