The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 662 The hooked fish

Chapter 076 The fish that took the bait

"Already here?" Falme couldn't understand what Keilal said.

"To be honest, it came faster than I expected."

Kelar shook his head gently. His original plan was to wait for three months and slowly build up his reputation before he could seduce the eunuchs to come to him.

The eunuchs were castrated the day after tomorrow, and their whole bodies would certainly not be intact. Many of them were not cut properly. It is normal for them to be unable to control their bladder leakage. Sometimes the leakage of urine cannot be noticed on one's body. The eunuchs' bodies are thick with The scent of perfume is meant to cover up this problem.

Of course, Keilal can't treat urologists, but it's okay to put a little magic in them to make them feel better.

He had already made a lot of preparations in his mind. It was possible to approach guards, maids, generals, and nobles, but eunuchs were the easiest to get started with.

As long as we are human, we will get sick, and when we are sick, we need to see a doctor, and after Keilal becomes famous, he will become a very famous doctor.

And by then it will be easier for him to enter the Forbidden City.

But now it's actually simpler than he imagined.

Eunuch Liu did not say his name.

But conclusions can be drawn based on the known information.

First of all, ordinary eunuchs are not qualified to be called father-in-law or eunuch. Only the great eunuchs are qualified to be called father-in-law or eunuch.

The eunuch generally controls personnel appointments or a certain department inside and outside the palace, while the father-in-law represents the powerful eunuch on a certain hilltop in the palace.

Since the other party said that he was not his father-in-law, but his father-in-law was his godfather, it meant that he was actually the adopted son of a certain eunuch, and even managed a small department.

You must know that no matter how small a department is, as long as it is in the palace, its power is still astonishing.

But with his status, he would be so worried about someone's diet. Keilar could even guess that he should be from the imperial kitchen, and the person he was worried about was either the emperor or the emperor's children.

Combined with what we saw before, the emperor's identity is still young...

Keilar couldn't help but pick up the tea cup and took a sip of tea. He couldn't help but sigh, an inaudible sigh.

"A twelve-year-old female emperor..."

Has the Chinese Federation become so weak?

He originally thought that after entering the Forbidden City, he could become the enlightenment mentor of a certain ambitious emperor, influence him, and guide him on how to eliminate these eunuchs and clans, and then revive the Chinese Federation.

But now it seems that some people fundamentally don't want to see the emperor revive China, so they elected the one who is easiest to control.

Children, women, girls.

It's so bad, it's so troublesome. Keilar pinched the bridge of his nose, and he might use more radical methods from now on.

But the first thing to do is to wait for Eunuch Liu.

Keilal knew that he would not wait too long, and the eunuchs did not have much patience.

Sure enough, only half a month had passed, and Eunuch Liu came to the medical center with a happy look on his face and a bright look on his face.

"Miracle doctor, you are indeed a miracle doctor." He said with a sweet smile: "I didn't realize that there is a crouching tiger, hidden dragon under the emperor's feet. Listening to your words, I will have a bowl of brown sugar water after every menstruation, and my face will immediately change. I feel much better and my weight has increased by half a kilogram.”

Although it was only half a catty, it was the emperor's half catty of meat. It was something that the whole world would celebrate, especially his godfather, who patted him on the shoulder and praised him, because a bowl of simple Brown sugar water, as the steward of the imperial kitchen, he could definitely join in.

Sure enough, the little master drank brown sugar water after menstruation, and now his complexion has become better and his mood has become even better.

Keilar smiled slightly and did not explain that this was not a medical thing, but a nutrition thing.

Not everyone in the palace, especially the emperor, can eat everything. It is said to be a tribute, but it is probably only the most expensive, not the best. What she eats is definitely not something that can be eaten unscrupulously. Because as an emperor, there are too many things that restrict her.

Too many people, too many things, systems, and history are deeply shackles on the emperor. In fact, she can't do anything before she reaches adulthood.

