The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 654 Satellite at 10,000 meters altitude

Chapter 068 Satellite at 10,000 meters altitude

"No! You are not allowed to go to the Chinese Federation!" Keilar did not expect that the girls' reaction to the matter he raised would be so big.

The most intense Kou Kou even slapped the table and shouted.

She roared at Kelar like an enraged lioness.

She is not like this usually, this is the first time that Jonah and Keilal see Coco like this.

Not only her, but also several right-hand assistants including Layla and Fesilia were very opposed to Keilal doing this.

Their concerns and reasons are valid.

The biggest reason is that the entire EU is now in dire straits and cannot continue to operate without Kelal.

This may be an exaggeration.

But Coco, Layla, Fesilia, and even Archduke Ferland who were following Keilal all knew that this was a fact without any exaggeration.

This man directly and single-handedly supported the political and people's livelihood of the entire EU.

Whether it is military reform, people's livelihood management, political diplomacy, or business regulations with businessmen.

This man is like a perpetual motion machine that is fully wound. There is no problem that he cannot solve. It is precisely because of this man's excellent internal affairs ability that the EU can now make small steps forward while reforming.

These reforms are to make up for the loopholes in the past, such as kicking out the army's idle generals and uncovering the generals who were living on empty wages.

Because of these things, Kou Kou has killed many people, and those generals with armies will never be so obedient.

However, something like SIS is both a sharp sword to defend the country externally and a good medicine to kill viruses internally and ensure health. Abuse may turn it into poison, but it is very convenient when used well.

For example, internal assassination.

This is of course procedurally unfair and may even leave a very bad path for future generations.

But in these extraordinary times, extraordinary things are being done. The EU is already in such bad shape. How bad can it get if it gets worse?

This group of generals could boldly assassinate Keilar, but they felt that it was absolutely impossible for Keilar to attack them. If nothing else, how did Keilar know that they would attack him?

If Kelal didn't know they were going to attack him, how could he attack them?

This simple logic caused many people to die directly. Whether it was poisoning, seduction, assassination, or sniping, this group of people had no defense.

To be honest, this group of people have been at ease for too long. Even the Bunitalia Empire rarely uses assassinations to solve political problems (Mariana is special, not for political reasons), so many people think that these generals They had an accident.

After the accident, the people Kelal put in quickly took control of the situation.

It is also an extraordinary time to do extraordinary things. Layla is a soldier herself and has a strong influence in the military. Many of her direct subordinates have become mid-level and high-level officers like rockets, and have begun to control the grassroots level of the real EU. .

And to prevent Keilal from having too much power, he also asked Kou Kou to arrange for people to come in.

It can be said that Koko is now the most powerful person in EU besides Kelal.

But even so, Kou Kou has no intention of seizing power.

To be disrespectful to Keilal, there are so many government affairs and internal affairs. Who can do it except Keilal, a pervert?

Kou Kou asked herself that she absolutely couldn't do it.

If you can't do it, don't think about it so much.

The work of Coco, Fesilia, and Leila was able to start smoothly only because Keilal had already laid the groundwork for them in all aspects, so everything went smoothly for them.

Once Keilal, the backbone at the front, leaves, they will feel uneasy from the bottom of their hearts.

This uneasiness does not stem from ignorance.

Or maybe it's because they know too much that they feel uneasy.

What ordinary people know, they know

They also know what ordinary people don't know.

It is precisely because they know how important Keilal is that they know the world will become like this after losing Keilal.

EU can't live without Keilal!

Their opposition was very fierce, but Keilal's expression was very calm.

It can even be said that he has made up his mind and decided to go to the Chinese Federation.

He couldn't go back to that dreaming homeland two or three thousand years ago due to traffic reasons. This time, he had to go and see it.

But of course, the EU side must not collapse. Kelal needs the EU to become an iron wall on the western front, blocking the Bunitalia Empire, and growing slowly, while the eastern front needs the small peasant economy of the Chinese Federation. Change into an industrial system and explode with huge energy to become the iron wall of the Eastern Front.

At that time, people on both sides of the East and West can directly swallow up the Middle East, divide the entire Siberia equally, and drive the Bunitalia Empire to Africa.

Even a counterattack in Africa is not impossible.

Keilal slowly spoke out his thoughts, leaving everyone stunned.

Keilal thought very well and there was nothing wrong with the plan.

No matter how big the Bunitalia Empire is, to be honest, the mainland is comparable to the EU and the Chinese Federation.

There is also a large area in the middle, which is a vacuum zone.

In the past, any country in the EU, the Chinese Federation, and the Bunitalia Empire would have been driven out by the local chieftain forces, indigenous forces, and the Middle East Alliance - of course, behind them were the other two companies working together.

It is precisely because of this that the Middle East can maintain relative peace and stability.

But nominally, the Middle East belongs to the district of the Bunitalia Empire.

But that is meaningless, cannot be controlled, cannot be taxed, cannot be conscripted, then it is not the land of the Bunitalia Empire.

For example, Koko's company started and prospered by relying on the arms trade to the Middle East.

Kelal's plan is so grand. Once the EU and the Chinese Federation capture the Middle East, the Bunitalia Empire must retreat to Africa, otherwise the remaining troops in the Middle East will be surrounded.

Of course, Keilal has more ideas.

For example, trams built with Sakurashi engines, trans-Eurasian railways, etc. These ideas are just ideas, but once the two countries begin to operate as planned in Kelal, then such things will be put on the agenda. .

Everyone fell silent after hearing the idea described by Keilal.

For a moment, they didn't know what to say.

