The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 606 Vegeta: I Stand Up

"It's just one punch"

At this time, whether it was Klin's side or Dr. Gero, they were all taken aback by Vegeta's strength. They had just seen how strong No. 19 was.

But I didn't expect that even Vegeta couldn't hold back a punch.

Do you want to be so outrageous.

"Artificial man? Is this the only thing you can do?"

Vegeta stepped on No. 19's head, looked at Dr. Gero and continued to hug his shoulders. Both his expressions and actions were very insulting, expressing his arrogance to the fullest.

Even Hermes, who was watching the show invisibly, raised his eyebrows.

Come out and hang out.

He has seen a lot of arrogant people, but none of them are as charming as Vegeta. The arrogance and arrogance are exuded from the bottom of his bones, and he can barely match him.

It seems that a lesson is necessary.

Do not know why.

Vegeta's back suddenly felt cold, but he didn't take it seriously for a while.

Now he is extremely powerful, already surpassing Kakarot.

Has completely stood up!

"You wait for me."

Dr. Gero left a ruthless sentence, and flew towards the sky, confirming that he is not Vegeta's opponent, but he also has cards, as long as he returns to the laboratory and releases No. 17 and No. 18, Vegeta will be defeated Nothing to worry about.

Snapped! !

Seeing Dr. Gero running away, Vegeta showed a grim smile, stomped on the head of No. 19 with a force of his right foot, and then exploded into a golden streamer, chasing Dr. Gero at an even faster speed.

damn it.

Sensing the fast approaching breath behind him, a drop of cold sweat dripped from Dr. Gero's forehead. If he was caught up with him, he would definitely be done with it, even if Sun Wukong became so strong.

How did Vegeta become so powerful?

Did I miss something.

"It's too slow."

Just when Dr. Gero was in a hurry, Vegeta increased his speed again, and appeared beside Dr. Gero in one fell swoop, without giving Dr. Gero a chance to react, he kicked out, and the latter turned into a meteor and quickly hit the ground.

The smoke billowed into the sky.

Lots of gravel and mud splashing.

Dr. Gero didn't have time to catch his breath, and flew fast close to the ground. He still didn't intend to fight, and now he has a chance to come back only when he returns to the research room and releases No. 17 and No. 18.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Vegeta was like a cat playing with a mouse, shooting light bullets one after another in his hand, causing explosions to continuously stand on the ground, and Dr. Gero could only flee in embarrassment like a street mouse.


Overturned by the blast wave, Dr. Gero didn't have time to catch his breath, so he quickly got up and continued to escape while hiding his breath, but Vegeta chased him too closely.

Just like a dog skin plaster, it can't be shaken off for a while.

"It's really boring."

After playing for three full minutes, Vegeta began to lose interest, because the opponent was too weak, he only knew how to run away with his head in his arms, and he didn't even have the courage to face him head-on.

A laser shot through.

Dr. Gero's chest was pierced, and he flew upside down and hit the ground with an expression of resignation.

Vegeta fell from the sky, stretched out his right hand and aimed at Dr. Gero to condense the energy bomb, trying to destroy Dr. Gero in one fell swoop, but at the critical moment, Dr. Gero also stretched out his right hand.

A radiant light illuminates the surroundings.

The energy bomb sent by Vegeta was quickly absorbed by Dr. Gero, just like No. 19 absorbed Monkey King's Kamehae.

"It's impossible to kill me!"

After absorbing the energy bomb, Dr. Gero smiled slyly, feeling that his body was full of power, and immediately launched a counterattack to attack Vegeta, but the picture he imagined did not appear.

Huge pain spread from the abdomen to the whole body.

Dr. Gero's eyes protruded, he bent his body and twisted his face, just because his abdomen was heavily supported by a knee, Vegeta retracted his feet, looked down at Dr. Gero from a height, and let Dr. Gero fall to the ground.


Vegeta was condescending, and stretched out his right hand again to condense the energy bomb. He was not afraid of Dr. Gero's absorption again, because the absorption was useless.

The energy bomb just now was already the limit of Dr. Gero.

Endless unwillingness filled Dr. Gero's heart.

Is he going to die like this?

If I knew it earlier, I would have released the 17th and 18th.

"Bye now."

The energy light became more and more blazing. In the hysterical roar of Dr. Gero, the energy bomb spewed out from Vegeta's hand, and a vast mushroom cloud began to connect the sky and the earth.

Billowing wolf smoke enveloped the surrounding area.

But Vegeta's eyes sank, because Dr. Gero disappeared at the critical moment.

Turning around and looking at the rock not far away, Vegeta frowned, as did Piccolo and the others who rushed over from the other side. As for Klin, he had already helped Monkey King back to take the special medicine given by Trunks.

"I am alive."

He fell to the ground.

Dr. Gero touched his body with lingering fear. At that moment, he really smelled death. His eyes followed the big feet in front of him and he looked up. A white steam and bursting flames rose from his body from time to time, and his shoulders fluttered. A holy man with a misty cloud of flames was ignoring him.

That head of flaming blond hair was flowing, his facial features were exquisite and handsome, especially those pair of deep white pupils with red background, just looking at each other made his heart palpitate endlessly.

Who is this man?

No matter what, he was finally saved.


"You finally showed up."

Vegeta flew over, his eyes full of fighting spirit, and Dr. Gero had been ignored by him.

When he was able to transform into a Super Saiyan, his first thought was to defeat Kakarot, and the second was Hermes, because only these two people in the world are qualified to be his opponents.

Even Hermes can only be counted as half.

good chance.

Seeing that Vegeta was looking for trouble with this holy man, Dr. Gero rolled his eyes, and stepped back carefully, trying to escape without anyone noticing.

I am also repeating in my heart that I can't see and can't see.

Maybe it was luck.

Neither Hermes nor Vegeta paid attention to him, so Dr. Gero just managed to escape.

"Don't try to escape."


Hermes let Dr. Gero go on purpose, and wanted the other party to release No. 17 and No. 18, so that there would be no surprises in the plot as much as possible. Only in this way can he maximize his benefits.

And Vegeta completely ignored it.

But Piccolo and the others would not let it go, and immediately caught up with Dr. Gero when they saw Dr. Gero was about to escape.

call out! ! !

No sign.

Hermes kicked out from the air, forming a haze that connected the sky and the earth, cutting the ground and blocking Piccolo and the others in one fell swoop. After the riot stopped, a big crack and abyss appeared in front of everyone.

Drops of cold sweat dripped from the foreheads of Tianjin Fan, Piccolo, and Son Gohan.

Look from a distance.

The earth seems to have been opened with a big hole, and the end can't be seen at a glance.

If they hadn't stopped in time, they might have

Even Vegeta shrank his pupils.

"Hermes, what are you doing?"

Piccolo's face was ugly, and his eyes were fixed on Hermes.

Could this guy be any more blatant?

Sure enough, he is not a good person.

"You are not my opponent."

Hermes ignored Piccolo's anger, but looked at Vegeta casually, and the opponent's fighting spirit was almost overflowing.

But too weak.

Looking at Vegeta's appearance, it shouldn't take long to transform into a Super Saiyan. He is in the first stage of Super Saiyan, and he has reached the limit of Super Saiyan 1, that is, full power, not counting life return normal.

Even after being drawn out of his potential by the Great Elder of Namek, he has surpassed Super Saiyan 1.

In the field of Super Saiyan, he has already walked ahead of Son Goku and Vegeta, and now Vegeta is a younger brother in the eyes of Hermes. .

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