The Highest Bounty

Chapter 301: Target

The Golden Eagle stopped on a nearby administrative planet for a while, and put Carole down in advance. After saying goodbye, the spacecraft lifted off again and turned towards the Star of Death.

On the spacecraft, everyone else woke up because of the docking of the spacecraft. After saying goodbye to Carle, everyone knew about the death star field. Although most people know the horror of Death Star, they all agreed to go.

Just like Elsa's reason for support: "Because Parma is a friend of Gooding, then she is also a friend of everyone. If a friend encounters difficulties, everyone should help."

The reason is very simple, and even to a certain extent, it is logically not accessible, but the result is that everyone has chosen to support Guding. This point made Guding warm.

The spacecraft sailed for three days in a row, during which two space shuttles were carried out, this time for the second time to dock on an administrative planet to supplement energy.

The consignment sale of the magical weapon in the paradise has finally ended. Guding successfully won the base price of 250,000 points, and no one else participated in the competition.

"You have successfully bid for a weapon of the fetish level, we will arrange delivery for you as soon as possible, please tell you the exact location." A message was sent to Guding's communicator.

"Six days later, before we enter the Death Star, we will stop at Pandora Star outside the Death Star and rest for a while. If we ca n’t deliver it within six days, let them store it and wait for us. Come out from the Death Star field and arrange delivery. "The sea emperor gave his proposal.

"Just reply as you said." Guding nodded.

After the news replies, the enchanted paradise quickly gave a reply, "It can be delivered within six days, and the delivery person will take the initiative to contact you when the time comes.

After quitting the newsletter, Gooding continued to look at the star chart in front of him.

The official star map published by the federal government. The amount of information given to some special star domains is very limited, especially for the dead star domains, the amount of information is almost zero. The Emperor finally found a star map of the infected area, and the planet locations are marked, but there is no information on various planets.

In this case, even if it is determined that the other party is in this star field. But on which planet is it, there is no way to tell. Because there are more than 300 billion stars in the entire star field alone, that is to say, there are more than 300 billion small star circles dominated by stars, and countless other kinds of stars.

"Guding, this is definitely not possible. This star map can't see the information of these planets at all. Although this part of the star map is also in my database, it is a matter of many epochs. It is very big with the current star map. The difference, the reference value is not big. The amount of information is basically zero now, and I ca n’t carry out data analysis at all. ”Haihuang searched on Skynet for several days, and there was little useful information.

Gooding was silent for a moment, staring at the Elizabeth number on the communicator for a while, and then pressed the dial key.

The prompt of the communicator sounded three times and was finally picked up.

"Guding? Is there anything?" Elizabeth thought and knew that Guding couldn't dial her number for no reason.

"I'm sorry. I really need something to help you this time." Gu Ding said nothing politely.

"You say it." Elizabeth also didn't like people turning around when they were talking. Guding's direct nature just happened to her appetite.

"Can you help me find the star map of the infected area? It's better to be the most recent version, and it's better to have a detailed description of the various planets." Guding directly stated his purpose.

"Infected area of ​​Death Star Zone? What do you want the star map over there to do?" Elizabeth frowned, "It's better not to go to the place of Death Star Zone."

"I have something to deal with over there," Guding said with a voice, then continued. "Skynet can't find a suitable star map, so I can only ask you for help. With your authority, you can find the full version of the star map over the federal government."

"Well then, be careful yourself. Any place classified as a dead star field is extremely dangerous. Even gods may fall. The infected area should logically be divided into the gray star field, but the federal government gives The categorization of it is a dead star field, indicating that this star field is different from other virus-infected areas. "Elizabeth thought that Guding might not know the horror of the infected area, and emphasized. "I will send you the star chart later when I find it. Is there anything else?"

"There is nothing else," Guding was about to hang up the phone, and suddenly remembered Elizabeth's side. It seemed that Quinn's matter had not been resolved. Hesitated, and asked, "Is there any news about Quinn?"

