The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 527 Silvanus’ Gaze

The children among the tiefling refugees were of their own kind. The adults were busy with defense and taking care of their lives and had no time to discipline them, so these children became lawless.

Lind took Arabelle out of the temple. Many people were relieved to see that the little girl was safe, including the druids - most of them were following orders and could not bear to drive away the refugees.

After the archdruid left, Kaha became the supreme commander of the forest, equivalent to the head of the cult. Her words were authoritative, so no matter how hard she couldn't bear it, she could only do it.

"Little girl, tell me, why did you steal the statue of Silvanus?" Linde squatted down to be eye level with the girl.

"Boss Moore said that as long as the idol is stolen, the druids will no longer be able to use their magic, and we will not be driven out."

The two companions behind him couldn't help but shake their heads. The naive children were wishful thinking, but they had good intentions.

Linde said sharply: "I'm afraid your motive is more than that."

Arabelle looked panicked, but she still wanted to pretend that she didn't know what to do.

"The statue of Silvanus has been blessed by divine power. This is not comparable to the holy emblems and amulets on the street. Your friend asked you to steal, and he must have planned to sell the statue for a large sum of money, right? ?”

"Boss Moore did say that, but I didn't steal because of the money! I just wanted to prevent my parents from being kicked out."

The little girl wiped her red eyes, and both Gale and Will couldn't help but comfort her.

Lind was unmoved by the tears. He was the kind of adult whose heart had already died. He just said coldly: "It seems that you don't know the consequences of stealing the idol. Just a little bit away, the druid will fight with Tiv Lin started an all-out war, and a group of heavily armed natural spellcasters faced off against a group of refugees in their homeland. The result was a massacre, and your parents, the Moore boss you talked about, and all the people in the tribe would die."

Arabelle's dark purple skin was as white as putty, and she was trembling all over, immersed in the terrifying scene described by Lind.

"What you committed was blasphemy. But you should be glad that you provoked the loving Oak Father. He did not blame you. On the contrary, he inspired your potential."

"What potential?"

"The talent of contacting the magic network."

Linde grabbed the girl's arm and cut her palm open with his dagger.

"Ouch! What are you doing?"

He used the girl's blood as a spellcasting material to perform ritual magic of the prophecy school.

When the detection ceremony was completed, an icy blue aura enveloped Arabelle, and then dots of emerald green aura emerged from the girl's body, representing the excellent Druid talent.

The wilderness magic that filled the holy pool sang silently. Only beings with superb perception attributes could detect the strangeness. The druids paid attention to it one after another. Even those druids who were performing the Thorn Ceremony and immersed in meditation also came out of the state of concentration. He broke away and looked at Arabelle with surprise.

"So beautiful...I can feel, they are singing..." She forgot about the pain of the wound.

Linde smiled faintly. Arabelle was undoubtedly a lucky one. Her destiny was unique. Gods like to cultivate their own followers and always leave no trace. Unless they really value someone, they will not incarnate and come down to earth to receive them. At that time, Elminster was a wizard seed with excellent talents, and was personally taken care of by Mystra.

Arabelle's stealing of the idol is not necessarily just her own wish. To put it more mysteriously, it is also the arrangement of fate.

Sometimes fate is so wonderful. There are countless possibilities. If Arabelle had not stolen the idol, she would not have been favored by Silvanus. It was precisely because of her deviant and blasphemous act that she gained the seeds of power. .

Becoming a professional is different from being a civilian. If you have the power to resist when facing the monsters in Faerûn, you can be reused in the Kingdom of God after your death.

"You go home first, I will come back to you later." Linde waved the child away.

Arabelle ran away happily.

She ran for a few steps, then suddenly stopped, turned around and waved, "Thank you! Uncle Paladin!" After saying this, she ran away quickly with red cheeks. She was such a stinky child.

The power of the paladin's oath rolled in the left side of Lind's chest, like a hot coal. It is said that after doing good things, people are heart-warming. Paladin's promotion is really heart-warming in a physical sense - Lind touched his heart. The body temperature is nearly forty degrees.