This is why Keilal recommends brown sugar water. Brown sugar water is simple and contains sugar. Sugar can make people feel happy. There is no better tonic than this.

What's more, children like sweet things.

She can only eat candy once every month or two, which is so pitiful.

"Master Liu, why are you here today?" He smiled but did not answer, because his patient had been cured, so there was no need for him to say anything more.

For him, it was just a simple task, and collecting money was too vulgar.

Chinese people always have a hermit mentality. They feel that a hermit should regard money as dirt and fame and wealth as floating clouds.

Like Kelal, who didn't ask the master but only asked him what he wanted, Eunuch Liu immediately felt that he was valued.

"No, no, Zajia left in a hurry that day and didn't give you the medical fees yet. Isn't that why I came here today to send you the medical fees?"

He placed the bag of money on the table and winked at Kelal.

Kailar smiled softly and shook his head: "No, no, I just said a few words. This is not a diagnosis. Master Liu should take the money back." He gently handed the money to Eunuch Liu. I pushed over there and didn't want to collect money.

"Oh my." Eunuch Liu's face became brighter and brighter. This is right. This is the real hermit. He does not value fame or profit. This is the real capable person.

But what he doesn't know is that if someone is really so noble and selfless, either he is a saint who has not been born for hundreds of years, or his miniature is too big.

Saints just want to do things, but it’s hard to say for people who have lofty goals. They may want to leave a name in history, or they may want more money, or even...

Want a country.

These eunuchs just studied, lived, and grew up in the Forbidden City. They were like caged birds. They had a fundamental misunderstanding of the world. They did not have good educational resources at all. This was intentional at the beginning, but now It has completely fallen behind the times.

For example, what Keilal did, he simply couldn't see what Keilal wanted to do.

He smiled when he heard Keilal's words. Although he wanted to take back the money, he still had more things to ask Keilal, so he resisted the intention of taking the money back into his pocket, and instead spoke softly Said: "Mr. Kai came to Zhu Forbidden City, is there any inconvenience?"

"It's not an inconvenience. Chinese food makes me very happy." He smiled slightly and did not talk about the troublesome things.

There is really nothing that bothers people. If ordinary people have short-lived parents, then someone like Kelal, who has a background, a gangster background, medical skills, and is also a very nice person, has almost no problems. Annoying things.

It's not like he's flirting with women, it's simply a Buddhist medical clinic. Under such circumstances, he has nothing to worry about.

In fact, due to economic problems, even the consumption level in the capital's Forbidden City is not high. As long as foreigners come here to spend money, it can almost be said that they can live like an emperor with their own monthly income.

But after all, this is the Federation of China, a world based on imperial officials. No matter how rich the businessmen are, if they tremble, they will make some people jealous or displeased, and families will be broken up and people will die within a day or night, so everyone is calm, as calm as water, and the imperial city is underfoot. Throwing a brick down could kill a section chief, and the district chief and the like were worthless.

Even if Beijing officials are released to the third level, how many Beijing officials are willing to give up their rights and go outside?

Just keep your tail between your legs and be a human being.

Except for those who are so powerful that they can truly ignore everything, in this country full of checks and balances, everyone can obtain limited fairness in a certain sense.

So Kailar has nothing to worry about. Instead, because the imperial city is located in the middle, all eight major cuisines in the four directions of east, west, south and north can be eaten in this city. With his funds, unless it is meaningless ostentation, he can eat it in a month If you don’t bring the same food to three meals a day, there will be no problem at all.

Even Falme gained 3 pounds. He was very happy when he encountered the long-lost Chinese delicacies and ate them every day. If he hadn't had the task of fighting against the Bunitalia Empire, he would have been willing to continue doing so. There is nothing to worry about when you live here.

Kelal was leaking water, which made Eunuch Liu very embarrassed.

"Master Liu, just tell me if you have anything to say." Keilar was speechless about his little thoughts. He had been going around for so long, but he actually wanted to use the power in the palace in exchange for Keilar's help.

