The King of Gundam Comes

Chapter 104: Into a hard fight

"so close!"

Naze Tabin pushed the controller slightly, causing Gundam Anro to avoid the two rocket launches from the opponent's chest.

I thought: That muzzle is really not a decoration!

Although with Gundam Anrozen’s nano armor, there would be no problem even if it was hit by a rocket, but Naze Tabin didn’t want to have any scars on his body.

"I caught you!"

Gundam Guxin appeared in front of Naze Tabin instantly, and the image of the enemy's body almost occupied most of the screen.

The fatal danger completely enveloped Naze Tabin's heart.

But Naze Tabin did not choose to evade, but decisively increased the output of the thruster and rushed forward.


Gundam Gusin’s driver Zandobaru Luta was surprised by Naze Tabin’s crazy behavior. Originally, the rocket hammer in his hand was to destroy Gundam Anro first, but he turned out to be Before the weapon in his hand was completely dropped, it was pushed open by the rocket hammer in the hands of Gundam Anluo.

If Naze Tabin chose to evade just now, although fatal damage can be avoided as much as possible, the armor of Gundam Anluosan must be damaged.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The smoothbore guns hung around Gundam Anluo's waist fired four rounds of cannonballs in succession, hitting the enemy at close range.

At this close range, the "Ahab particles" still have an additional effect on the shells.

It's just that Gundam Guxin's armor is too strong. If it is replaced with another body, even the nano armor with the addition of "Ahab Particles" would have long been a sensation.

The thick armor of Gundam Guxin, coupled with the characteristics of the double "Ahab Reactor", makes its defense capability almost reach the level of a battleship.

"The beam weapon is invalid! The live ammunition is also invalid! It really is a tricky guy!"

Naze Tabin's heart was thankful that he didn't let other people come to each other Gundam Guxin, otherwise no one might know who was dead.

"You bastard, let this uncle and Gu Xin solve you!"

After Zandobaru Luta got the Gundam Guzin unit, he didn't know how long he hadn't encountered a decent opponent.

It's not that his opponent is too weak, but that his driving skills and Gundam Guxin's performance are too strong. Under a strong alliance, the enemy is not an opponent at all.

Besides, the favorite tactic of this despicable guy is to let his "salesman" entangle the enemy, and he only needs to make an indiscriminate attack. To put it bluntly, he just doesn't care about the life and death of those "selling people", as long as he can defeat the enemy.

"One more blow!"

Gundam Guxin waved the heavy hammer in his hand again, and dived towards Gundam Anluo.

"This guy is really getting in the way!"

Naze Tabin immediately judged that he was in a bad situation, and immediately distanced himself.


Although Gundam Anluo was about to mount the meteorite first, he cleverly changed the direction and avoided the fatal attack.

But the meteorite behind him was smashed to pieces. It was a meteorite with a diameter of several tens of meters!

"Zhaohong, you retreat first, we are responsible for covering!" Aji Kulumin has already judged that the enemy is not a general one.

To maximize the performance of the mere "Spinna Roddy" airframe, these drivers must have problems. To force Aji Kuluming, the ace pilot, to exert his full strength, the enemy is likely to use the "Alaya Recognition System."

Moreover, this crazy behavior caused Aji Kuluming to have a headache. He immediately reminded his companions: "Ravda, these guys may be dead, don't be careless!"

"I want to solve them as soon as possible, but these guys are specifically staring at Graz!" Ravda Franklando also has a headache. These enemies are just picking the persimmons to squeeze softly.

Had it not been for Akhiro Altran's body to be damaged too much before, they would be so passive in the four-on-four situation.

It's just that Zhaohong Altlan's body is too damaged, and they have become three to four.

If the driver was just an ordinary person, it wouldn't be so troublesome at all, maybe it would have been solved long ago.

"These guys, seem to be the same as me!" Although Sanriyue Augs is not good at using his brain, he has also noticed that all the movements of "Spinna Roddy" are very strange, as if they are controlled by humans. The same as your own body.

So he has determined that these enemies are actually the same people who have been transplanted with "Alaya Consciousness" surgery.

Although the opponent is also very pitiful, it is an enemy after all. Mikazuki Augs is not the kind of person who will be enemies at the same time, as long as it is an enemy, regardless of the opponent's position, he will give a fatal blow.

Boom! Boom!

"Don't underestimate people!" Ravda Franklando exclaimed a little unhappy.

(To be continued...)

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