"As for the EU, I'm not leaving it alone. I will bring real-time communication equipment. If you have any questions, you can call me." He comforted them easily.

"The situation is different whether you are here or not." Leila said with some excitement: "And what kind of equipment can contact you at all times across a distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers? What if we can't contact you at the critical moment? "

They are obviously outstanding figures in their respective fields, but they still feel concerned about the major events of a country.

This is of course, the governance of a country cannot be completed by just one person. For example, Keilal needs the help of Coco, Layla, Liwang, and Feicilia. Without Keilal, they can’t It's absolutely impossible to play.

The complexity of modern political internal affairs is far greater than that of ancient times. Only on the basis of the EU's original political system can they slowly change the EU.

"This is just what I want to show you," Keilar smiled. "I asked Noeryu to do this from the beginning, and I happened to have some insights recently."


"Well, this plan has been put forward after I came to power, but it's normal for you not to know. Come with me to the experimental facility tomorrow to have a look." Keilar's words were still mysterious, making the girls couldn't help but become curious. .

As Keilar's right-hand man, they didn't even know about this matter. It can be seen that this matter is Keilar's top secret, but how can such a secret be completed so quickly?

They were in disbelief.

You must know that technology is not that simple. If you want to develop an engine or research new materials, it really takes ten years and a hundred years.

This is no simple thing.

But Keilar took a different approach.

In this world, power development is very developed because of Sakurashi.

But from another perspective, the [regular] items that appear in the laws of that world are not conventional in this world.

Including hot air balloons.

Humans here have given up on coal heating a long time ago. Sakurashi's heating after activation is simple, convenient and environmentally friendly. Before the development of knightmare, Sakurashi's function has been to power cars and trains, and ordinary people use it for heating. object.

It is precisely because of convenience that humans can easily develop such large tracts of land - when temperature is not a problem, then the land in the north is actually more suitable for cultivating wheat.

Of course, due to the excessive population expansion of the Chinese Federation, both the upper and lower areas are occupied. This is the inevitable result of population expansion and a strong military.

However, the land occupation is fine, but it is not certain whether the local people are convinced.

Kailal could tell from Lakshatta that although the Indian Military Region was a military region, it probably wanted independence and was at odds with the Chinese Federation.

The reason why he rushed to the Chinese Federal District now was to prevent such a thing from happening. This matter could not be delayed.

Early the next morning, the girls had already arrived at Noeru's laboratory.

Even though Liwang had to accompany her father on official business, she still took a day off and came here.

Everyone wants to see the new technology that Kailar mentioned, which will allow him to contact everyone in the Chinese Federation.

The open space outside the research institute was already filled with people.

A group of people were checking something on a huge metal square. There was a keyboard and screen on the square metal, and something was being input, and Noeryu was the one inputting the program.

While a group of other people were inspecting the metal interior.

You can see that the peripheral metal shell is opened, and when necessary, this metal shell will be closed.

"How's it going?" Keilal was wearing a military uniform and looked heroic. This is why he is called the military government, or the shadow cabinet.

Now he is a real soldier, an EU soldier.

"It's in good condition." Noeliu nodded, entered the last line of characters, then pressed the Enter key and closed the keyboard with a snap.

The keyboard and monitor just merge into one, turning into a flat metal surface.

A person emerged from the metal cube, it was Lakshatta.

Lakshatta was still wearing a short skirt suit and a white lab coat. A pair of long legs first stepped out of the metal box, and then a slender but plump figure.

"Everything is OK." She checked the hardware inside, then jumped out and said.

"Okay," Noeliu nodded, then turned to look at Keilar and his group standing ten meters away.

Keilal nodded at her.

"The plan begins." She turned her head and looked at the researchers and workers and said.

Then everyone slowly evacuated, except for one person who was beside the metal box and slowly injected helium gas into the cloth-like material next to it.

The thing slowly expanded, eventually forming something like a pumpkin.

"Isn't this a balloon?" Since Sakurashi can heat up, it is normal for the balloon to appear, but this balloon seems different?

Everyone craned their necks to watch.

No one thought about the extent to which balloons could reach.

Indeed, at first the hot air balloon could only fly up to a hundred meters in the air, but as later generations changed the material from silk to something more airtight, it could slowly fly up to several hundred meters in the air.

Now, with a high-tech hot air balloon, their goal is - 10,000 meters!

Yes, this is something similar to GOOGLE's Project Loon project, which launches helium balloons to an altitude of 20,000 meters as low-level satellites for communication.

Of course, Kelal's goal is not that high. There are no fighter jets now, and the main combat force knightmare can't fly. Now, they only need a 10,000-meter-high helium balloon.

Their goal is to launch 20 such helium balloons to fill the high altitudes of the entire earth. They do not need to move, they only need to form a signal network in the sky, which is like Musk's free WiFi for all mankind. plan, but this plan serves only one person - Kelal, who is about to go to the Federation of China.

The helium injected now is the work of the ground. After reaching the designated position, the machinery under the sealed balloon will start to work, release a certain amount of helium, keep it at a certain height, and finally start operating.

With this system, the information and communication of the Bunitalia Empire will never be stronger than that of the EU.

And more importantly, this system is simple! This is something that can be accomplished using current EU technology!

To be honest, Keilar's plan is completely feasible, so since it can be completed with current technology, two months after taking over the EU, this thing was completed and appeared in front of Keilar and the others.

As the balloon became fuller and fuller, it slowly began to lift off the ground.

The helium injection tube was unplugged, and everyone watched as the balloon slowly floated up.

"Now test the valve remote control." Noeliu said coldly.

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