The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1234: Mike's prey

The artificial blood fruit made by the sea emperor has a large number of law fragments inside. These law fragments are all from the sea emperor's database, and he was materialized by the way of artificial blood fruit.

After being promoted to the True Saint King, the amount of information in the database of the sea emperor has more than doubled. Under the True King, all information permissions are unlocked.

Not only that, his gene bank has almost the seeds of life and the complete gene sequence of all species under the true king, which is also the foundation for his proposal to manufacture artificial warriors in batches.

During the period when Liliat closed their collectives, the three emperors, Bigger and Beka, all completed the sacrifice of the main **** and were promoted to the realm of the main god.

After, the three also entered a state of retreat, and began to give birth to the natal destiny of the body.

Shortly after the three men closed their doors, Liliat, Elsa, and Scarlet broke through to the real holy king one after another. Gooding introduced the three men to the palace of the true king. Play the arena.

Successive newcomers joined, making the Real King Palace very lively.

The vast majority of seniors already know that these newcomers all come from the same main plane, even from the same pirate group.

They became more and more interested in Captain Gooding.

When Liliat was still in the ring game, Huck, Michael and Elizabeth also broke through to the Real Saint King.

Guding was rude and threw the three into the Arena of True King City.

Many high-level officials of the Real King Palace began to wonder if the Guding Pirates had any special means to elevate people to the Real Saint King realm.

The tutors of Haihuang and others mentioned this topic intentionally or unintentionally, and wanted to explore the tone, but everything was in vain. This method, the sea emperor will not disclose it, but only tells his mentor about the creation of blood fruits, but he slightly exaggerates the amount of blood fruits he has made.

Although the tutor still had doubts, he was still not asking after all.

After more than half a month, Liliat, Elsa, Crimson, Huck, and Elizabeth all completed the trial of the arena, and each completed the sacrifice of the main god, and they were all promoted to the realm of the main god.

Guding They began to find suitable sacrifices for Mi Ke. The number of aliens and demons possessing the power of enchantment is extremely rare. There are only two types suitable for Mi Ke to kill in this plane.

But in terms of Mi Ke's ability, these two beasts don't help him much as a sacrifice, but they can get an increase in attack power in the short term, but in the long run, they will limit Mi Ke's development.

In the database of the sea emperor, after a few days of careful selection, Mi Ke chose a strange demon, the number demon.

Hearing Mi Ke's choice, the sea emperor gave a negative opinion the first time.

After listening to Gu Ding, I knew what kind of existence Mi Ke chose.

Number Demon is a very special demon, they are born with extremely powerful computing power and prediction ability. After the maturity period, the number demons are even more terrifying. They can disguise as any species, and they can perfectly replicate each other ’s magical powers, and master the production of various traps. It is the plane of purgatory, the top demon of the main **** level, even other powerful demon, never willing to provoke them.

After the demons mature, they can practice to the fullness of the main god, but their talents are also jealous of the heavens, so the failure rate of their law fusion is very high, nearly 100%.

In the entire purgatory history, only one demon practiced to the real king realm. He almost unified the seventeenth floor of purgatory, but he was hanged by more than ten monsters.

"It's too dangerous. I'm afraid that the difficulty of this thing is not under the sausage of my sacrifice." Gooding also gave a negative answer after listening.

"I know your worries, but this thing is not as terrible as you think. At least in my eyes, it is not so terrible, and my IQ can completely crush it. All his strategies are in my opinion children. Trick, I can smell the problem with my nose. "

"Even if this thing is no longer good at actual combat, after all, it is the master god's perfection. If you hit it head-on, you will fall with a single blow." Guding said a word that was not very pleasant.

"Of course I know this, so I will wear time-space fault armor, and I will carry war weapons. As long as I temporarily recognize the war weapon, it belongs to the category of weapons, and will not violate the rules of sacrifice." Mike said laughing here Too.

Mike's war weapon is naturally the one jointly developed by the sea emperor and Robert. It is powerful enough to kill the one-star lord-level strongman in seconds.

Guting and the sea emperor glanced at each other, still hesitating.

"If you are really uneasy, when you reach the hunting area, you will give me an hour. If you do n’t complete the killing within an hour, you can bring me back. Of course, the sacrifice time is not counted, just the killing time It ’s enough to give me an hour. ”Mickey issued a military order himself.

After listening to Guding, he did not express any opinion. He looked at the sea emperor again, waiting for his opinion.

The sea emperor gave Guding a glance, he knew that Guding was already the default attitude. After being silent for a moment, he finally said, "Well, you said it yourself for an hour. If you can't finish it, we will intervene."


"Distant starry sky, a black spaceship, a young wise man, needs another wise man as a sacrifice to achieve himself ..."

In the distant starry sky, a giant shell creature slowly swayed its limbs and short tail in the void. Its length is millions of kilometers, like a giant turtle.

On the back shell, there is a circle of golden lines. That is their annual ring. Every epoch, there will be an additional annual ring, and on his back shell, there have been more than one hundred ring-shaped years. It's turn. For a beast, it is also old enough.

"This will be the last game of my life. If the young guy can pass my test and give this skin to achieve him ~ ~ It's not bad. I'm already alive Long enough, death is just another way ... I hope this game will produce a result that surprises me. Let the game begin ... "

The old voice swayed in the void. After the voice completely dropped, a golden spit spit out from the monster's mouth, turning into a circle of ripples swaying in all directions.

After doing all this, the monster's body shrank quickly, and it took only a few seconds to change into a human elder.

"This universe should be lively soon ..."


[Thanks for the depraved ... 1888 reward from the Seraph classmates, and thank you book friends 160704130558020 this week, no books and no one, oops how do I go, ni passer in, Takenaka Trail, tanyaangel, Qingfeng Xiaowu speechless several students reward. Depravity is one of my earliest readers, and has been in the book friends group since about 2009. However, for the past two to three years, because of being a soldier in the army, there was very little time to appear. Speaking of readers who are soldiers, the recent floods in the Yangtze River, the warheads here also thank all the soldiers who are in the front line of anti-flood, and I wish you all the best for your safety ~~] (to be continued.)

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