The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 405 Chapter 444 Zero! zero! zero!

Chapter 405 Chapter 404 Zero! zero! zero!

Menger turned around, held up the trident, and opened his arms, with a look of warm welcome. He can be regarded as personable, obviously intending to kill someone, yet he speaks in such a gentle manner.

Then he saw the "VIP".

On the day the golden tree decayed, Ge Fulei had already received the news and set off for the junction.

At the beginning, he and his soldiers were deprived of blessings by his wife Malika and expelled from the border area. This was not because Malika killed the donkey, but to escape the golden law.

There has always been no success in reforms from top to bottom. In order to rebel against the golden law, Malika personally drove her husband away. The eldest son she valued most died in a conspiracy. chamber. Such a sacrifice can be said to be tragic and decisive, but it did not destroy the golden tree, it just turned the border into a chaotic world and a mess.

The kindling of hope lies in those who have been driven out, returned to the bottom, and faded with nothing. Only by staying out of the way and starting from the humble beginnings can it be possible to reshape the new sky.

In the end, it was indeed an outsider who eliminated the Golden Law. A Faded One was supposed to take the throne, but Lind had a better solution, once and for all.

Ge Fulei expected that he should be the last guarantee to solve the Golden Law and shoulder this heavy mission, but the direction of the situation was really unexpected. After he came back and saw the chaos at the border, he had the will to rebuild the country. The Golden Law Fa is gone, life must go on.

The biggest hidden danger in the borderland now is to get these fragmented kings of the Great Rune. They have the ability and ambition to compete in the world and aspire to win Rodel. This is their pursuit.

Since ancient times, the ruling system of Junction Land has been one god and one king. The god and the king are the exterior and interior of each other. The god is the container of the law, and the king is the forerunner of the emperor. Without a king, the law will decline, and without a god, the world will be in chaos. In the social system of the borderlands, the law is an ideological structure, which penetrates into everyone's life, making people in it and unable to break free, and the violent institution that upholds the law is the King of Elden.

Munger intends to become king, first of all he needs to find his own god. Although he is favored by the real mother of the outer gods, he wants to lead the real mother to come to the junction. Put the law of blood into it, and make a difference.

"Monger, I'm so disappointed."

Uncle Ge is holding a huge ax and using it as a crutch. Although he is a mortal, he is muscular and muscular, which is not much worse than the Fragment King with the protection of the Great Rune. The ancient heroes are all burly and extraordinary, even if it is a full moon Queen Reinara, a delicate woman, can easily block Yao Ming, and Linde, a guy of average height on earth, learns to look up at people at the border.

Linde casually persuaded from the side: "Age, stop it, there is no good thing in Outer God, and their kidneys don't use anesthetics. Of course, you are not a good guy. It's okay for a dog to bite a dog, but you are dangerous. The flowers and plants in the border area turned the Platinum Son into a red-skinned monster, lured the battlefield doctor to curse the soldiers, and even kidnapped the elder brother of the disabled woman, this is your fault."

Marenia quietly moved away from Linde quietly. With her festered eyes hidden under the flying wing helmet, she looked at the cocoon of the god-man sleeping on the high altar. Michaela in the cocoon, the breath of pure gold was stained by blood, and became strange.

Munger looked at this group of strongmen, and said the defeat line in advance: "Mikayla is mine..."

"Shut up!" Uncle Ge jumped up violently, and threw the ax violently in the air. The huge ax made a terrifying sound of breaking the wind, smashing his good son into a stagger, and he almost didn't get hit by the trident.

"Three!" Menger made a decisive decision and launched the countdown curse. This is a terrifying blood ceremony that attracts the power of the outer gods and casts a blood curse on the enemy. Every time the countdown is performed, the curse will be deepened by one ring, and the accumulated triple curse will explode. As a result, the cursed person lost all his blood and turned into a mummified corpse.

The trident raised and stabbed into the void, and the air above his head seemed to have turned into plump flesh, and blood was spurted out by a stab. What the trident pierced was the flesh and blood of the Mother of Reality, and her cursed blood flowed out of the void.

As the ceremony started, a ring of bright red mantras was put on the outside of everyone present, and the vicious words of the mantra swirled around their waists, making people's blood boil.

Linde looked down at the spell. Powerful words can produce extraordinary effects just by reading them. The spirituality in the mantra points to a certain divine existence. Linde recited it twice in his heart, and his spiritual consciousness floated out of the sky along the induction.


Facing Munger's stubborn resistance, Ge Fulei was not angry but happy, "Okay, okay, Munger, we haven't seen our father and son for many years, so let's get close to each other!"

The spirit lion "The Beast Throsh" who has been crouching on his shoulders has turned into a real body, and he happily double rowed with Uncle Ge. Throsh's strength is no less than that of the masters of the border, even if it is the fragment king "Limb Grip" Grek No, they have to be beaten all over the place looking for hands. The strength of the combination of the two is even stronger. For a while, Ge Fulei's aura increased sharply, and he was very unhappy.

Meng Ge, the majestic blood king, faced his white-haired father, but was beaten so weakly that he couldn't fight back.

On a whim, Uncle Ge tore off his coat suddenly, revealing a body of muscular body that made Schwarzenegger ashamed and jealous. Three times, the horn as strong as steel in his hand was also broken, and then he was thrown high into the air, and kicked back to the ground.

Bang! ——

Smoke billowed.

Munger was like a pool of mud, poured into the huge pit.

The furnace knight duo shook their heads when they saw it.

It's too awful.

Marlenia didn't care about the father-son battle, and flew to Mikaela, gently holding his palm. This always petite god-man is now monstrously deformed and gigantic, reminiscent of Gold Godwin's swollen corpse after death.

"Mikayla, it's mine..." Menger stood up, raised his hand to recall the trident, and started the third countdown.


Millicent already felt that the blood in her body was piercing the inner wall of the blood vessel like a needle. It's like they've been injected with an evil will and can't wait to escape from their bodies.

"Lind...I don't feel right...Are you okay? I have to stop him."

The female swordsman never knew how to write back, so she drew out her long knife and rushed towards Menger.

Geoffrey, Marenia, the two chief furnace knights, all sensed that something was wrong, and rushed towards Munger, intending to wait until he completed the ceremony.

Menger laughed wildly, holding the trident with both hands, the ceremony started, and the sky of the underground world was shrouded in blood.

The ominous omens have already made people frightened.

I won—Munger's eyes were full of pleasure.

He raised his trident and thrust it into the sky, into the flesh of the Mother of Reality.

"Zero! Zero! Zero!"

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