The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 218 Do you want to be beaten?

Galactus is a god of creation, and his own strength is weaker than that of several other cosmic entities. He often has embarrassing performances in comics, and is often overturned by a car for no reason. Obviously the setting is very strong, but the actual performance is very funny. So there is the stalk of "the invincible Swallowing Star has fallen again".

Lin De did not dare to underestimate Tun Xing because of this, saying that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

It is also a rare experience to be able to play against a strong player of this level.

He showed the utmost respect.

Unfold the Book of Mora, command the stars with the secret summoning magic, the ancient pulse of the universe is in tune with the Kingdom of God, and the alien domain swallowed by the library tower is slowly reconstructed in the chanting of Mora and Linde.

Mysterious and obscure spells were uttered, and in the dark and boundless deep sky, the distant stars in the universe trembled. The spectrum of starlight turned into a strange and treacherous green. kilometers of neural networks.

The magical aura is transmitted along the ganglion where the starlight gathers, and the energy of one pulse is comparable to the radiation released by the sun in one minute.

Using the body of the demon god in the Book of Mora as the carrier, magical wisdom as the lever, and spiritual power as the fulcrum, it leverages the power of the stars in the universe, interferes with the Higgs field, and warps time and space.

The original flat space-time began to curl up into a sphere, and once it was closed, it would form an independent small universe. The laws of physics inside this space would be controlled by Linde, and it would be at the right time and place. Almost enough to deal with Galactus.

When Galactus discovered his actions, his heart was shocked, and he rushed over immediately, trying to stop Linde's ritual magic.

Sol stood in front of Tun Xing.

"Hey! Old God, if you want to touch friends from Asgard, you have to pass me first!"

The towering giant leaned over and punched, moving swiftly, hitting Sol who was caught off guard.

The thin air was squeezed out by the sonic boom by the huge fist, and the powerful shock wave spread along the direction of the punch. Sol's whole body was like an iron projectile being excited by a ton of TNT primer, and it was launched with a bang, pointing directly at Linde who was suspended in mid-air.

Seeing the shells approaching, Linde had to interrupt his concentration and use telekinetics to counteract Thor's momentum.

The moment Nianli touched Sol, he had the illusion of blocking the EMU with a net bag.

Linde let out a muffled snort, and pressed Sol's back, and the two were pushed and flew a mile, before stopping when they hit a piece of palace ruins.

Thor's nose collapsed from the punch, and the handsome blond man turned into a clock tower geek. Fortunately, he had strong resilience, so he inserted his fingers into his nostrils and pulled out the collapsed bridge of his nose.

"It's amazing." Sol's tone became more serious, "You can't wrestle with him."

Lynd asked him, "Is the great Thor afraid?"

"Hey!" Saul yelled offended, then nodded coyly, "kind of. I mean, this guy's that big. He's one finger thicker than our waists."

Linde nodded, he flipped through the book of Mora, went to the column of the transformation system, the sub-entry "Encyclopedia of buffs suitable for humanoid creatures", and then began to add buffs to Thor, the colorful magic aura is like pulling fireworks The crackling popped out, Sol's face was covered with a thick layer of aura, and his body swelled up like a water balloon.

The spell cast by Mora's power was filled with the breath of the alien god, and tentacles began to appear on Sol's face. After the effect was over, he had to perform a purification ceremony, otherwise he would be seriously polluted.

However, these spells cost a lot, and the effect is naturally very good.

Thor turned into a titan, with skin as black as pig iron, and the sound of his heart beating like a cowhide drum. In terms of physique, he was almost on par with Tun Xing. The two strong men with a height of 100 meters looked at each other from a distance, and there was a fighting spirit in each other's eyes.

"Lin, do you have any weapons at hand?"

Linde cast an expansion spell on the hammer, and Mjolnir didn't resist his magic, so he became as big as a house, which was just right for him.

Sol grasped the sledgehammer, rushed forward to start a hand-to-hand fight with Tun Xing, avoided the opponent's straight punch, saw the opening, hit the jaw with a hammer, and knocked Tun Xing out of the atmosphere.

