The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 493: Powerful Boy

How strong Yoland is, no one dares to doubt now. . . After all, his identity is there. The chief of the federal government ’s Criminal Division is actually the same as the highest marshal of the federal government ’s military department. In the federal government, it is second only to the chief and deputy chief.

And all the bosses of a department have real power. The Division of Penalties manages the entire judicial system of the federal government, and its jurisdiction includes all federal courts and federal prisons. Counting the inmates in prison, the total number of people managed by Urand is even above the military department.

So, he looked like a joke "will be killed on the spot", is a very effective warning.

After Yolande gave this warning, he waved his long sleeves, and except for Boye, all the shackles on the neck and hands and feet of nineteen people were automatically lifted and dropped to the ground.

Originally Brace said that part of the restrictions on their strength were lifted, and now Urand's actions completely lifted all the restrictions imposed on the nineteen people. Blaise frowned slightly, but didn't stop her. The other party could sit in the position of chief of the penalty department, and naturally knew what he was doing. Moreover, the strength of these little guys in front of him is even more terrifying, and cultivation is only a demigod, and it can't be turned upside down.

After lifting the shackles of several people, Yoland looked at Boy, and quickly pinched a complicated set of handprints. The cross behind Boy made a strange roar. After a while, the black chain that had sealed Boye's lips and eyes disappeared automatically.

Boye also slowly opened his eyes.

On the other side, the nineteen people had already fought together.

Guding they also found that these 19 people are of extraordinary strength, that red-haired young man is particularly brave, he licked his upper lip. Several successive blows drove several people back.

Even the giant, who was taller than Beagle, stepped back several steps under his palm.

"That big man seems to be a member of our Viking family." After a long look at Elsa, he confirmed the identity of the other party. In fact, when she saw the other person at first glance, she had some doubts, but the family had never heard of such a person, "He may be from other Viking tribes, and my dad has said before, there may be in the universe sea. The stronghold of other races. He is very strong, and his physical strength is not worse than mine. Judging from these battles, his actual combat ability is not weaker than mine. "

"That red-haired man is stronger. It's estimated that it's not much worse than me." Guding observed. These people didn't use a killing move, but only by looking at the power of the other's ordinary moves, you can see a lot of things. Gooding judged that the red-haired Ordas and himself should belong to the same level of power.

But everyone also found a strange phenomenon, that is, no one attacked Boye in a wheelchair.

Guding, who was watching the game, naturally would not think that these guys did not attack Boy, because Boy was in a wheelchair and attacked him invincibly. The guy who can be locked in the door of purgatory. There is absolutely no good kind, not to mention that the final result of the competition will have a certain chance of being released from prison. under these circumstances. Kindness is a luxury that everyone cannot afford. Therefore, the only explanation is that the boy named Boye is in the eyes of others a danger that cannot be avoided.

Guding didn't feel the power of Boyi at first. It might be that the cross behind him was too strong for his seal. Gooding didn't see his breath projection after he entered the conference hall. But after Yoland had unblocked some of the seals, at the moment Boye opened his eyes, Guding saw the projection of Boye's breath, although most of his power was still sealed. But Gooding peeked into the whole form of Boye's breath through the opened corner.

It was a spherical monster with thousands of eyes, and in each eye, there was a powerful mysterious flow. The breath of the monster was even stronger than the eye released by Guding when he met Bufo.

But this spying only lasted for a moment, and Boe's eyes fell on Guding from the original battlefield. Under the four eyes, Guding's spy is directly isolated.

Boye took a deep glance at Guding before moving away from him. His reaction was also captured by a few people, including the red-haired Ordas. He did not expect Boye to be more interested in Gooding than himself. Although he does not know who Guding is, he can also feel that Guding's strength is not weaker than himself. With his confidence, he does not think that Guding will be his opponent in real combat. Therefore, he also quietly noted Gooding, preparing to find an opportunity for Boe to see himself better than Gooding. Guding didn't know that he was remembered when he didn't do anything.

In addition to Ordas, Huck and Minina were seen in this scene. They also clearly felt the power of Boye, this perception is the instinct of the killing.

But Guding was a little shocked at this time. He once used this method of prying to observe Salamon, who has a real power of three, four, and a half stars, but was not noticed. This cultivation is that only the demi-Boy can even detect it, and can directly shield his own exploration, which is too powerful.

Although it was only a glimpse, Gooding determined that Boye's ability should be Hitomi. And without surprise, Boye will surely be able to get a quota.

But on the battlefield of everyone, Boye had no intention of shooting in a wheelchair, but chose to watch.

