The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 304 Chapter 333 Lily's Success

Chapter 304 Chapter 303 Lily's Success

Lily is very adaptable to the new atmosphere brought by the "Handbook". Potions textbooks focus on practical operations, and any whimsical ideas are applied in the crucible. Regardless of Ms. Helena's guidance and innovation, the underground classroom is always smoky Lingering, the crucible that should explode will explode sooner or later, and the accident that should happen will happen sooner or later.


There was a sudden boil in a cauldron that was brewing an improved version of the euphoria potion, and there was a horrifying sound. The Ravenclaw witch standing beside her was staring at the boiling potion helplessly, while her assistant backed away in fright.

Lily stepped forward to check, seeing that something was wrong, she quickly cast a spell to empty the pot of agitation potion.

"What ingredients did you add to the potion?"

"Salamander scale powder, ma'am, is what the Handbook told me."

"Then this formula is not successful, my dear." Lily made a conclusion, "Don't blame yourself, failure is just a common thing, remember to tell Ms. Helena what you found."

She looked around and said to other students in the classroom: "Go ahead and try, and don't forget to copy the successful formula with memory ink."

The senior wizards nodded, and then, all kinds of unexpected situations occurred frequently, either the potion on this side changed color, or the cauldron on the other side cracked.

"Huh, luckily it's Ms. Collins. If Snape were here instead, she would have lost her temper."

Some people couldn't help muttering, the voice of the old bat came out from the side door of the classroom, "Ms. Collins, come to talk?"

"Snape, it's still class time."

"I think it's necessary, teaching assistant." Snape specifically emphasized the role of teaching assistant.

Lily shook her head helplessly. She apologized and asked Linde for help, "Take care of the classroom for me, please?"

Linde was working as an assistant for Percy, and he smiled when he heard this, and motioned her to just deal with the old bat. The other Gryffindor students silently lip-synced, probably to say cheers. They regarded Lily as a warrior who ran into the snake's den alone.

Lily came to Snape's office, a strange miniature cloud of lead floated above the cauldron, and Snape sat behind the desk, wearing a pair of black-framed eyes, looking down at a black notebook. Lily knew that this was not the "Manual". Although it looked similar, the details were different.

"What are you doing?" Lily asked curiously.

She quietly approached the desk and sniffed the smell of medicine in the air. It was a strange smell that she couldn't describe, but it made her feel familiar. The memory of smell is the deepest. A smell often carries many thoughts. Lily felt that she had smelled a similar smell of medicine before, but she couldn't remember where it was.

"I should ask you this question. Collins, Hogwarts Potions class does not produce waste products, you are allowing these idiots to waste precious raw materials." Snape didn't look up, and the hair that hadn't been washed for a few days came back again. It becomes oily and hangs down like an old blanket.

Lily asked back: "Could it be possible that all potion formulas can appear out of thin air? This is a necessary waste."

"I don't think you have forgotten that their job is to be students." Snape looked up, his face was sallow and weak, but he was full of energy, and a little candlelight could reflect a bright cold light on his eyeballs, "examination The content of the textbook will not require them to use ingenious methods to make medicines, and those formulas that are not included in the teaching materials will be judged as wrong answers."

"...They are just verifying Ms. Helena's conjecture."

"It seems that you still don't understand Potions." Snape said meaningfully, "How much savings do you think Hogwarts has to allow seven grades and hundreds of students to continue wasting potions? Yield rate is a must According to the indicators, students make potions, and after selling them, use the profits to purchase new raw materials, so as to ensure that the school’s finances will not have a huge gap, and even make a small profit... I understand what I mean.”

Lily found that she couldn't refute, so she puffed her mouth in annoyance. This subconscious action reveals the ingenious charm of a young witch. She is usually serious and friendly, but some small actions are still childish. Women in their twenties often beautifully Leaves people speechless.

Snape's expression was slightly dazed, he quickly lowered his head, and continued to stare at the complicated formula in the book.

"Snape, are you busy now?"

"Yes, you can go. Remember to close the door."

"I'm just a temporary teaching assistant." Lily didn't leave instead, she conjured up a chair and sat down, "You are the professor of this course, and I have reason to believe that you are squeezing my labor force."

"You have received your salary. Besides, I think you really like the class. You should be happy to spend time with Mr. Potter, whom you admire day and night." Snape pretended to be flattering, but he didn't even raise his eyes.

"I want to resign."

"..." Snape picked up the ladle and stirred it clockwise in the cauldron. He hesitated for a while before asking, "Can you hold on for a few more days? I don't want to interfere with your teaching."

Lily smiled and said, "I've never seen the potion you're making now. What's it for?"

"I told you it's none of your business."

Snape gouged out the insatiable witch, and the smoke from the cauldron continued to merge into the tiny cloud above. Soon, the potion in the cauldron dried up, and he took out his wand and cast a weather spell, and the cloud The regiment began to thunder and rain, and the jet-black potion quickly filled half of the cauldron.

Lily watched this unusual pharmaceutical process in amazement, but Snape's expression was not good.

"What, failed?"

The old bat looked dejected and livid, and nodded silently.

"Is there a conflict between your spell and the potion?" Lily said, "Let me help you. I have researched on this."

Snape didn't want to admit that he needed an assistant, so his eyes wandered and his expression was stiff.

Lily spoke one step ahead of him: "I don't need to ask what potion you want to brew, but as long as you make it one day earlier, you can return to class one day earlier, isn't that right? Then my wish is the same as yours."

"I do not need."

"Ha, I remember that someone is still my defeat. Let a real master tell you what is the skill of boiling medicine."

Snape was very angry, he trembled all over, but seeing the delicate and smug smile of the female assistant in front of him, he held back his words.

The witch held out her hand.

Snape stared at her white catkin with distaste, like staring at a mass of molting snails, and slowly stretched out his hand.

Lily snickered that he was like a child, grabbed Snape's palm, and shook hands generously. Her palm was as soft as a daffodil petal, and as strong as a mother.

"Okay, since we shook hands, we have made an agreement and we are not allowed to go back on our word, okay?"

Snape obediently agreed, and his mood became bad because of it. Seeing the witch smiling slyly made him feel even worse.

He had no choice but to comfort himself secretly, everything would be fine when Lily was resurrected. At that time, this self-righteous Ivana Collins can also leave her sight and never bother her again.

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