The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 652: Explosive news

Guding's super warship transported Guding to the location near the entrance of the seabed restricted area. ..

The location of the sea emperor showed that Fatt and Michael were also in this area, so the sea emperor also controlled the spacecraft to move towards the location of the two people for the first time.

Early the next day when Gooding escaped, the sea emperor woke up Gooding, who was practicing.

"Guding, the federal government has just released an explosive message. It is estimated that within an hour, the entire universe will boil for this." The voice of the sea emperor sounded very pleasant.

"What news? It could sensation the entire universe?" Guding was a little surprised.

"Of course it is the news that you have escaped from the gate of purgatory! You know, there are dozens of eras in the gate of purgatory, and no one has ever escaped successfully. As the first person, you will naturally cause concern." Hai Huang laughed Road.

"I shouldn't be the first person. Brother Ango just broke out before me. I think there should be other people before him, but the outside world doesn't know it." Guding doesn't think this matter is remarkable. Yes, "However, why should the federal government take the initiative to announce the news of my successful escape from prison? Under normal circumstances, shouldn't outsiders be kept as far as possible from knowing it? Isn't it a face-to-face statement to declare this matter with great fanfare?"

"Things are not as simple as you think, and they made this kind of countermeasures, which was obviously well thought out. Taking the initiative to declare the jailbreak event would damage the reputation of the federal government, but they let them have the initiative and can guide the topic. . Limiting the topic to a controllable range and avoiding further digging from the outside world. And the public will also feel that the federal government has the responsibility and the courage to admit mistakes. "

"Besides, if your jailbreak is successful, sooner or later you will reappear in the universe and enter everyone's field of vision. If you wait until then, everything will be late, because many people will dig out the truth about your jailbreak. Once the truth is revealed, the people know that the federal government deliberately covers you They will only be more embarrassed when it comes to jailbreaking, and will only have a greater impact on their reputation. The entire universe will have one-sided reproach. "

The sea emperor analyzed the reason without much effort.

"Look at their statement to know." The Sea Emperor also projected a video of this statement from the federal government.

In the video, it was Yuland, the chief of the Penal Department, who issued the statement.

The little old man was usually sloppy and wore a formal dress. His figure in formal attire is not funny, but gives a sense of solemnity.

"This old man is very strong, and he didn't even feel the opposite across three years ago." Even through the video, Guding can judge the strength of the other party, probably at the level of the ninth sequence of true gods. In the sea of ​​human universe, this kind of strength is indeed top.

Urand's statement is actually very short, and there are only a few words added up, and the three points are summed up.

1. Gooding successfully escaped from the gate of purgatory, but no other prisoners escaped.

2. Gooding's jailbreak was successful. It is caused by the failure of the Purgatory Gate system. This kind of failure happened once in the tens of millenniums, which happened to be met by Guding luck.

3. The federal government will initiate a follow-up pursuit.

"System failure ..." Gooding raised his eyebrows after reading it. The federal government did, as the sea emperor just said, make a certain degree of conspiracy about his escape from prison.

"This reason is actually good, because it is a more objective reason, and there is no clear responsible person. Moreover, it is clearly stated in the statement. Your successful escape is because of luck, which happened to have not happened in dozens of eras. The system is malfunctioning. That is to say, other people will not have such good luck in the future, and it also dispels the public's worry about the jailbreaking event that will occur in the gate of purgatory in the future. "The sea emperor thinks that the federal government's move is actually very beautiful.

This statement from the federal government soon spread in the universe.

Less than an hour later, the entire cosmic sea began to discuss Guding's jailbreak. Many people even found the video when Guding disbanded the pirate group three years ago, and focused on taking out the three-year contract of Guding at that time.

About this incident. In the pirate circle, the discussion was the most heated.

"Have you heard? Gu Ding really escaped successfully, but that's the gate of purgatory. There are dozens of eras, and no one has ever escaped successfully!"

"Guding made a three-year contract three years ago. I'm afraid no one in the universe will believe that he can do it. Unexpectedly, he really did it!"

"I just saw the news and thought it was a fake video made by someone. It turned out that the video source actually came from the official website of the federal government, and it was still on the front page of the homepage ... It is almost an hour now, and it has not been taken down. , It should not have been hacked. "

"It really gives us a long face of interstellar pirates, this is a slap to the federal government."


There was no shortage of people who had gotten this news from Guding.

"That man actually succeeded in jailbreaking. It really is the existence I always wanted to surpass ..." Carrot sat on a white dwarf staring at the video of the statement, and his eyes flashed with blazing eyes. War of intent.

"Guding, it's really a surprise. I thought you were in a dead end, but I didn't expect the result to be completely beyond my expectations. It seems that I underestimated you from the beginning ..." The ship is still sailing In the spaceship in the middle, Kordblad's eyes shone strangely.

"Guding, you really did it. I knew that the door to purgatory couldn't hold you off, but I didn't expect you to grow so fast." Federal government headquarters, Reed in military uniform is now like an adult man, with a determined face , Eyes steady, lips slightly raised.


Other members of the Guding Pirates ~ ~ Even if I got the news from Guding one day in advance, I was a little surprised to see the news spread throughout the universe and sea the next day.

"It seems that because of the captain, our pirate group is going to fire again." When Fatt saw the news, he was also very excited.

"The captain's reward amount is estimated to increase again soon." Mi Ke nodded and smiled.

"The captain said yesterday that he is now closest to us and can meet us in three days. I can finally throw the consortium back to my dad, hehehe ..." Fatt has also undertaken for three years He has done a lot of consortium duties and made a lot of achievements, but he always feels that being an interplanetary pirate is what he wants to do most.

"Everyone will be together again soon ..." Mike is also unprecedentedly happy. He has been missing everyone for the past three years, and now he is not far from reunion. (To be continued ...)


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