Dots of divine blood were sprinkled on the hammer head, and it seemed that the defense had been broken.

Thor raised his arms and growled.

The Asgardians cheered.

Seeing her father being beaten, Jiali was anxious and angry, and flew to Sol and shouted: "Stop, it's just a misunderstanding! Stop beating!"

Sol was eager to save the country, so of course he didn't want to let Tunxing interfere with Linde. Seeing the ancient giant god come back in the form of a magnificent beam of light, he immediately stood up for battle.

Seeing that Jiali couldn't persuade him, she turned back to persuade her father, but Uncle Tun was not happy at the moment, and waved Jiali back.

"Ganata, let the father teach you how to fight. From now on, you will also use strength to guard your dignity."

His body was filled with cosmic energy, and his whole body turned into a photon state. He flashed in front of Sol in an instant, punched his stomach with an uppercut with his right hand, and made Sol arch his waist. .


A mushroom cloud of photons exploded on Thor's face.

The smooth and smooth fast attack left Sol without time to react, and he was directly dizzy by the terrifying impact comparable to a supernova explosion. A dozen tentacles intertwined on his face exploded, and when he spurted blood, more than a dozen broken tentacles spit out. the teeth of.

The giant was wounded, and the blood spilled like a rainstorm.

Sol was stunned, and he swung the hammer wildly with the instinct of a warrior. When he hit the swallowing star, it was like gouging a thick pool of mud. The impact force was offset by more than half, and it was useless except for the swallowing star to sway slightly. to speak of.

There was a cold smile on Tun Xing's serious face, he raised his hand and grabbed Sol's head, and punched his abdomen and chest continuously. Thor's back swelled up with small humps, and his chest and abdomen were full of crater-like depressions. , and pressed him to the ground again, hitting him repeatedly, it is not a lie to say that the landslide and the earth are cracked at this moment.


Thor exploded with thunder and pushed away the star, but his footsteps were already staggering.

Linde continued to cast unfinished spells not far away, chanting incantations quickly, and her mouth was about to burst into flames. Seeing that Sol in front of him was struggling alone, she glanced at Yemengard aside, and she had already spit out most of the magic pen. After recycling this pen, the disaster will come to an end.

Tun Xing's eyes passed Sol, and locked on Linde like a searchlight.

In an instant, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and the biological stress instinct still existed, and the premonition of death was like an apple's alarm clock, causing cardiopulmonary arrest.

But this did not affect Linde's chanting of the mantra, and his mood was still very calm.

In the blink of an eye for one-fourteenth, Tun Xing's huge body flashed in front of Linde.

Afterwards, Photon punched down heavily.

Linde looked up, as if the sun was falling on him.

The secret incantation in his mouth has come to an end, and the evil pronunciation is like rubbing glass with a saw blade.

At the very moment, Jiali flashed above Linde and opened her arms to block the fist.

Tun Xing's face changed, and the punch was too late to stop.

Linde's eyes reflected Gali's back, and the stream of white charged particles in front of her was like a radiant storm.

Before Jiali's body was completely submerged by this punch, Linde uttered the last word.

The brilliance of the stars suddenly went out.

Also extinguished was the wind of the fist swung by Tun Xing.

Gali was covered in scars all over her body. She was hovering in the air, and together with the dust of the earth, the elegy of the Asgardians, the throbbing thunder, and the time in this area, she was also stagnant.

Everything is still, only Linde moves freely.

Linde took the scarred Jiali into his arms, pressed her forehead and chanted softly: "[Healing as before], [Healing as before]..."

Linde breathed a sigh of relief when Jiali's injury healed slightly, and looked up at Tun Xing, who was as silent as a sculpture.

Tun Xing's body twisted slightly, he was trying to enter Linde's event flow and get rid of the influence of time suspension.

Linde snapped his fingers, and time flowed again.

Tun Xing stared at the tiny wizard with a puzzled expression, "You?!"

Linde smiled calmly at him, "Are you planning to surrender, or do you want to be beaten severely before surrendering?"

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