The indescribable Taoist Lord

Chapter 25 I am Tai Su

Zhang Qinghe was a little puzzled.

It's not like he hasn't studied the tokens and jade coupons left behind by Xiao Wu.

The token is made of unknown materials, and it is somewhat magical. Under the spiritual vision, it is filled with pure spiritual energy. It is not at all like the evil cultivator mentioned by the masters.

That's right, except for the exotic treasures and those things, the rest of the nature of the evil cultivators should be the most normal.

In other words, except for Zhang Qinghe, the purest human cultivator in this world is actually a reviled evil cultivator. This has to be said to be a kind of sadness.

But Zhang Qinghe never figured out the reason for the jade coupon.

From the outside, it looks like ordinary jade, but it reveals a kind of complete clarity, as if it is an innate thing raised by nature.

The opening and closing of spiritual vision has no effect on it, as if it was born this way.

Zhang Qinghe's improvement in cultivation had already reached a bottleneck, and he could only practice the "Xingxiang Nurturing Artifact" constantly to achieve the purpose of strengthening his soul.

Although he can now suppress the absorption of spiritual energy and activate spiritual vision without entering the realm of enlightenment, this suppression must have a limit.

But this method focuses on attack, and its efficiency in inducing stars is not that powerful.

Therefore, the only things he can practice now are escape techniques and fighting techniques.

In addition, there are no morning classes, so the time is very relaxed.

He took some time at noon to sort out the jade coupons.

I thought that I still couldn't find a reason, but I didn't expect that the jade coupon would glow with gleaming light under the spiritual vision.

The jade coupon revealed a line of words under his surprised eyes.

——"How can one learn by studying things?"

the other side……

Wang Zhixin locked himself in the room with a dull face. Chang'an School had returned from the secret realm of the East China Sea, and he was currently on the flying boat.

He is not a selfless person, but he never skimps on resources and treasures. Without others, he has neither shortage nor interest.

The Lin'an Wang family is a wealthy family among the thirty-six immortals.

He is also the only legitimate son of the head of the Wang family. Unlike Li Qingluo, even love is easily available to him.

But the all-encompassing book was too tempting for him.

He loved to explore truth since he was a child, and he got a lot of criticism from his parents for this. Later, because they couldn't argue with him, the Wang family had to send him to the Chang'an private school.

Now it was the turn of the Master of Chang'an School to have a headache. He was often asked questions and felt ashamed. He was both in love with and angry with this student.

Finally seeing that no one could answer some of his questions, he began to investigate things again.

Because it is said in the book that studying things leads to knowledge.

However, he looked at the green mountains for seven days and still did not understand the truth. He looked at the East China Sea for three months and still did not know the end.

But with this perseverance in seeking the truth, I was able to achieve unimpeded success until the late stage of Dharma.

With the experience of walking in the great world, he was ranked thirty-sixth on the Qilin Ranking. "The sage asked, and the gold and stone opened the door." His nickname was actually Little Sage.

The old scholars thought that this enthusiasm was a good thing, so they let him go.

But this time the Wanying Book fell into his hands, it was different.

He was rarely excited. Although he was not only dull but also paralyzed, there was still no sign of joy from his appearance.

——He can ask for a year.

Not only Zhang Qinghe, but almost all jade coupon holders saw this line of writing.

It's a little strange that what others asked could be shared, which they didn't expect. It seems that I will have to consider the issue carefully in the future.

“How can one learn by studying things?”

Zhou Huaian is a little crazy. Although he likes the knowledge of saints, he is forced to do so because his spiritual roots are lacking. In this life, he can only stop at sensing, so he finds a way out in dance, writing and ink. This person has such a precious opportunity just for Asking how to know things by studying things made him vomit three liters of blood after trying for countless days and nights with no results.

Su Shenxiu, on the other hand, was very excited. She was sitting on the green reef of Penglai Fairy Island with her bare feet and a jade coupon in her hand. The rushing waves always narrowly avoided the red waves. The clothes were slightly wet in the waves that were as high as a man. The jade feet were washed lightly and they sang happily.

The Wanying Book turned out to be real.

As for the two in the hands of the two giants, there was no movement, just like dead objects.

