The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 811: Big VS Simoros

In addition to the huge ball of light, the battle between the Guding Pirates and the Knights of Light also entered a fierce stage.

Elsa, although their strength is not as good as the members of the Knights of Light, but Crimson, Huck and Beka three people have pinned down seven members of the Knights of Light.

In addition, the black armor man made by Robert joined the battle, Mickey's wireless singular intervention, Liliat's illusion assistance, and various harassment of Tagore and Blue.

All of a sudden, the Guding Pirates took the initiative to fight.

Among the void, the most fierce battle was the Bigger and the deputy commander of the Eighth Legion of the Knights of Light, Jimoros.

Jimoros has the fourth series of peak **** power, it can be said that it is better than the **** that Guding encountered before.

But at this moment he was completely suppressed by Bigger.

"Void Flash!"

A white awn quickly condensed into a thumb-sized particle in front of Himuros, and then the particle burst suddenly, turning into a white shock wave, carrying the power of the torn space towards Beagle.

This move is already the strongest attack that Jimoros can launch.

"Three Blades!"

Bigger used his own sword technique. The third blade is the strongest sword technique he currently comprehends. The subsequent fourth blade, he only created a prototype, which cannot be displayed with his strength.

The colorless and invisible sword, like the arrow of the string, rushed towards Himeros.

Under the impact of the two, the white void cut the middle position as if torn by some invisible force. A huge crack was formed. And the crack was still rushing towards Himeros at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Himeros's face changed dramatically, he didn't expect it. His strongest attack was easily torn by the opponent. Obviously, the power of the opponent's move was more than several times stronger than his own move.

"Little World of Light-Coming!"

With a loud sip, Himeros also used the small world and pulled Bigra into it.

As soon as Beagle entered the small world of light, he discovered the anomaly. The energy in my body seems to be draining slowly.

"Big guy. Welcome to my little world of light!"

Himeros turned into a white light and shadow and smiled proudly with open arms.

"In order to make you die more clearly, let me introduce my little world of light."

"In my small world of light, my body is completely transformed into particles of light. All attacks are invalid to me. This is the first function of my small world of light. That is to say, no matter how you attack , I will not be wasted to any point. "

"The second function is that if the opponent is illuminated by the light of my small world of light, the energy in the body will slowly evaporate like sweat. And this evaporation will fluctuate according to the strength of your energy. The more energy you have, the faster the energy loss in your body. "

"It is precisely because of these two functions. My small world is also called the cage of light."

Jimoros seemed confident, as if he saw Bigger falling to his feet.

But the smile on his face quickly turned into amazement.

After Void Flash was torn. Bigger's invisible third blade crossed his body.


The severe pain made Himeros howl.

He looked down, his chest was torn open with a scar nearly half a meter long, and his body did not become photonized by the attack.

"How could this be? Why didn't my body photonize when I was attacked ?!" Himeros encountered this for the first time.

"My attack has nothing to do with the state of your body, whether you are a photon or any other particles. It does n’t make any difference to me even if I ’m fully transformed into a soul spirit. As long as it is locked by my knife, Direct damage. "

Bigger did not want to explain too much. When the fighting skills reach the extreme, in fact, doing all sorts of small movements has no meaning at all.

But the beagle with the knife heart can understand the sword technique of the main **** level, not to mention this basic plane, even in the high plane, almost no one of the same level of swordsman can compare Ge Zhengfeng. His understanding of the sword completely reached the category that others could not reach.

"In the face of absolute strength, even the most cunning trick can only be crushed." Bigger said, holding the handle with both hands, "" The Seventh Sword ", the first one-the crack!

A black knife awn quickly condensed and formed in front of Bigger, with a length of 100 meters, but disappeared at the moment of forming, and appeared directly in front of Himeros.

Knowing that his photonization ability was invalid, dodge did not do much, and Jimoros had no choice but to resist his scalp.

Void Flash exploded again crazy, in the small world of light, his power was a little stronger.

But it only caused a moment of obstruction to the black blade, and was cut off by the black blade.


The sorrowful wailing sounded again, and Himeros' figure also flew out, hitting the world wall of the small world of light, and a loud noise was heard.

A flash of Beagle appeared at a distance of less than one hundred meters from Himuros, and looked at the other person with cold eyes.

The golden blood flowed out of Himuros's body. His chest had been torn apart by the previous one. Bigger could even clearly see through the wound a golden spherical heart inside. Beating.

The body structure of the Protoss is such that they are composed entirely of golden flesh and blood, and the only organ in the body is the heart of God, which is also the source of energy in their body.

The heart of God is still beating, indicating that Jimoros has not died.

"Huh?" Bigger suddenly found a trace of anomaly, and the whole world of light began to tremble.

"This is the unconsciousness of the small world leading into the collapse ~ ~ or ..." Bigger's eyes also fell on Himeros not far below, the golden blood was impregnated in the light After the world of the small world, it seems that some changes have taken place in Himeros's body.

The heart of Simoros, who was paralyzed on the wall of the world, began to beat violently. Under normal circumstances, the frequency of the heartbeat of the Protoss in one minute is about one hundred times. In the state of combat, it will generally rise to more than one thousand. It can even reach three thousand.

But at this time, Jimoros, the heart in the body beat almost ten thousand times a minute, which is more than several times their fighting state.

And what made Bigger more concerned was that the breath of Simoros, who had previously lost consciousness, also began to skyrocket.

After a while, Himeros suddenly opened his eyes, his blue pupil turned into white completely, and shot out a terrifying white mans.


[Children's shoes, it will be September 1st tomorrow, happy to start school ~~ Hey, for Mao I am so happy when I think of the start of school? Because I have graduated for many years, ohyeah ~] (to be continued)

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