The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 232 Planeswalker Arrives at Morag

That night Obadiah knelt in front of Tony and begged for mercy. Without the steel armor, Obadiah was not the villain Iron Overlord, but just an ordinary bad old man who had no power to resist the magic armor.

Tony didn't intend to kill this former family member, but decided to put Obadiah in prison.

On the second day, he showed up at the dock on time, ready to test the flight as originally planned.

"Hello, Stark."

This is the exact words of Linde's greeting with Tony, and it is also the headline of the "New York Times".

On the same day, a large number of reporters were invited to the Xinggang Dock for live interviews, and there were also many people watching outside the Stark Industrial Park.

On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin entered space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft, becoming the first human on Earth to leave his parent star in history. Eight years later, American astronaut Neil Armstrong landed on the moon.

After the end of the Cold War, the space race that was once in full swing also came to an end with the fall of the giants. The pace of human exploration of the universe has slowed down abruptly, and the space colonization in the science fiction of the last century is nowhere in sight. The competition for space among countries is limited to launching more artificial satellites to occupy low-Earth orbit, instead of investing a lot of manpower and material resources into deep space. explore.

Until today, a private company announced that they will start traveling the galaxy.

The alien invasion that happened in London a few days ago made human beings realize that they are not alone in the universe. People and governments all over the world have turned their attention to the stars again.

Now everyone understands that the universe is full of vitality and malice, and human beings are always unafraid to speculate on alien civilizations with the greatest malice, because the history of this race is the history of war. Human beings have a hunch that they may be involved in the interstellar war at any time, and be crushed as a weak local civilization.

The sense of group crisis was first reflected in the financial market. The stock prices of companies related to the space program soared, and a new track was opened. Just when all technology companies were gearing up and preparing to make money in the sea, Stark Industries suddenly fired the first shot into space, which shocked the whole world.

It was as if when everyone was still crossing the river by feeling for the stones, someone suddenly jumped and flew to the opposite bank with little steps, giving the whole world a little Stark shock.

If this test flight is successful, Stark Industries can be directly recorded in history.

The genius engineer and scientist Tony Stark is once again expected to be great.

Facing the reporter's camera, the young billionaire looked indifferent and tired, rather reticent, as if he had experienced an accident that exhausted his mind and body.

"Mr. Stark, may I ask if your company's space vehicle is related to the alien civilization that appeared in London?"

"No comment."

"Does your company's aircraft use the technology of the German army during World War II?"

"What are you kidding?"

"May I ask why the helm of your company, Mr. Stanislav, did not attend the scene?"

Tony turned his head abruptly, "Obadiah Stanislav has been accused of multiple crimes, and the company has initiated the dismissal process. From now on, he has nothing to do with Stark Industries. His successor will be Pepper Poe Ms. Ci."

Pepper looked more shocked than the reporter.

"Tony." She lowered her voice. "What are you talking about?"

The playboy was not serious in front of the camera, he raised his hand and touched Pepper's cheek, showing a frivolous smile, "I'm going on a long trip, probably tens of thousands of light years away. I may not be able to come back when. I have to find Someone I can trust to run the company. I don't know anyone else I can trust other than you."

Tony's bodyguard and driver silently shrugged. He really wanted to say, boss, you and me. But seeing Pepper's teary eyes, he didn't interrupt the farewell after all.

Surrounded by cameras and flashing lights, the astronauts boarded the ship one after another, and people were amazed by their appearance.

The astronauts in my impression have to wear heavy spacesuits, each of which represents the best physique, the strongest will and rationality of human beings, so that they can resist the loneliness and darkness of outer space.

But look at these guys, a young boy in a wizard robe, a tall beauty in a blue dress, a girl in a sweatshirt and jeans, and finally a businessman in a suit. It doesn't look like a cutting-edge talent operating a space vehicle, but an ordinary tourist flying a commercial airliner.

Questions were raised one after another at the scene, and everyone watched these people walk into the aircraft that walked like willow leaves and goose feathers. A blond female reporter shouted: "What is the name of this ship?"

The four people on board all stopped, looked at each other, and finally they all looked at Linde.

The wizard thought for a while and said, "Let's call it Planeswalker."

There are a total of five consoles on the bridge. Tony is the main pilot, Linde is the co-pilot next to him, the navigator Yueying sits in the center, and Gali sits in the back row and is in charge of the defense system and weapon system.

The spaceship started, and the bridge launched a holographic projection, projecting the scene around the ship to the inner layer. The operators seemed to be floating in mid-air, and could clearly observe the surrounding scene.

"Planesplanet, Planesplanet, this is the control tower, over." The radio sent a message from the staff.

"Tower, tower, this is Planeswalker, please open the dome, over."

The dome of the dock is slowly opened under the control of sixteen telescopic hydraulic arms, the skylight is cast, and the gantry cranes around the hull are slowly withdrawn, giving a space for vertical lifting.

The reporters excitedly witnessed this scene, giving out cheers like baboons.

Inside the spaceship, Tony looked at Pepper Potts who kept waving among the crowd on the ground, and then looked up at the clear sky. He couldn't help showing a relaxed smile. He turned his head and gave Linde an unprofessional military salute, "Oh, Captain , my captain, please order."

"Let's go, target, Morag Star."

Tony started the engine.

The anti-gravity engine lifts the Planeswalker lightly, and looking at its steady posture, people can guess that this test flight has been very successful.

The spacecraft rose into the sky, like a kite leaving with the wind, without turning back, passing through the fluffy clouds, passing through the ionosphere, leaving the synchronous orbit, and the communication with the control tower along the way was very smooth.

As the altitude continued to climb, the blue sky became increasingly dimmer and gradually turned purple, and then the brilliance of the stars began to emerge, and the ground under their feet showed a clear arc. At one end, the Appalachian Mountains on the east coast, and almost the entire Pacific Ocean can be seen.

When the sky became dark, looking around, you can see the arc of the atmosphere wrapping the earth. At this time, the gravity is already very weak, and the spacecraft turns on artificial gravity.

"Tower tower, we will make the first space transition, over."

"Received, good luck to you, over."

Tony took a deep breath and pushed the joystick firmly. The starlight in front of the spaceship began to turn blue and stretched into a line, while the starlight behind it began to glow red. The spaceship advances rapidly. When the speed exceeds light, a honeycomb space-time grid structure appears in front of it. This is a space jump tunnel unique to the Marvel Universe. The spaceship enters the tunnel and disappears from the solar system immediately.


Morag star.

A song of Redbones' "Come and Get Your Love" rings across the desolate surface of this abandoned planet.

The Planeswalker landed on the rocky plain, and everyone landed one after another. A stereo was floating beside Linde, playing old songs from the last century. Everyone whistled and shook their heads to the rhythm of the music. In such a gloomy, miserable and humid world, the music from the earth makes the atmosphere very joyful.

Tony took Ms. Moon Shadow's hand and danced an impromptu tango, and then he noticed another strange spaceship broke through the clouds and landed ahead.

"Hey, Captain, we've got company."

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