The Highest Bounty

Chapter 38: Ugly and cruel

The federal government has some different classifications of star ranges under its jurisdiction. For example, red star ranges refer to extremely dangerous areas, black star ranges refer to areas under the jurisdiction of interstellar pirates, and golden star ranges refer to highly developed stars. Domain, and as for the gray star domain, it represents an unmanaged star domain.

Generally speaking, gray star fields are areas where there have been intelligent life, but for some reason, the number of intelligent life within the star field has dropped sharply, and there is no need for the federal government to send people to station and manage.

Under the condition that the network is blocked, the sea emperor has no way to find relevant information about this star field, and can only use the radar system carried by the spacecraft to detect the existence of living bodies. Fortunately, the radar on the young eagle is a new type in recent years, which can detect the existence and specific location of living bodies.

The detection result of the radar was quickly transmitted back. After seeing the result, the sea emperor was slightly surprised. Within the detection range, there is a large population of people on a planet. Although the sea emperor was a little surprised, he didn't have time to investigate further. The presence of a population means that there is oxygen and gravity is suitable. It would be great to have such a planet as a foothold. After all, Guding only needs a temporary foothold, avoiding this interstellar storm and starting again. Therefore, the emperor soon chose a foothold.

When the huge meteorite passed by the planet, the sea emperor controlled the young eagle from the meteorite, opened the energy shield and resisted several impacts, and the spacecraft finally fell / falled towards the target planet.

When the spacecraft entered the atmosphere, the sea emperor tested the composition of the planet's atmosphere. The result of the test is that the oxygen content here is similar to that of Ocean Blue, and Guding can breathe normally.

As for the strength of gravity, he also calculated it according to the falling speed, which is about 1.5 times that of the earth. For Guding, whose cell index is close to 20, the impact will not be great.

Under the control of the sea emperor, the spaceship quickly fell / falled into the ocean. This young eagle has completely abolished the radar, and most functions are no longer available. As for food and water, they were moved into the escape cabin by Gooding early.

The closed escape capsule popped out of the spaceship and floated on the sea, and the sea emperor finally awakened Guding.

Rubbed his sleepy eyes, Guding stretched out, "This sleep is really comfortable, the interstellar storm passed?"

"Not yet, the young eagle has been completely abolished. We were brought to the gray field by the interstellar storm." The sea emperor made a brief explanation. "I have preliminary checked the information of this planet, suitable for human survival, and this There are also living bodies on the planet. "

"You mean, we have left the new route?" Guding did not follow the whole process of the matter, he was more concerned about whether he was still on the new route.

"Yes, this is already the best choice. The first wave of meteorites attack consumes more than 60% of the energy of the young eagle. If it is not here, I am afraid that the young eagle has already disintegrated. It was torn into pieces. "

"How long will it take to return to the new route?" Guding wanted to know this question most.

"I can wait for the interstellar storm to pass, and after the electromagnetic shielding disappears, I can send a message and wait for rescue. According to the previous official statement, this interstellar storm will last at least 20 days, and now three days have passed." The sea emperor can also understand Gooding's mood, but in this situation, he can't help.

"That is to say, there are seventeen days ..." Guding was muttering in a low voice, and suddenly his stomach cried out. He had been in the escape cabin for three days, and then he woke up. He didn't feel hungry at first, until then he didn't notice that he should need to supplement food and water.

Took out a toothpaste-like compressed food and squeezed into his mouth, slobbering by the way.

In the early days of interplanetary voyage, many foods will be compressed into toothpaste, in order to prevent the food debris from floating in the state of weightlessness, and it is not good to be inhaled into the lungs. Many advanced spaceships are now equipped with a gravity sensing system. This problem does not occur. All kinds of food can be eaten casually, but the current Guding can't afford a spaceship with a gravity sensing system.

Guding, who was eating compressed food, suddenly saw fish in the water not far away. He suddenly felt that the food in his mouth was tasteless, and wanted to catch a fish and add food.

Was **** and was about to jump. Guding was suddenly called by the sea emperor, "That fish seems a little strange. Don't go down first. I will send you a video I just opened."

Said that the image of a fish projected in the air was detected by him. As long as he is within 100 meters of Guding's body, he can detect it accordingly.

"It seems that this fish should not be eaten ..." Gooding expressed emotion after watching the video.

In the video, the fish is about thirty centimeters long and has mouth full of sharp teeth. It seems to be competing with another kind of territory.

Soon, the winners and losers were separated. The slightly longer body bitten off the opponent's head in half. But within ten seconds, the original fish of his size was completely eaten clean ~ ~ This looks not only ugly, but also very cruel. Guding couldn't help but sigh, "Please help me to see if there are other fish that can be eaten." "

Then, the sea emperor made several videos, all of which are different kinds of fish. He felt that this kind of fish should not be eaten.

After watching these videos, Guding discovered the same thing. These fish all had teeth with sharp mouths. And when you are fighting for the site, you do n’t care whether you are the same kind, fighting like crazy, and have a never-ending posture.

"Is everything the same? Are there one or two kinds of fish that can be eaten normally?" Guding asked helplessly.

"Do you think this kind of water can be raised?" The sea emperor asked, "Even if it was there before, I'm afraid it would have been eaten up by other fish."

"It seems that I can only eat this kind of unscented compressed food." Failure to add meals, Guding as a standard food, is a little depressed.

"This planet is a little weird. The number of living bodies detected by radar before was actually billions. This star field is obviously a gray star field. It should be difficult to find a planet with living bodies." The sea emperor is actually right. This is also a bit doubtful, but the situation was urgent in the past, and finally found a planet with a living body, he naturally did not pick it.

"Ocean, were the fish just like being infected with a virus?" Guding suddenly remembered that a similar situation happened in the virology class he had chosen in the Military Academy.

(A bit of Calvin, the first chapter tomorrow may be later.)

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