"No news." Elizabeth's voice sounded lonely. "The previous inspection made the adults check it out. He said that it should be unlikely that other people took it away, because when Quinn disappeared, you were forgetting the worry star. The distance between Longwu star and forgetting star It's so close that if there is a higher **** and a middle god, he can't sense it. It should be Quinn who left for some reason. And there is no trace of fighting in her closed room. But There are no clues left to find. "

"The people from the federal government said how to deal with this matter?" Gooding frowned slightly, and if he could not find the main guard, Elizabeth could not leave the Philippine universe once he left the position of the sovereign. Can only serve as the main defender.

"Because Johnny and Reluth also fell, they will send two new town guards over time." Elizabeth's voice paused. "They will not stop investigating Quinn. The main town guard If the person is missing, this kind of thing cannot be revealed. Just don't know, when they find out, when will it be ... "

"You don't have to worry too much, by the means of the federal government, you should be able to find her soon." Gooding can only comfort.

"It can only be expected this way," Elizabeth also knew that if Quinn could not be found, or if Quinn fell, she must remain in the Philippine Charm Kingdom as the main defender. Reluctant to mention the spirit, she still reminded, "Guding, can the Death Star Territory not go as far as possible, I will send you the death case of the Death Star Territory together with the star chart."

"Well, I know, thank you!" Although Gu Ding said with his mouth, there was nothing that could hinder his determination to go to the infected area.

After hanging up the call, Elizabeth ’s star map was sent without too much conference. There are two star maps in total, and a case is attached.

Guding glanced at the star map, a complete version of the latest compilation, which was also compiled more than three hundred years ago. The other is the most complete version of the star map in history, when the star domain was not infected by the virus more than 12,000 years ago.

Gooding asked the sea emperor to compare and search for the possible planets of Kepu and Parma.

"I searched Skynet for more information about Parma. She is a human, a seventh-order gene. First, human beings, as carbon-based organisms, cannot live without oxygen until they reach the demigod. The gene body, the demand for oxygen and the tolerance to harsh environments are much stronger than ordinary people, basically it can survive on a planet with an oxygen content of more than 7%. If you do not wear special equipment, the adaptability to temperature should be below zero Between 90 degrees Celsius and 90 degrees Celsius. According to the star map three hundred years ago, there are more than 2,300 stars in the infected area on the planets that meet these two conditions. This should be accurate because the three The natural changes of more than 100 years, the change of a planet will not be too big. The star map more than 12,000 years ago can not be used to make this judgment, because the time is too long, even if the planet is not affected by the outside nature Changes, the environment will also change greatly. "

"But this is not enough. So, I have carried out further exclusions, and removed some of the high levels of harmful substances in the air, as well as a lot of radiation veins themselves. On these planets, if no auxiliary equipment is used, the seventh order The genomes will definitely not survive for three days. Therefore, they are all excluded. The number of possible planets has been reduced to 128. "

"Then, Keep rotated the video for a week, and the two of them were clearly inside a house. And although the window shot was flashing, through the window, the high-rise outside and the ground in the distance could be seen. Calculated, the room where they are located is about 930 meters above the ground. That is to say, the planet they are on has been inhabited by humans before, and the technology is still quite developed. "

"So I cross-contrast the star map that was more than 12,000 years ago ~ ~ Of the 128 planets, 16 of them have been inhabited before. Among them, 5 are Privately developed, there is not a large number of people living, you can temporarily exclude. Because we can see through the window of the building in the video, there are many buildings outside, there should be a large number of people living. So, there are eleven planets left It is possible. But among them, the three most suspected planets are the most technologically advanced planets in the entire universe at that time, and the population density is also the highest. These three planets are all at the core position in the center of the virus zone. economic center."

"Then let's explore these three planets first!" Gooding looked at the three planets in the star map with his hands clenched in his fists.

It has been quite difficult to reduce the number of target planets to this level. And the sea emperor also has powerful radar capabilities. As long as the spaceship lands on a planet, he can easily detect all the information on the entire planet. Exploring the planets one by one will not waste too much time. Eleven planets can be completely explored in one day.

The thought of Parma may be infected by the virus as a monster, Guding's mood becomes more urgent ...


(This is not completed last night, there are two more changes today ~) (Unfinished to be continued ...)

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