Zhang Qinghe was stunned for a moment, ah, isn't this a point question?

He didn't know about the turmoil in Tahao Tianwai Wanying Book, and he only regarded this jade coupon as a mechanism similar to prize-winning quizzes.

He thought for a while and tentatively wrote with Ling Yuan

——“It is absurd to study things to gain knowledge.”

“Those who don’t know yet but don’t do it, who know but don’t do it, are just unknown.”

The moment the Lingyuan was written, Zhang Qinghe's heart roared, his soul stirred, and he was led into the jade coupon.

"What is this?!" Zhang Qinghe was extremely surprised.

Wang Zhixin's vision changed at this moment. The inner walls of his room turned into the dried flesh and blood of some kind of creature. It was as if some incomprehensible evil spirit had lost its activity and was made into this flying boat. Even though it was like this , the huge and distorted chanting sound also poured into his ears, but he was protected by the spiritual light emanating from the Wanying Book.

Of course, if there were outsiders present, there would be nothing unusual except for Wang Zhixin's dull face suddenly turning pale.

"My sage..."

Wang Zhixin's brain circuit was different from others, and he ignored the dizziness and vomiting. He even touched it and observed it carefully.

Just when he was about to study it carefully, and even endured the thought of almost exploding his head, and wanted to cut off a small piece with his spiritual energy knife, a certain existence appeared.

Wang Zhixin raised his head, and what he saw above his head was no longer the roof of the pavilion, but the deep and unknowable universe.

He was projected from the sky above the sky, carrying an aura that did not belong to this world. His spirituality was naturally higher than that of mortals, just like the brilliant sky.

Ten thousand roads are just paving the way for Him, and the stars are just dust on the Taoist robes. He wears a simple fish-tail crown, and his aura seems to span eternity. His face is unknowable, unsearchable, and indescribable. Only a little elixir between his eyebrows exudes a certain kind. The inexplicable imperial pressure.

The sound from the sky was incomprehensible and contained the ultimate truth. In an instant, the shadows of the immortal kings were banished to the mortal world, holding scepter and bowing. The phoenix Qingluan lined up on the left and right, and the real dragon Qilin lay around him.

It actually turned this small room into a fairyland.

Under the gentle atmosphere of Tsinghua University, Wang Zhi's pressure suddenly dropped.

I saw the figure chanting softly in incomprehensible words:

"It is absurd to study things to gain knowledge."

“Those who don’t know yet but don’t do it, who know but don’t do it, are just unknown.”

The Great Dao Tianyin came across many time and space, and was obscure and profound, but Wang Zhixin understood it, and it even contained some truth about the nature of the world.

He ignored the shock and digested it slowly.

"May I ask for your name?"

Wang Zhixin's dull face showed a rare expression of emotion. He was really too curious about this existence.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that a person of this kind is a heavenly being, right?

But he got no reply.

But that existence has not left yet, hanging high in the indescribable Taixu universe directly above. It seems that the Book of Everything in his hand is the support of this immortal god in this world.

Wang Zhi had an idea and used his finger to write with the Ningling Yuan, and wrote on the jade coupon:

"May I ask for your name?"

Zhang Qinghe spent a few breaths to understand the current situation, and pondered for a while to think of a name.

But in Wang Zhi's mind, for a moment, tens of thousands of worlds cycled through the cycle of birth and death around him, as if time in this space was meaningless and there was no frame of reference.

Zhang Qinghe thought of Taixuan, Taiyuan, and Taixu, and made a firm decision.

The heavenly sound of the great road was chanted softly from the sky, and some kind of ancient music to worship the gods sounded throughout the Taixu universe. The immortal kings and beasts prostrated on the ground, as if celebrating the birth of the great one——

"I am too plain."

Thank you all for your recommendation votes! There are many people, so I won’t list them all here, but I am still very grateful. My gratitude will not diminish. I have carefully written down all the book friends who have always supported me! Yesterday, Changle added more updates as promised, although it did not reach 100. Zhang, but very close, thank you!

Special thanks to xiaotang246 for the 500 starting coin reward! Thank you! The investment is about to exceed 100, and maybe we can add another chapter, let's rush! Let’s go to the next plot immediately!

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