The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 516: Five years later--

   Chapter 516 Five years later——

   "That's right, Wan Lan, don't make a fool of yourself, that place is very dangerous, very dangerous, very dangerous." Xiaodie nodded vigorously and said.

   "Don't you know that the more dangerous the place, the better the place for cultivation?"

  Wan Lan asked them back.

  The master must be strong, this is a fact that no one can deny.

   But the master is only at the peak of Nascent Soul now. If he wants to reach the transcendence stage or even higher, can this be achieved in a few years or decades?

   Or where in Xuanji mainland can the master achieve it?

   Even with the talent of the master enchanting, it is impossible!

   Therefore, the master must find a better place to practice, and that place must be a ghost forest.

   "But that is also a place where life may be in danger at any time." Ding Ding said with her waist crossed.

   How can the owner go to such a place that eats people without spitting bones?

  No, absolutely no.

   "Master has the protection of the Five Intentions Ring, where can't you go?" Wan Lan asked.

   There are five spirit rings, and ghost talismans are nothing. If the owner is willing, he can collect a few ghost talismans to play with.

   "Master, if you decide, Wan Lan will reveal the gods of the ten directions for you to memorize." He said to Sheng Chu Xin.

   Shifang Shenjie is the **** rule of the gods, and it is also effective for the ghost forest.

   "Okay, you are ready as soon as possible." Sheng Chu agreed.


Five years later--

  Ghost Palace, in the Han Palace where Bei Yehan was located, his sharp eyes stared at Yun'er, who shrank his head not far away.

   Bei Yehan was about to roar.

   "Yun'er, what did you do, how come you don't even know where the mistress is?"

   Qiongqi stood aside and couldn't help asking.

   "I... lord, slave..."

   Yuner didn't know what to say, so she could only shrink her neck again.

   Is there any way she can, Miss's order, can she ignore it?

Miss    said to let her go back to Xiangguo, to live in the house she bought for Miss, and to send a peace letter to Mie Buhe every once in a while, can she not do it?

   "How long has Chu Xin been gone?" Bei Yehan took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice.

   "This..." Yun'er hesitated for a while, not sure if she should say it.

   It's just that since the Lord has already asked her, if she doesn't tell the truth, she will definitely have a hard time in the future.

"Miss   , it's not that the slaves intend to betray you, but the Lord's aura is too strong, and it's not easy for slaves to go against him.

   "Since the lady broke through the ice and fire formation, she left."


   Hearing her words, Qiong Qi and the others all screamed.

Passing through the Ice and Fire Array, that was five years ago. According to the news from the extraordinary, the mistress went to the Ice and Fire Array three days after the Lord left, and she walked out of the Ice and Fire Array in less than a month. , get the Holy Land Order.

   In other words, it has been five years since the mistress 'disappeared'? !

  Five years, what kind of concept is this? The mistress is outside alone, and she is accompanied by a group of contracted beasts whose temperament is completely like a child. What should I do if there is any danger?

   "Yun'er, you are simply too bold."

   This is not a question of daring, but a matter of death.

   "You tell the truth with this saint, where did your original heart go?" Bei Yehan asked in a deep voice.

   "The servant girl doesn't know either. The lady didn't tell me, she just told me to wait for her at home." Yun'er shook her head.

   (end of this chapter)

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