The ancient magic contract book in his arms trembled. He opened it and saw that it showed the advancement progress of the paladin.

——Paladin: Oath of Devotion (64% at level 1) (the oath has not been formally established)

Oaths fulfilled: Help Greenwood (21%), forgive child Arabelle (43%)

"Interesting." Linde raised his eyebrows. The magic contract helped him quantify the paladin's oath, and he could see the upgrade progress intuitively.

The oath of the paladin and the magic contract of the warlock are actually similar in approach and effect. They both borrow external power, but the object of Paladin's oath is the force of the universe, while the object of the oath of the warlock is the powerful master. The so-called oath is the legal clause that Paladin uses to draw strength.

Warlocks can get rewards for riding horses for the lord, and Paladin can also get favors for fulfilling his oath.

However, the force of the universe is rather mysterious. A magician can have different opinions. Even if he hates his sect master, he can get paid just by running errands for others. But Paladin can't do it. The oath is both external and inward. If you doubt your oath, the power of the oath will be weakened or even disappear.

This is why there are basically no hypocrites in the Paladin community. Yue Buqun can be a gentleman's sword, but he cannot be a paladin because his heart is not pure.

Is Linde pure of heart?

He feels that he is quite pure.

Although he kills tomb robbers with traps, beats up human adventurers, and plots to massacre the goblin camp, he's still a good Paladin.

The paladin at level 1 is still too weak. Once he reaches level 2, he can perform Holy Slash.

Linde is connected to the Silver Magic Network, and as long as he has enough mental power, he can cast spells without restrictions. In other words, at level two, he can become a ruthless holy killing robot.

When the warlock deepens the magic bond of the blade at level 5, the paladin gains additional attacks at level 5. He has three dozen attacks in one round. With acceleration and bloodthirsty elixir, he can have up to three actions per round, and each action has three attacks. , that is, nine consecutive Holy Slashes within six seconds.

With such a powerful output, who the hell can resist it?

"Every day good things happen to good people. By the way, how did you know that something was going to happen to a little girl here?" the mage of Waterdeep asked tentatively, "I'm not saying what you did was wrong, but you seemed to be a little too skilled."

Lind said: "I am a prophet. And I have very good ears. Do you hear that?"

"What? Well, the chirping of insects and birds, the grunting of grizzly bears, and the chanting of druids. Are these what you are talking about, or some illusory sound from the underworld? For example, the voices of Bian Ren and I. , Didn’t the Mind Flayer’s tadpole reveal all these things?”

"No, I'm talking about singing. Come with me."

Linde hurried to the northeast of the holy pool and followed a winding downhill dirt road to a hidden river bend.

"What on earth did you hear?" Gale jogged to catch up.

Will said: "I just heard a woman singing and the sound of the lute. If you are looking for Miss Alfila in the woodland, then we are going the wrong way."

Linde just covered his head and hurried on. After walking for about a mile, the calm water of the Chongsa River spread out in front of him. There was a rocky rise in the shallow water area. Beautiful and ethereal singing floated from there for no reason, which made people's hearts shake. , confused and confused.

"What is this sound? It's so beautiful." Gale was still breathing heavily, but hearing such "fairy music" still made him feel refreshed.

Will frowned, "Something's wrong, it doesn't sound like a human or elf song."

Mage Gale's thoughts were racing, and he suddenly said in surprise: "Could it be a siren, or..."

"Bird demon." The three of them said in unison.

"Look at the river bank, there's a tiefling child there!" Gale broke away from singing and caught a glimpse of a small figure. The child was standing in a daze in the shallow water up to his ankles.

Apparently the child was beguiled by the harpy's song and would surely die if he didn't intervene.

For Linde, this was an experience before his eyes. He could not only save people, but also kill monsters. It was really satisfying to eat two things in one dish.

"We have to save people quickly!" Bian Bian made a quick decision and rushed forward. (End of chapter)

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