The nineteen people did not attack Boye as they agreed.

After more than ten minutes, the battlefield of nineteen people was only eliminated by three people, and all three were solved by Ordas. But according to this progress, I don't know when three people will be selected.

Guding, they are naturally interested in seeing, because Ordas is not weak in their strength, but Yoland seems to be a little boring, even lying on the ground and dozed off.

Soon after another ten minutes passed, three people were once again eliminated on the battlefield, but the final quota appeared, still far away.

Boy frowned slightly, and seemed to be a little impatient. He waited for a moment, and after seeing Ordas and the big man showing a glued state, Boy finally shot. His eyes suddenly changed, and the original dark blue eyes suddenly became dark. A subtle wave of soul passed on.

After a while, the movements of the people who were originally in the battle were instantly stiff, and strange expressions of struggling appeared on their faces.

It only took less than a minute, and there were only five remaining.

"What a powerful pupil!" Liliat is also a pupil, and she can clearly judge. The other side's pupil surgery is far more powerful than its own. Because these nineteen people are not weaker than themselves, but they are struck at the same time in an instant, and within a minute, eight people fall. This powerful pupil technique, Liliat can't beat the horse.

Not long after the time entered the second minute, the two fell down one after another and were able to stand in place, leaving only the last three. The three were red-haired Ordas, a tall and sturdy Viking. There is also a blue-haired girl who looks inconspicuous.

As soon as one more person falls, the quota will come out, and everyone will want to know who can last longer.

The time quickly entered the third minute. After all, the tall man was the first one who couldn't hold on, defeated, and sat on the floor sluggishly, sweating heavily. This is a bit unexpected. In fact, many people thought that it would be the woman who was eventually eliminated.

Eventually the two appeared, but Boye didn't stop his pupil attack. Time passed by minute and second. In the fifth minute, Ordas finally couldn't hold on, fell to the ground, gasping for breath. Even so, Boye did not stop his attack.

Many people were a little surprised, Aldas has shown quite good fighting ability before. But the time he insisted on in the illusion was not as good as a thin girl.

Everyone looked at the thin girl who didn't even know the name, and they also wanted to know why the girl had been supported.

While everyone was waiting, time seemed to pass slowly. Ten minutes seemed to arrive after a long time. The girl's body trembles a little, and it seems she may fall to the ground at any time, but her breath doesn't know why it has calmed down.

Seeing that this happened to her, Boye didn't seem to intend to continue anymore, and slowly closed her eyes. After a while, the girl came out of the pupil surgery, her body almost stood unsteady, and Boye didn't open her eyes anymore, and looked like she closed her eyes and nourished her eyes.

"Well, in this way, three substitute places have been selected. They are Boe, Zebia and Ordas." Blaise announced the final result and waved towards his two men. Waving, let them wear the shackles of the remaining 17 people and take them away from the meeting room.

The seventeen people, after Boyi's previous attack of Hitomitsu, had completely lost their fighting power, and there was no resistance at all.

"So, now let me talk about why we chose a thousand demigods this time." As soon as Yuland spoke, he attracted everyone's attention.

"This time, we chose a thousand demi-gods because our human camp was near the dark tribe and a fragment of an ancient ruin appeared. After discussing with the dark tribe, we decided to explore together. And You are the pioneers of this exploration. In the ruins, any benefits you get belong to you. Of course, there must be dangers, one is the danger caused by the environment of the ruins, and the other is From the danger of the Dark Clan. If you encounter the Dark Clan, my suggestion is very simple, either kill ~ ~ or escape. If you can fight, you can kill, but if you can't, you can escape. "

"Now that you already know the beginning and end of the matter, if you want to quit, it's too late. Prepare for it. The dark tribe is good at dark curses and toxins. You'd better prepare more purification and antidote. The ruins and Skynet ’s virtual space are unusable. Before entering the ruins, you buy more temporary storage space equipment and put everything you need into the temporary storage space. "

"There is one more thing I think it is necessary to say that because the matter of this site is top secret, no one is allowed to disclose it. Once I find out that anyone has disclosed the information in any way, your parents, children, brothers Sisters and all other people you love and those who care about you will be killed by me. And you will be thrown into the eighteenth floor of the gate of purgatory and enjoy the highest level of penalty in the gate of hell. Try it, try it. "

Hearing these words, Ordas and Zebia shuddered. On the eighteenth floor, they dare not think about it. The fourth level of punishment alone can leave people with shadows for years at a time.

Although other people don't know what the penalty will be, the name of the door of purgatory is already pervasive, but anything that touches it is definitely not a good thing. (To be continued ...) ()

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