The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 544 The third kind of assassination

The ancient teleportation rune array is an exquisite magical structure suitable for short-distance teleportation within a range of five hundred miles.

The decapitation tactic that Linde wanted to implement relied on the teleportation circle.

There are two assassination methods in this world. One is to sneak into the enemy camp and behead people quietly, but the operation is quite difficult, so it is logical to derive the second method - kill everyone who sees you.

Legend has it that during the North American Revolutionary War, there was a man named Kang who was particularly proficient in the second assassination method.

But Linde decided to combine the two methods.

He planned to enter the enemy camp openly, directly carry the enemy leader on his shoulders, and teleport through the magic circle to the deserted wilderness, and then his group of heroes could do whatever they wanted.

(Improvised melee weapon, you are so powerful!)

By decapitating the goblins, the goblins will fall into a state of leaderless chaos, and then return to the emerald woodland to gather people for a general attack. This disaster will surely be quelled in one battle.

After Linde revealed his plan, most of his companions looked shocked. Their first reaction was that he was just thinking out of the blue. However, the strange thing was that the more everyone worked together, the more feasible the plan became.

In the end, I came to the conclusion that Linde is quite evil, otherwise he would not be able to come up with such evil tactics.

The seven people gathered together and murmured, improving the entire battle plan bit by bit.

Gale asked a question, "The teleportation circle is not opened for our family. What if the other party's leader also uses the magic circle to escape?"

"The use of the teleportation circle requires prior ritual preparation. If you open it rashly, you will probably get stuck in the channel like you. As soon as the war starts, they will have no time to teleport away."

Will wondered again: "Then how can we ensure that we can successfully take away the leader of the goblin army?"

"First of all, we have to win their basic trust. This is not difficult. We all have mind flayer tadpoles in our heads. Since the other party believes in the Supreme True God, they will regard us as true souls. When we can get closer to the target, by Karak and Raizel, who are the most powerful, are responsible for restraining the goblin leader and transporting people."

Karak took a deep breath excitedly, wishing he could do a set of punches on the spot to express his feelings, "Leave it to me!"

Raizel snorted coldly: "That's it."

Yingxin thought for a while and said: "I have no objection. But regarding the identity of the true soul master, what if those stupid goblins don't recognize it? We don't have the word true soul master written on our faces."

"It's easy, just leave it to you." Linde smiled at Ying Xin.


"That's right, you use disguise to transform yourself into a drow. Goblins and drow are in the same group."

Ying Xin couldn't help but laugh, "This is indeed a solution. You guys have to act more realistic later, so as not to reveal your secrets."

She spent the spellcaster and used a ritual to cast the disguise spell. A flash of spiritual light flashed, and the black-haired half-high elf beauty disappeared, replaced by a white-haired and purple-skinned drow woman.


Shadow Heart, who was pretending to be a female drow, smiled briefly, then straightened her face and said in a rough voice: "I am the second daughter of the Do'Urden family in Menzoberranzan. You surface slaves, why don't you be honest with me?" Son!"

"Hahaha!" Everyone burst out laughing, and some raised their hands, saying that they wanted to dress up as Drizzt Do'Urden and be a couple with her.

"It's a perfect disguise. Let's go to the abandoned village first and try the effect with the goblins entrenched there. Let's go."

To the west of the Verdant Woods, past Moon Sanctuary, is the abandoned Temple of Selune.

A goblin army transformed an abandoned temple into their smelly military camp.

A large number of goblins gathered in the square in front of the temple. They were noisy, they celebrated, they desecrated the reliefs of Selune with the holy symbols of the Supreme God, and covered the remains of the ruins with their ugly primitive wooden buildings. Nas received a pirate's prosthetic hand.

A group of true souls arrived at the pass outside the goblin camp in the afternoon.

When the vulgar goblin guarding the gate saw the female drow, he humbly led the warg out of the way.

The members of the adventure team were not surprised by this. They had previously passed by Moon Sanctuary, which was also occupied by goblins. The face of the female drow was a VIP card in front of the goblins.

"Is this what it feels like to swipe your face? It's really good." Karak's eyebrows were beaming, "I want to play like this too. Who can teach me the art of disguise?"

"A barbarian, ha." Will couldn't stand it any longer. "Karak, my suggestion is that you give up your fantasy as soon as possible. Magic is not your thing. Axes and javelins are what you love in life."

Karak, who suffered from professional discrimination, gritted his teeth viciously.

Everyone relaxed through the pass and headed towards the temple. After crossing a stone bridge lined with anti-horses, they could enter the enemy's base camp.

When they reached the bridge, suddenly, a strong spiritual tsunami flashed through the sky. This spiritual message came from somewhere hundreds of miles away in the west. It was so large that it covered hundreds of thousands of square miles of land along the Sea of ​​Swords.

Everyone in the adventure team was directly hit by this spiritual surge.

The mind flayer tadpoles in the brain became more excited than ever before, like a pug that had been wandering for ten years when it saw its owner. They excitedly ran around in everyone's minds, bringing a strange slippery feeling and pain as if their souls were being torn apart.

There is a majestic being—it must be the Mind Flayer Mastermind—connected to the minds of the adventurers.

She whispered in a hollow, distant, dull voice, like a church organ playing.

"Listen to my voice—obey, my command—"

The mastermind's spiritual pressure was so strong, it was a thousand times more powerful than the pressure when Lind ordered the Jackal Overseer to devour him.

Everyone just felt that their souls were humble in front of this voice, like a weed in front of a mountain torrent or a frost flower under the glacier.

No matter how strong their will to resist, they could not stop them from sitting weakly on the ground.

The senses were pulled into the abyss by the thoughts of the master brain. Everyone's eyes were filled with darkness, deeper than the night. Then three figures appeared in the darkness. The details could not be seen except for the outline, but their strong presence could be felt.

The three elects of the Supreme God, or in other words, the three elects of the three gods of death.

"They are my chosen ones, my representatives. Help them find weapons, and you will be qualified to stand in front of me. My power is increasing, my army is growing, and the moment of reckoning is coming..."

Just when everyone was about to surrender in front of this voice, a scorching orange light erupted in the darkness, tearing apart the mastermind's spiritual link.

The source of that light is the strange polyhedron in Shadow Heart's hand.

The Yankee Girl recognized it immediately, as this item was clearly a creation of the Githyanki, and it was also the weapon that the Order of the Supreme Being was searching for.

"Thief!" She looked at Ying Xin angrily, "What's your explanation?!"

Shadow Heart frowned and quickly put away the polyhedron, "No, I have nothing to explain. It belongs to me."

Linde rubbed his temples and raised his hand to stop the dispute, "Don't fight among yourself. Since this relic can protect us from the mastermind's control, it belongs to all of us. Let's unite as one and solve the parasite problem, and then think about it again The right of ownership of relics.”

Raizel and Shadowheart looked at each other angrily for a moment, snorted at each other, and turned away from each other.

Karak shrugged and commented sharply: "Oh my god, you two are just like children having a tantrum."

"Shut up!"*2

Karak raised his hands in surrender.

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