The Highest Bounty

Chapter 39: Can the unrewarded be called the Star Pirate?

Liliat is only fourteen years old, and she has always been shy about her origins. Guding just asked a question, and when she saw her silent, she stopped asking. He knows that everyone will have his own secrets, so he never likes to explore the privacy of others.

However, Guding knew that Liliat's identity was definitely not simple. She had two sets of bronze-level armed forces on her own. One was full-body armed, and the other was a special armed weapon.

The price of a bronze armament is at least one billion stars. As for the special armaments of firearms, they are almost the most valuable among the armaments, at least 3 billion star coins, and the bronze-level armaments themselves are things with no market value, and the circulation on the market is extremely scarce.

The Liliat watch, inlaid with three pure white stones, is a luxury version of the A-level watch. Gooding still remembers watching the advertisement of this watch, vaguely remembering that this watch seems to be called "Angel Love". As for the market price, it seems to be around 3 billion stars. At that time, it was also said to be a limited sale. The entire Dragon Kingdom Only a thousand pieces.

Every sign indicates that Liliat's identity is rich or expensive.

If it is a person with improper mental skills, I am afraid that there will be thoughts of killing people and winning treasures at this moment. But for Guding, the other party is just a helpless little girl.

"How do you appear on this planet?" Liliat actually has a little concern about Guding's identity. She has passed through several star domains along the way, and many people are mischievous about her.

"Brought by the interstellar storm," Guding felt that there was nothing to explain. He spent most of his sleep in the whole journey, not knowing what happened in the middle.

"Is your spaceship still there?" Liliat paid more attention to this question.

"It has been destroyed, so I plan to go to the shipbuilding factory to find out if there are any intact spaceships."

"There is a shipbuilding factory on this planet? How do you know? My watch can't even locate, let alone know the information of this planet." Liliat was a little surprised, because in her opinion Guding's wrist It's just an ordinary civilian watch, the functionality is definitely not as good as this one.

"The gray star field can't be located, because after the federal government abandons a star field, the relevant information is not publicly updated. Only some information when the star field has not been abandoned decades ago can only be accessed. However, the interstellar storm has blocked the network signal recently, and there is no way to go to Skynet to query related information. "Guding did not explain how he knew there was a shipyard on this planet.

After listening to Liliat, she didn't continue to ask, and she hid many secrets herself. The other party is unwilling to say that it is not convenient to disclose, and there is no need to delve into it. Of course, she did n’t forget to remind Gooding, "Monsters on this planet will be active at night. And there will be some very powerful existences that you and I ca n’t cope with. I do n’t know why, they do n’t want to be close to this. A volcanic area, if it is not this volcano, I am afraid I ca n’t live today. "

"This virus doesn't like the hot environment, so it will not control the boarding body to be close to the hot area. I will leave here tomorrow morning, do you want to go with me? Although I don't know if there is a good spaceship over the shipyard, go take a look first That ’s fine. It ’s not okay, think about it again. The planet is very dangerous. The longer you stay, the greater the chance of death. ”Guding felt that throwing the opponent here is not much different from murder.

"Are you a scientist?" Liliat did not immediately answer Guding's question, but asked instead.

"I am an interstellar pirate." Gooding corrected.

"Really?" Liliat seemed more interested after listening, and blinked twice and asked, "So what is your reward amount?"

"Cough, cough ..." For this topic, Guding was really reluctant to mention, "I just left my home star less than a week ..."

"Then you haven't been rewarded yet?" Liliat seemed a little disappointed, whispered in the side, "Can the unrewarded be called Star Pirate?"

Gooding listened silently for a while.

A moment later, Liliat asked again, "What about your partner? Are you separated?"

"I haven't recruited ..." Gooding was even more hit when he heard this question.

Liliat was a little puzzled and murmured aside, "Shouldn't the Interstellar pirate be recruited by a partner before starting?"

Gudin sat silently, hearing Liliat's two questions, he also doubted whether he was a real interstellar pirate. No rewards, no partners, how does it sound more like an intergalactic wanderer?

"Guding, can I join you?" After a moment, Liliat seemed determined.

"Are you too young?" Gu Ding's expression was a bit embarrassing. He also knew that the gunsmith was indispensable in a team, but because of this, this position could not be easily handed over to others.

"Cut, how old are you?" Liliat retorted, "I'm awesome. The teachers who taught me before said that I was a genius."

"Well, if you can prove that you are a good gunner, I can think about it." Gooding doesn't think how good Liliat's marksmanship is when he is only 14 years old.

"This is what you said, come with me!" Liliat took Guding down to the mountainside, and the two hid behind a boulder. She handed Gooding an infrared telescope, and then summoned the gun.

The armed moment changed into a large sniper. At the moment of getting the gun, Liliat's momentum began to change, and she became seriously serious. He took out the silencer and put it in the muzzle, then grabbed a few bullets from the storage space and loaded it into the magazine.

"This is a special light bullet, which is particularly good for this kind of monster." She lowered her voice to explain, and then carried the big sniper that was about her height on her shoulder, "Look!"

Gooding raised his binoculars and looked in the direction she was aiming, only to hear the sound of pulling the trigger slightly, there was a monster that was headshot ~ ~ Then, the second, the third, the fourth only......

Every monster is struck by a blow, and the location of the shot is the left eye.

Liliat changed another box of bullets, still with various precisions.

"What a terrible marksmanship!" Gooding couldn't help but sigh in his heart. At this moment, he also noticed that Liliat's eyes turned golden during shooting.

"Her eyes should have the pupil technique inherited from genes. It seems that the ability is not low-grade, and the accuracy should be just a side effect of the pupil technique." Haihuang also noticed this. "Let her join, it is a very good potential. share."

"How is it?" Putting down the gun, Liliat's eyes returned to normal and smiled with pride at Guding.

"Good marksmanship, but I can't accept your joining." Guding shook his head, Liliat's identity was obviously not simple, "I will take you away from this planet, you should return to your parents as soon as possible ..."

Liliat ’s original smile suddenly stiffened, and after a while, her voice was slightly lowered, "My parents are dead ..."

(Thank you Rainie and Love for the reward. Just after seeing the book review area, he left a message saying that the Student Party can only recommend ticket support. Let me talk about it here. In fact, for people who write stories, some people like to read their stories. It is already the biggest testimonial. Every click and every recommendation ticket is a kind of support, and the heart is the most important thing. Of course, if the economic conditions allow, I hope you can support more genuine reading.)

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