The King of Gundam Comes

Chapter 171: Yangmou

"However, after you reach the colonial star of Dortmund, don't walk around alone..."

In the end, Naze Tabin had to remind him that he did not explicitly say that the Dortmund colony will soon erupt a resistance movement. As for how things will evolve, it is not Naze Tabin’s control. But it's okay to protect your own woman.

And a few careful women know that Naze Tabin's words are not only caring, but hinting.

Because under normal circumstances, Naze Tabin would also say something to care about and remind them to pay attention to safety, but he would not specifically remind them not to walk alone. After all, women go shopping in groups.

And Amida Miluka seems to have some guesses in his heart, but he didn't say it clearly.

At least before coming to the Earth sphere, Amida Miluka also had relevant understanding of the Dort colony constellation. Although the public news on the surface indicated that this is a harmonious society, the intelligence collected in fact is It shows that the workers here are very dissatisfied with the upper-level personnel.

Especially before, Naze Tabin also hinted to her that the goods that "Divac" entrusted to "Tiehua Tuan" this time may be unusual. Considering that the consignee’s identity is the labor guild of the Dortmund colony, there may be some conspiracies (with the ability of the labor guild, there is currently no strength to shop from economic circles outside the earth, not to mention that it is still prohibited. Product).

In addition to reminding her women to pay attention to safety, Naze Tabin did not forget to explain a task and said: "When you are shopping, don't forget to collect information!"


Although the personnel working on the "Warhammer" only accounted for less than half of the entire "Tabbins", but this number is also quite large. Even if this group of women is simply shopping, the accumulated funds for consumption are also very huge. For the average little rich man, that would declare bankruptcy every minute, but for Naze Tabin, as long as he saves casually, he can still squeeze out a small amount of money for his own woman.

In the eyes of Naze Tabin, he can cheat anyone, including his nominal godfather, but he will never be stingy with his own woman.

"There is still half an hour to reach the port of Colonial Star Dortmund One..."

"Contact the relevant person in charge of Dortmund Colony and cooperate..."

"Inform the Tiehua Group to prepare to stop..."

Although it is not clear for the time being due to distance, the reflected light from solar panels can still be seen under the reflection of sunlight.

Because the speed of the two warships has already dropped, the half-hour voyage is actually not far. It's just because of the law here that any spacecraft must choose to slow down when it approaches the colony star, or it will be regarded as a dangerous element.

Especially since these are still two warships, one of them is still offended by the “Tiehua Regiment” of the “Galalhorn”. Naturally, it is necessary to pay more attention to the situation and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

"This is Yuhuo, I have received the information. Then I will ask you all..."

Olga Itzka responded immediately after receiving the communication from the "Warhammer" battleship.

Although the task is for their "Tiehua Group" to take over the next step, it is still necessary for the "Tubbins" to come forward at the moment.

Even though "Galalhorn" knew that the "Tiehua Group" would inevitably go to Earth, they did not know that they would be docked in the Dort colony cluster. If the "Tiehua Group" came forward to contact the Dortmund colony, it would have been noticed by all the personnel of "Galalhorn" for the first time.

It was only a matter of time before being noticed by "Galalhorn".

First of all, there is no need for the person in charge of the Dort colony to conceal their whereabouts. After all, in their opinion, whether it is the "Tiehua Group" or the "Tabbins", it is actually just a chess piece in their hands.

In order to conceal the truth, the person in charge of the Dortmund colony will inevitably contact "Galalhorn" to embarrass him.

But when Naze Tabin knows what he really wants, how can he become a **** in the hands of others?

Knowing that he would be in danger, but had to execute it, this is also one of Markumad Barriston's conspiracy. Moreover, Markumard Barliston did not tell Naze Tabin about the contraband. If the goods were not on the "Tiehua Tuan" side, maybe Naze Tabin would be hard. I took it apart for inspection.

"Think of me as a chess piece? That would be playing with fire and self-immolation..." Naze Tabin's heart silently mocked the upper members of the Dort colony star group!

(To be continued...)

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