The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1119: Saint

The gate of the King's Palace slowly opened, and the sound of the roller under the gate turned like a dull thunder in the rainy weather.

Above the square in front of the temple, everyone's eyes were attracted, and even Guding was no exception.

The rumbling sound did not last long, and the door finally opened completely, and a Supa woman emerged from it.

Seeing the woman, everyone was stunned.

Because the suit color of the woman's body was plain white, only a few places were dotted with a few pieces of black fabric, but it was too unusual to look at it.

If you look closely, the woman is also very ordinary. Although she looks good, she has a plain face, and she hasn't done much makeup.

It was such an ordinary woman who came out of the king's palace that naturally made people feel a little surprised.

As soon as the woman stepped out of the gate, she shouted, "The saint is here!"

Hearing her cry, everyone finally knew her identity, and turned out to be just a maid in the palace of the king.

As the maid's voice swayed over the square in front of the temple, four women emerged from the king's palace.

Seeing the moment when several saints appeared, Gooding was completely stunned.

"Elizabeth and Medea, why are they here?" Liliat couldn't help asking.

"They should both be saints." The sea emperor was also speechless.

"You mean, all four of them are saints?" Liliat asked.

"It should be ..." The Sea Emperor hesitated slightly when he gave this answer.

With the appearance of the four daughters, in addition to several maids, there was an elderly old woman, who was the last one to step out of the door.

The mother-in-law looked extremely thin, and she was a little rickety, and in her hand was a purple cane made of unknown material. Walking slowly. On her left and right sides, there is a maid holding each other.

"Good mother-in-law!"

Seeing the grandmother appear, the four daughters of Elizabeth hurriedly greeted.

"Okay, okay, okay! You are all okay!" The old lady seemed to be in a good mood and nodded to the four girls with a smile.

Just after some greetings. The old woman turned her head to look at the square below, and her voice quickly cleared up, "The four saints in front of everyone are selected by the king personally, and their talents and potentials are all possible to achieve the super demon of the king. . And the king is also planning to arrange marriages for several saints through this feast of the king's road ... "

As soon as the old woman said this, she looked at the four girls very eagerly and became more and more eager.

"Everyone's performance on the road of the king this time. Both the lord and the four saints will see it. Everyone involved in the road of the king, including the affiliated places, as long as the performance is amazing enough, it is possible Become a son-in-law of the saint ... The wedding will be held in the palace of the king, and the king will come to congratulate him personally. "

Almost nothing was heard by the old woman. The saint, who has the qualifications and potential of the Holy King level, who can marry home is a blessing for all her life. Don't tell. There is also a chance to meet the king.

Everyone present is a person who wants to participate in the path of the king. According to what the old lady said just now, everyone has a chance, which makes many people ecstatic.

Take the road of the king, marry the saint, become the son-in-law of the king, and then go to the peak of life!

This is a picture flashing in the minds of many people at the moment.

But there are some people. Not particularly interested in this news.

"Why should Elizabeth be a saint? Still want to marry someone?" Gooding couldn't help but questioned.

"Isn't it normal for a woman to marry someone?".

Liliat on the side took over the question, "If the king chooses me to be a saint, let me choose one of the strong men participating in the king's road to marry, I will definitely be willing."

"I would choose a tall and handsome man like Bigger." Elsa couldn't help but blurt out.

Elsa as a Viking. The aesthetic concept is indeed a bit special. After all, the men of the Vikings are all bigger than Ge, and some are even higher.

Bigger on the side heard it, his face flushed slightly, and he turned his head to the side to pretend not to hear it.

"Why should we be like Beagle? Are we not good enough?". Liliat naturally refused to let this opportunity to tease the two of them.

"Lily, you ..." Elsa realized that she had just said the wrong thing again. "That is not what i mean……"

"Then what do you mean?" Docot on the side also approached and glanced at Bigger with a smirk.

Bigger blushed even more.

"I ..." Elsa had no idea how to explain.

At this moment, Elizabeth and Medea had already noticed the Goodin and his party above the square. Because the size of the Big and Vikings was so striking, it was difficult for them to notice.

After Elizabeth's eyes swept the crowd of Guding pirates, she stayed on Guding.

Gooding stood proudly, looking at her with her eyes.

After just a moment of contact, Elizabeth immediately shifted her gaze aside, and Gooding could see that her words stopped.

On the other side, Medea blinked mischievously at Guding.

"Did we have a chance to meet the saint this time?". Gooding asked the sea emperor aside.

"It should not be a big chance. The four banquets are separate tables for the dinner table. The closest tables are five seven-star holy sites, and then six-star holy sites. The Vikings are not holy sites after all, and others Several large ethnic groups were put together with the five-star holy land. So, our location is far from the table of the Virgin. "The sea emperor explained," And, after the dinner, we are not allowed to stay on this planet, They will be sent to the nearby reception planet. Tomorrow morning, they will arrange for everyone to gather and go to the road of the king. "

"Is there a chance on the way to the dinner?". Guding frowned slightly.

"In the whole process of the dinner, there will be a special person to guard the saint, and the maids are all powerful masters. Have you seen the old woman?". The sea emperor deliberately lowered the volume of the transmission, and leaned into Guding's ear and said, "She is a seven-star lord ~ ​​ ~ there are four five-star lords hidden around her. Our Lord, indeed, really cares about these four saints. "

"Moreover, at this level of banquet, the saint is the absolute protagonist and must always be in the public eye. Therefore, it is almost impossible for you to let her find an excuse to leave and interview you alone." The sea emperor continued.

Guding closed his brows and fell silent.

At this time, Mi Ke opened aside, "Within the sight of the public, you can actually have an interview. Isn't there a dance in the middle of the dinner ... And, I have a way to keep the conversation between you from being stolen. Hear. "

"Then that's the decision, you will tell me the specific method later." Gu Ding thought or not, immediately agreed.

Thank you for your concern and understanding. After taking a two-day break, I have been slowing down a lot. Later, I will slowly adjust my sleep and I will not have the situation this week. The book is also three million words, and flowers are scattered (to be continued.)

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-nine Saints: Mobile Phone Users Please Visit

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