The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 45: The mother snail gives birth, and the spirit insect is different

Li Qing didn't need to worry about harvesting the spiritual rice.

The islanders harvested only six mu of golden glutinous rice in one night.

"Splash..." The golden rice was poured into the marble pool.

Li Qing used a water purification spell to submerge it, and then divided the profits with Ryan's family after the water evaporated naturally.

The next morning, Rick sent Li Qing another batch of pure bamboo leaves.

During the time when Li Qing returned to the cultivation world, Lettuce Island harvested another batch. Ryan strictly divided the profits according to Li Qing's share and stored it well.

Li Qing accepted it with a smile: "It's not necessary to be so troublesome. Just keep an account when I'm not here. When I'm here, deduct it from the new round of harvest."

Rick nodded and agreed: "Well, let's do this next time."

Li Qing gave him the brown algae seeds he brought from the cultivation world: "There are ten common seeds and two witch medicine seeds for Reis."

Rick thanked him happily and hurried back to tell his elf worms the good news.

Li Qing collected more seeds, of course. But there are always new gifts, so there is no need to give them all at once.

After a while, Kailin also came to visit.

Li Qing gave her four common rose seeds and two spiritual plant seeds.

The green rose fairy worm timidly hid on Kailin's shoulder, wanting to: "Eh..."

Kalin took out the one with the most spiritual energy and let it hold it with its short legs, then took out a bottle of red turquoise powder and put it on the coffee table: "Thank you, sir, this is a gift for Azao and A Sun."

After the gift exchange, Kailin told Li Qing seriously: "I planted the Qingling grass seeds you gave me on Lettuce Island and Green Rose Castle."

"As you predicted before, the new seeds all look like grass. Only the Qingling Bamboo Garden is a little different."

Li Qing nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

After dealing with the accumulated matters during the one and a half months of absence, Li Qing went to see the palm snails in the pond in the afternoon accompanied by Rick.

It was also a coincidence that the palm snails started to give birth as soon as Li Qing arrived.

The mother snail opened her operculum and slowly spit out soybean-sized snails from a small opening between her abdomen and shell.

When the little snails were born, their shells were still transparent, and you could vaguely see the pink snail meat and the red snail heart.

In less than a quarter of an hour in the water, its soft shell gradually hardened, and its color changed from transparent to bright yellow, and it grew blunt thorns the size of rice grains.

The tail thorns of the little snails were some light red and some light purple, and it was easy to distinguish between male and female.

These little snails were also very ferocious.

The serf in charge of feeding them had just thrown in a sea fish. They swarmed over and ate it at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Li Qing used his spiritual sense to carefully sense and found that these little snails did not contain spiritual energy, that is, there was no trace of magic.

He sighed with some disappointment and went to see the mother date palm snail again.

As if she had gotten rid of a big burden, the mother snail looked a little relaxed, lying lazily on a stone, her carapace opening and closing, but she was not eating.

Li Qing sensed that its snail heart was still beating strongly, and there was no sign of weakening of the spiritual energy fluctuations, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Help me feed it for a few more days." Li Qing glanced at the date palm mother snail, "If nothing goes wrong, I will take it with me next time I leave."

Rick nodded in response and arranged for the serfs to take care of it more carefully.

Except for the spirit insects that are intertwined with their lives, the "Gate of Heavenly Dimension" cannot take any creatures with spiritual consciousness through.

If Li Qing wants to take the date palm mother snail away, he can only dispel its spiritual consciousness and take a "plant snail" back.

But animals that have lost their spiritual consciousness will not live long even if they are protected by magic power. That's why Li Qing has been keeping it here.

This time, taking advantage of the gathering of foundation-building cultivators in Xuefeng Lake, Li Qing has found a good buyer for the date palm snail heart, so he can take it back and try to sell it.

"Why is my spiritual sense giving me a subtle warning?" Li Qing was somewhat puzzled. "Although treasures that can improve spiritual roots are rare, the quality of the heart of the date palm snail is only more expensive than the foundation-building pill."

"At best, it is coveted by the foundation-building cultivators. For the Jindan cultivators, it is just difficult to obtain. If you really want it, can't you afford the price?"


Five days passed like this, and the rainbow cliff rice in the farmland was ripe.

The number of seabirds that came to steal the spiritual rice increased this time, and even two alien species with magic power appeared.

One of them had mutated eyes and could emit scorching light; the other had mutated wings and could fan out strong winds.

But they were not strong, about the second level of Qi training, roughly the same as Rick.

Li Qing deliberately used the wind binding technique to capture them, preparing to leave them to Feng Lei as sparring partners, and then decide whether to turn them into ingredients depending on the situation.

After driving away the seabirds, the rainbow cliff rice entered the rhythm of harvesting.

In terms of appearance alone, Hongya rice ranks first among the three kinds of spiritual rice. This is also the reason why Ryan chose it as a candidate for the future family name.

Mature Hongya rice is the size of Job's tears, and the husk is golden, but in the sunlight, it reflects a neon-like light.

Looking down from the sky, the golden rice fields are filled with dazzling rainbow light, which fluctuates rhythmically with the sea breeze.

There are also rules for harvesting this rice.

It likes clear and hates turbidity. If it is not picked by magic, only a virgin can pick it by hand to preserve its taste, regardless of gender.

The original ordinary millet harvest has become a disguised blind date activity for unmarried men and women.

For this reason, the awakening ceremony reward given by Ryan changed from the children of the family to the people who participated in the picking.

Li Qing looked at the unmarried couple, Rick and Kailin, and went to the field with a red face, picking rainbow cliff rice while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

However, Leier had been hiding in Hongya Castle and refused to go to the field.

Li Qing shook his head, ignored their eye contact, and waited beside the green pearl rice Cordyceps.

This elf insect really misjudged its origin. As soon as the surrounding rainbow cliff rice matured, it began to get restless.

I saw its curled body gradually stretching, and the green pearl jade on its forehead emitted a soft halo, and some strange fluctuations spread around.

The fluctuations swept over the mature rainbow cliff rice, and the rainbow cliff rice did not change at all, which made it "cuckoo" with some doubts.

It held back its strength and emitted more and more powerful fluctuations, which penetrated into the nearby rainbow cliff rice seeds, and then dissipated like quicksand on the fingertips.

Li Qing could feel that the little guy was a little confused, and once again spread the wave to a farther place.

Finally, the Qingzhu rice on the other side gave it feedback.

A rice seedling that originally only produced two strings of rice ears suddenly began to joint, ear, flower, and fill. Soon, the expected yield doubled.

The Qingzhu rice elf worm, which had not yet opened its eyes, was stunned. It murmured "Guka" and finally fell asleep again.

"The elf worm bred by the spiritual rice can really give birth to spiritual rice, but it can't even ripen across small categories?"

The original plan to rely on the first-level low-grade spiritual rice elf worm to promote the high yield of high-grade spiritual rice was declared bankrupt.

Li Qing couldn't say he was satisfied, but he wasn't too disappointed. He stood up and cast a planting spell on the over-consumed Cordyceps.

Suddenly, an inconspicuous, underdeveloped rainbow cliff rice plant next to the Cordyceps attracted Li Qing's attention: "Huh..."

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