The Highest Bounty

Chapter 269: Woman's intuition

Between the lower gods and the middle gods, there are three levels of combat power span. The strong man who first entered the one-star median **** has a fighting power that is a thousand times that of the first five-star lower god. If more than five stars are divided into stars, the fighting power of the one-star median deity should be comparable to that of the eight-star deity.

However, each level of gods is only divided into five grades. Above the five stars, there are no six stars or seven stars. Therefore, the gods under the five stars have a strong difference. Weaknesses are naturally those with only five-star combat power that have just entered, but those that are powerful are comparable to eight-star combat power, and have the strength to fight against the median god.

And Quinn is the strongest kind of five-star lower gods. Before becoming a god, she was the resource of evil spirits, plus she has already reached the peak of the five-star lower gods earlier, even if she meets the two-star central gods. war. Even if she only divides 10% of her will power into projection this time, her weapons and some special supernatural powers cannot be used, and her fighting power is stronger than many of the five-star peak gods. As long as you do n’t encounter the median god, you are basically invincible.

Of course, Guding did n’t know that the opponent was so sturdy, because even Elizabeth did n’t know how strong Quinn was. She had only heard Quinn ’s name and knew that the opponent was a five-star god, but that ’s all. Quinn had never seen him before. She and Guding also mentioned that there is a five-star lower **** in the Philippine universe.

Hearing that the Emperor said that a five-star **** will project, Guding immediately dialed Docot's number, and he was picked up by Docott after less than two sounds.

"How is it going? Is it smooth?" Docott was waiting for Guding's news in the hotel at the moment.

"Elizabeth is already healing Beagle, you are coming to the port immediately. There is a will of the gods, it is a five-star lower god, we are not opponents, we must leave the planet as soon as possible." Guding was anxious.

"Five stars ?!" Docott was startled when he heard it. He also did not expect that the defenders of the Philippine Charm Universe even had this kind of strength. "I am in a hotel now. It takes at least 20 minutes to rush over. The projection of the spirit will only take three minutes. You leave now, do n’t wait for me . I'll go find another spaceship. "

"It's too dangerous for you to stay alone on this planet ..." Before Gooding finished his words, he was interrupted by Dorcot.

"Relax, I will be fine. No one knows that I joined your pirate group. Even if your identity is exposed, it will not involve me. Moreover, I still have the mask of disguise you gave. Than The treatment of the grid cannot be interrupted, I am a doctor. You must listen to me about this matter. The five-star gods are already a force that no one can surpass in the Philippine universe, you must leave this planet now, I will Think of a way to leave. "Although Docott is a fighting madman like Guding, he also knows that some people are unmatchable. If he chooses to fight head-on, there is only one result. The whole army was wiped out.

"Dorcott is right. Once the port is blocked by her **** source, we can't escape. Moreover, the subordinate gods of the five-star combat power are not what we can handle now." The sea emperor dissuaded.

Gooding also knows that if he can't put his opponent in the field, he can't. At most, he can only fight against the second-level gods. Even if the opponent enters his own field, he can only fight against Samsung's lower gods at most. As for the five stars, don't even think about it. The strong man of that level, even if it is only a projection of will, is at least four stars or more in combat power, and he is not able to cope with it at all. After a moment of silence, Guding finally made a decision, "Okay, let's leave first. Docot, be careful yourself."

"Got it. You leave quickly." Dorcot said, hanging up the call directly to avoid delaying Guding's time.

At the harbour, the graffiti graffiti, which was not graffiti-like, also quickly lifted into the air, and soon escaped from the atmosphere. Fast away.

Less than a minute after the Griffon was away, a white glow was emitted from the vortex-like clouds above the sky, directly illuminating a tall building not far from the port.

Suddenly, the whole planet was enveloped by a powerful energy, the sky above the port was also blocked by a special energy, and the communication of the entire planet was completely disconnected from the outside world.

Fortunately, the Griffon had left the Forgettable, and Guding saw the white light shining on the Forgettable from a distance through the window, and he knew that it was the projection of the will of the five-star god. That radiance of gods, Gooding had also seen on the star of Gyor before. He frowned slightly, worrying Docot a little.

"The whole planet was shrouded by the brilliance of the gods, and I could n’t see what was happening on that planet, but Dorcot should be fine. Because even if they knew that the person who took Elizabeth was our team, nobody knew much. Kurt is a member of our team. Moreover, before he and you got off the spaceship, he put on a camouflage mask. He only needs to change the mask or take off the mask directly, and then change his clothes, no one knows that he is with you Have appeared. "The emperor comforted.