But Keilal didn't need it, Keilal was just waiting for him to say his plea for help.

In fact, he could have pretended not to know that he was a eunuch, and then the two of them pretended to take him to a strange place, and then saw someone with a different identity than others. The routine was usually written like this.

However, after Keilal identified the other party, it would be difficult for Eunuch Liu to pretend that he did not know Keilal.

Likewise, it would be more troublesome to bring Keilal in.

But what Keilar wanted was this effect. Even if he sneaked in, he still couldn't reasonably enter the Forbidden City unimpeded even after two or three months.

But now, in order to avoid taking responsibility, Eunuch Liu must give Kelal a serious status to enter the palace.

This identity is really unavoidable and unobtainable for relatives, family members, civil servants, and martial arts practitioners.

But for the eunuchs, it was easy.

Keilar can easily think of many, many ways. Even excluding his identity as a foreigner, he still has many ways to get in. He only needs the cooperation of the eunuchs.

For example, if ordinary Chinese want to enter the palace, they can work as eunuchs, guards, or workers. Although there are many eunuchs, they are not good at everything. The maintenance of the entire palace still needs maids, gardeners, and workers to ensure it.

These people must avoid the big shots in the palace, which means they can only enter a certain area when there is no one there, then work, do it as quickly as possible, and then leave immediately before the "nobles" arrive.

But Keilar is not satisfied with this low-level status. What he needs is the kind of status that has a certain status and can speak to people of a certain status.

For example, a teacher or a medical officer, because he has already considered these situations, he has already determined his identity as a doctor, a doctor with excellent medical skills.

But now, he has helped Eunuch Liu solve his problem. The existing problems are not enough for Eunuch Liu to take the risk and arrange an identity for him to enter the Forbidden City.

So Keilal is in no hurry.

He really wasn't in a hurry at all.

Eunuch Liu hesitated for a while, then never mentioned this issue again, but turned to another aspect.

"The Zajia family has been having light dreams and being easily frightened lately. The slightest disturbance wakes the Zajia family up from their dreams. I wonder what the symptoms are?"

Keilar was a little amused that someone who was under great pressure could speak so politely, but for eunuchs like them who considered themselves the most noble after the emperor, this kind of sleep deprivation was really a big deal.

If you can't sleep well tonight, how will you serve the emperor during the day tomorrow? How to serve the emperor?

This is the most important thing in the world.

It's just that it's not severe enough to require drinking those bitter Chinese medicines.

So when he changed the topic, he subconsciously brought up the topic.

"Do you have symptoms such as excessive dreaming, lack of sleep, twitching in dreams, being frightened in dreams but not remembering when you wake up?" Keilar decided to scare him. Several symptoms are common to ordinary people, but for eunuchs, It is said that this is unique to them, because they are more easily frightened, and they are more likely to be frightened in the deep palace. When these subconscious thoughts accumulate during sleep, they can easily have a hundred times more effects than ordinary people.

Keilal's words struck a chord in his heart, causing him to nod violently.

"Are you prone to sweating, sweating, cold sweats, and your hands and feet sweating easily?" The tendency of your hands and feet to sweat depends on the person, but generally, people who are easily frightened will definitely sweat more than ordinary people.

Keilal is like a god who predicts the enemy's opportunities. Every sentence targets his weak points. These secrets that belong only to him and have never been told to anyone else are lost to Keilal just because of two sentences. Speaking out filled him with fear and expectation.

Since the other party can tell his illness, he obviously also knows how to solve his illness.

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem." Looking at Eunuch Liu's ugly face, Kailar smiled slightly: "I have a recipe here. Master Liu can take it and ask the cook to make it for you for a month. If it doesn't work, Come to me again."

He brought the notebook next to him in front of him, holding a pen in his hand, and started writing.


To defend myself, I was writing yesterday, but the black room setting was 4,000 words. As a result, I lost motivation before it came out at 12 o'clock and went to bed directly.

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