The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 504: This saint will not let you go

   Chapter 504 This Saint will not let you go


   Bei Yemo was startled and immediately dodged to avoid it, but he was still unable to avoid it. He was swept away by the remaining power of the spiritual power and vomited out a mouthful of blood.


   "Second brother, what are you still doing there, help Yin'er to kill Sheng Chuxin."

  Xianyin Lanyu was not in a coma. She didn't have time to find Shengchuxin at all, and was first discovered by Bei Yehan and the others. After that, she was arrested and brought to Bei Yemo's room.

   At this moment, her heart is full of jealousy towards Sheng Chuxin.

   She doesn't care whether Bei Yemo is Bei Yehan's opponent or not, she only knows that Sheng Chu's heart must be killed so that she will have a chance.

   Bei Yemo was so startled by her roar that he almost spat out another mouthful of old blood. When did he say he wanted to kill Sheng Chuxin, and when did he say he wanted to help her?

   Isn't this a scam? Don't you feel the murderous aura on Bei Yehan's body?

   "Lanyu Xianyin, shut up!" He suddenly yelled at her.

   Still think he's not having enough trouble? He shouldn't have brought Lanyu Xianyin to Xuanji Continent, this woman is simply a trouble!

   "Kill me? Haha." Sheng Chuxin smiled, worrying about Lanyu Xianyin's IQ.

   At this time, Bei Yemo can't protect himself, how could he still come to kill her? Didn't she see that she was in Ahan's arms, could Bei Yemo kill him?

   "Xianyin Lanyu, Bei Yemo just wants to arrest me at the moment, so we have to see if he has the ability!"

   Hearing this, Bei Yemo suddenly raised his head to look at Sheng Chuxin. Did this woman know that the Queen Mother wanted him to catch her?

  Then he has no chance to attack. At this time, he can only seize the opportunity to escape by himself.

   "Sheng Chuxin, you little bitch, brother Han who seduced this princess, you must die, this princess will not let you go, neither will the ghost king, you will die miserably..."


   An ear scraper directly interrupted Lanyu Xianyin's ghost roar.

   "Now this saint will not let you go!" Bei Yehan's dark eyes stared at Lan Yu Xianyin.

   This was also the first time he looked at Lan Yu Xianyin seriously.

   "Brother Han, what's so good about that woman, she's just an unknown person in Xuanji Continent, how can she compare to Yin'er, I'm a princess, the princess proclaimed by the ghost king!"

  Xianyin Lanyu twisted a face, half lying on the ground, pointing at Shengchuxin.

   Speaking of face, she is on a par with Shengchu Xin, why can Shengchu Xin get Brother Han's heart, but she can't?

   In terms of strength, her cultivation base is not known to be many times better than Shengchu Xin, not to mention that she is the concubine of the Lanyu family, marrying her is equivalent to gaining all the power of the Lanyu family.

   "Ghost King!"

   Hearing the word "Ghost King", Bei Yehan was going to grind his teeth.

   Could it be that Lanyu Xianyin really doesn't know that his mother emperor is the biggest nightmare in his life?

But now, this nightmare no longer exists, the child's heart has been resolved, and the dark night technique has also been lifted. He no longer has to think about how to not be threatened by the mother emperor, because the mother emperor can no longer threaten him. .

   "Yes, brother Han, haven't you always wanted to get the attention of the ghost king? I can help you. I, the ghost king loves me the most. As long as I say a word in front of the ghost king, she will definitely treat you differently."

  Xianyin Lanyu patted her chest, and there was a smug look on her face.

   (end of this chapter)

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