Gooding nodded silently, glanced back from the window, Elizabeth Beagle's treatment continued, she put all her energy on Beagle and knew nothing about the outside world. I don't know that because of the projection of the will of the five-star god, the spacecraft has already left the Forgettable.


Forget about worrying stars, Queen Queen's Hotel, Room 002014, Docote changed to another mask and another set of clothes. After carefully checking in the room and confirming that there was no evidence left, he pushed out the door. He knew that he had to leave as soon as possible, find a place to hide, and wait for the glory of the gods to dissipate before he could leave the planet.

He had just walked out and happened to meet Medea who also pushed out the door next door.

Medea glanced over him and walked directly towards the elevator.

There was a nervousness in Dorcot's heart, and the other party did not recognize himself. But he also knew that if he behaved abnormally, he was likely to be suspected, so he could only walk to the elevator with a scalp.

Medea just turned his head to look at him, then bowed his head and pondered his own affairs.

A few minutes ago, her father, who was the Speaker of the Congress, called her again, telling her that she had let the guardian of the five-star **** descended and projected it to Forget Star. Although the Speaker of the Senate did not say how serious the matter was, the dispatch of the guards meant that the matter could not be resolved by others. And the most important point is that the Speaker of the Senate actually let himself go to the port to meet the projection of the will of the deity, and let himself follow her until the matter was resolved. She is a smart woman, and she knows that this means that not only is Elizabeth missing, it seems that her safety is in question.

After hesitating for a few minutes, after seeing a burst of glory from the far horizon, she knew that it was the projection of the god, and she pushed out the door, ready to drive in the direction of the port. At least, he can provide some useful information for the god. Let the other party catch the initiator of the incident with more certainty, and she also began to recall the whole thing hard.

With a "ding", the elevator stopped on the 20th floor.

Dorcot stepped in quickly, and Medea followed the elevator.

The two stood in the elevator, left and right, with no intersection of eyes and language.

Docote stared at the floor prompt above the elevator, wishing the elevator would descend to the first floor sooner, so he would stay away from the dangerous woman early and find a place to hide.

And Medea was staring at her in a daze, her thoughts were no longer in the elevator, but she was sorting out what happened after she arrived at Wang Youxing. Along with the details of the memories, some subtleties were finally spliced ​​together successfully. "The boy ... refinery ... He can break through the multiple identity verification of Wangdu Star Domain ... Dare to be so close to Longwuxing On the forgetting star ... Elizabeth who can capture the four-star **** ... he is Guding! "

The answer was finally revealed.

First of all, the teenager's age, height, and body shape are similar to that of Guding, except that his face and hairstyle are different, but the thing that Guding will be easy to understand Medea knows. Secondly, she has never seen a good pharmaceutical agent, but Elizabeth once mentioned it to her. At that time, she also praised Gooding as a pharmacist genius. Third, the other party can also break through the multiple identity verification of Wangdu Xingyu, which is also consistent with Guding's previous super hacker identity. Fourthly, the boldness is so gratifying to start working on the worrying star. Few people think of this kind of thing except Guding. As for the fifth point and the most important point, Gooding has the taboo power. When Elizabeth loses vigilance, he can seal Elizabeth. And Elizabeth's own breakthrough is the four-star lower gods. Now it has fully consolidated the fighting power of the four-star lower gods. If it is a positive move, unless the middle **** is the shot, otherwise Elizabeth cannot be captured without any noise. But Guding's sealing ability can do this.

"But ~ ~ Why did Gooding take Elizabeth?" Medea questioned Gooding's motivation, but she soon put the issue aside, "No matter why, at present, he Is the most suspected. "

With the sound of "ding", the elevator sounded again, and the number of floor prompts has become 1.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Dorcot stepped out quickly and walked straight out the door.

Most of the doubts in Medea ’s mind that locked the suspect on Goodin had been solved. She withdrew her attention and looked at the back of Dorcot who hurriedly left. Out of the room next door. Medea narrowed her eyes slightly, her instinct was telling herself that this person was probably related to this time. And she also knows her instincts and is usually accurate. She immediately chased out of the elevator and shouted at Docot, "That gentleman, wait a minute!"

PS: In fact, it is normal for Medea to have a drama in the story, because this woman has appeared from the beginning, and definitely needs her to connect some things to happen ... Well, dear friends, come and count the votes to encourage Come on, it will erupt tomorrow ... Monthly ticket, recommended ticket or something, of course, to be reminded, I can only bear it silently ...

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