The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1198: Change the world

Conquering the ghost, Guding turned and looked over the wall.

King Robert and a group of people felt uneasy, but most of the defenders knelt down towards Guding, chanting blessings. They have completely believed that Guding is a god.

Many nobles also knelt down, but they were asking for forgiveness.

The remaining King Robert waited for more than a dozen people, including Ed, just to watch Guding quietly, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

The king was a big man, tall and muscular, slightly blessed, and with a big beard. He had no faith. Otherwise, the soldiers would not rebel and get the position of the king. But in the face of Guding, he was also unavoidable, because the power Guding showed was no longer human.

Guding's figure slowly rose to a height that was flush with the walls of the city, and so on, before opening.

"Robert ..."

"Spirit Lord ..." Robert was still a little courageous, but when Guding called out his name, he instantly softened and bowed at Guding respectfully.

"Are you guilty ?!" Gu Ding asked unkindly, his voice lingering over the entire city of Junlin.

As soon as this sentence came out, so many people present were terrified. More than a dozen high-level seniors who had not kneeled down immediately softened their knees and knelt down.

The whole city wall was still standing, only King Robert, Lord Ed, and even the Queen knelt down as if looking calm.

"I am guilty!"

Hearing this reproach, Robert lowered his head, hesitated for a moment, and finally knelt down. When Ed saw this, he had to kneel down. Although he always had a clear conscience in doing things, the king was kneeling, and standing alone was not plausible.

"Take the money obtained from the hard work of the people to have fun, to condone the officials to do all kinds of evil things, and ignore the sufferings of the people ..." Guding counted out all the crimes of the labor.

Robert lowered his head and listened quietly to Guding's rebuke, his face flushed with shame.

Listening to Guding's falling into the king, the others dared not move.

"Do you have anything to say?" Guding asked after he finished counting the items.

"Master God, I would like to give up the kingship. I am a good commander in warfare, but ruling the country is really not something I am good at. I know I have done many wrong things, and I am willing to use the rest of my life to carry out Compensation. "Robert offered to give way.

Many people next to him immediately dissuaded, but he directly took off his crown and took off the royal robe.

"I meant to let you read more books and listen to the opinions of the prime minister to better govern this country." Guding explained helplessly.

"Spirit Lord, I am talented and blunt. You want me to read every day. I think it will turn to sleep every day. As for this country, I have been delayed long enough. It is better to choose someone who can manage the country now. I do n’t have any opinion on who you choose, and I ’ll do everything I can to help him by then. ”Robert has thought about it completely.

"Since you mean that, who do you think is the most suitable for the king's position?" Guding asked.

Robert's eyes swept across the circle of everyone present, and finally landed on Ed.

"Ned (Ed) is my brother. He is also the lord of the North. Although the North is poor and often harassed by savages, it is organized under his management. And, as far as I know, the people of the North He loves him very much, and even the other city owners in the North have great respect for him. He is fair and never biased. Regardless of character, knowledge or experience in governing the country, I think they are the most suitable candidates. " Robert slapped Lord Ed's shoulder hard and laughed loudly.

"Spirit Lord, Ed is afraid that he can't bear the heavy responsibility, the other side of the North ..." Ed wanted to quit.

"Lord Ed, I have heard of you, and I think you are suitable. If you want to quit, I recommend a person who is more suitable than you. If you can't recommend it, then you will be the king. "

Gooding is very fond of the Stark family, but his choice of Ed is not an emotional preference, but Ed is indeed the most suitable person to be a king among the people he knows. Northland is a good example. Gooding believed that Ed could manage the northern border, and then the whole country.

Ed was blocked by Gooding's remarks. It wasn't that he couldn't think of a person with more prestige than himself, but it was really necessary to govern the whole country, not just prestige. For a while, he really could not think of anyone who really fits the position of king.

"Since the position of the king has been determined, the next thing will need to be done by yourself. How to turn this country into a fair and equitable country is also a question that you should consider. I look forward to seeing good results ... … "

"Also, if in the next few years, I have not seen a substantial change in this country. I may choose to let the army of the ghosts flatten the entire continent, and then rebuild a new country on the ruins." Guding's words are completely threatening.

This threat made many people hear a pale face, but Ed actively said, "Master God, please rest assured, Ed will do his best to make this country a better country."


After the new King Ed took office, Robert in turn became Prime Minister.

Under the shock of Guding, the officials who had been cautious were also honest. They also knew that Guding was not kidding. If the whole country is not as good as he expected after a few years, he really has the possibility of letting an army of ghosts sweep across the continent. They know that Guding has this ability.

With the concerted efforts of many officials, the phenomenon of the smoldering smog in Junlin City disappeared completely.

Then, everyone started the reconstruction of the northern border, Eileen Valley, Hewan and other places.

Gooding went to the mainland of Esos and found Daenerys in Pantos.

Daenerys has heard the news of the coming of the gods, which has stopped the army of alien ghosts. In the past few days, she is not in a good mood.

When Guding in a black robe appeared, Daenerys completely ignored Guding's deity, but asked, "Why are you helping them?"

"Who help? Robert and the Lannister family?" Gooding shook his head and smiled. "I shot, not for them. All creatures withered wherever the ghosts passed, if they were allowed to continue to sweep, the whole piece of Weiss On the mainland of Tello, all people will die. That is the life of hundreds of millions of people. Do you think I can just ignore it ?! "

Daenerys suddenly fell silent. ~ She knew what Gudin said was true.

"I know you have hatred in your heart, and you want to avenge your father. But you should already know the crazy things your father 'crazy king' did when he was a king. Even if Robert doesn't overthrow him, Zhan Mu does n’t kill him. Someone will overthrow him, and others will kill him. "

"Also, have you thought about it in the future? Do you kill Robert and James now? Will future generations avenge you? If you are killed by revenge, your future generations will look for murder Revenge of your people. In this way, hatred will be passed down from generation to generation. Is this what you want? "

"You are a smart person, you should know that the smartest way is to let hate end with you." Guding persuaded.

Daenerys was silent, and it took a long time before she said quietly, "But, Westeros is my hometown, and I will never go back to my hometown ..."

"Who said you can't go back?" Guding shook his head and smiled. "I'll go and tell Ed that you can go home anytime you feel homesick, and no one will dare to block it!"

"Thank you!" Daenerys finally relaxed.

"I will let Ed send some useful people over to help you become the queen of Essos. I know you have ambitious dreams to make people no longer enslaved and make people live better. Here In terms of respect, I will support you. "Gooding knew that Daenerys was the only one to command the continent of Esos.

Having determined the kings of the two continents, Guding knew that his mission had come to an end.

The next thing I need to do is to wait for the planted seeds to germinate, and then bloom the gorgeous flowers ... (to be continued.)

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