The King of Gundam Comes

Chapter 210: Gun Smoke Sounds (6)

"The last one..."

Naze Tabin drove Gundam Anro first, quickly controlling every button, and then drove Gundam Anro first to give the head of the last EBS-05 "Grace" that was entangled with him. Kicked and ruined.


Because the main camera and main monitoring system of this EBS-"Grace" have been destroyed (the main camera and main monitoring system of MS are basically concentrated on the head), and some other auxiliary or backup The camera was also slightly damaged, and it was basically impossible to continue to join the battle.

Of course, unless the other party is willing to smash Naze Tabin and the others in a suicidal manner.

Naze Tabin's purpose is to prevent the opponent's mobile suit body from approaching the battleship, not to continue to entangle these enemies.

After all, time is very urgent for Naze Tabin and others.

The longer the time delays, the more and more the enemy's support will be. At least Naze Tabin is not sure whether all the warships he sees are all the forces of the Arian Hurd team. If not, as long as the commander gives an order, he can mobilize other Arian Hud nearby. The warships of the German squadron came over.

Although it is impossible to mobilize other troops beyond authority, mobilizing one's own subordinates is a simple matter.

"Is that MS a monster..."

"It only took less than 45 seconds..." At this time, the commander of the Arian Hurd team had calmed down, although it was surprising to kill five excellent mobile suits within 45 seconds. .

But as a professional soldier, now is not the time to admire the enemy, no matter what Naze Tabin's purpose is, as long as it is against "Galalhorn", it is the enemy.

The military order is like a mountain, and the commander does not matter what reason Naze Tabin has, as long as he refuses to attack, whether it is to escape or resist, the commander can give only one order-that is to destroy the enemy.

"Let all MS troops attack, block Arian Hurd's reputation, and definitely leave them..."

At this time, the commander of the Arian Hurd team had already paid attention to naming Lai Tabin and others, and no longer regarded them as country boys from the Martian circle.

For the combat effectiveness of these mobile suits, if the commander of the Arian Hurd team doesn't know how to take it seriously, then he is really Yelang arrogant, a frog in the bottom of the well.

"Attention everyone, all mobile suits on standby, ready to attack..."

"Repeat again, all attention, all the mobile suits on standby, ready to attack..."

An emergency notice sounded inside all the battleships of the Arian Hurd team, and all the MS pilots on standby immediately entered the MS cockpit.

Each MS entered the airtight cabin one after another and fixed it on the ejection orbit.

"The airtight cabin is closed..."

"The control of the ejection trajectory is handed over to the pilot..."

"Confirm control...Grace, strike!"


At the moment when the voltage passed the ejection to kneel down, the ejection kneel down immediately ejected an EBS 05 "Grace" at a very fast speed.

"The airtight cabin is closed..."

"The control of the ejection trajectory is handed over to the pilot..."

"Confirm control...Grace, strike!"


In the same battleship, the second EBS-05 "Grace" entered the airtight compartment again, and then ejected out of the ejection track...

"Is this... the number of enemies has been increased..."

Mikazuki Augs has noticed that the distant battleship group is constantly flashing light. Judging from the trajectory of the light, this is obviously not a weapon such as a missile, which means that the opponent is increasing the number of MS units.

In this case, it is obviously unfavorable to them.


Gundam Barbatos’s hammer and spear smashed heavily, directly smashing the head of an EBS-05 "Gritz" close to him and smashing it, and because of the huge pressure, it caused a shoulder. Damage to some parts of the department.

And this EBS-05 "Grace" is still a captain.

Boom! Boom!

"Akihiro, the number of enemies has increased..."

Mikazuki Augs is reminding Akhiro Altran to drive Gundam Barbatos with a hammer spear in his hand as a shield, blocking most of the live ammunition attacks and minimizing damage to the body's nano armor.

Although live ammunition has little effect on the nano armor strengthened by the "Ahab particles", it will still cause damage to the nano armor if it is subjected to more attacks.

"I see, you can take care of yourself..."

Akihiro Altran was very proud to refute it, but at this time, Akihiro Altran's heart was very nervous.

Although he has been in the MS simulation battle for a period of time, he has quite a lot of combat experience, and now he has used the "Alaya Recognition System". At least in terms of strength, it is much stronger than the average professional soldier.

It's just that in the face of the enemy's quantitative superiority to suppress them, in this kind of unfavorable situation, Akihiro Altran is really struggling.

They must ensure their own safety, but also ensure that they stop the enemy and prevent them from launching attacks on their warships. This is not generally difficult.

"If you compare strength, this Guxin won't lose to anyone..."

Akihiro Altland drove Gundam Guxin and twisted the arms of an EBS-05 "Grace" with absolute power. This is a terrifying power (if you only talk about the output of the machine) , Gundam Guxin is very powerful).

"The two idiots can only rely on brute force..."

Although Ravda Franklando was a bit disdainful of Mikazuki Augs and Akihiro Altran, he knew that the fighting style of Mikazuki Augs was the best in this case.

Although it looks savage, it is indeed the most effective.

"Ravda...the number of enemies used to be, we must save ammunition as much as possible..."

Aggie Kurumin immediately reminded Ravda Franklando.

After all, the bodies used by "Galalhorn" are all equipped with "Ahab Reactor". It is indeed the only organization in the world that has mastered the technology of manufacturing "Ahab Reactor".

Nano armor with "Ahab particles" can withstand at least twice the number of live ammunition attacks than ordinary armor, or even more, which shows its strong defensive capabilities.

The fighting styles of Ravda Franklando and Aji Kurumin are different from those of Mikazuki Augs. The two women mainly shoot. After all, except for the performance of the "Guardian Goddess" driven by Ravda Franklando, which is slightly better than the EBS-"Grace", the current STH-05 "Bai Lian" driven by Aji Kurumin is not as good as the opponent's MS. Physical performance.

Moreover, the STH-05 "Bai Lian" still only uses the MS body on the back of the battery. In the case that the performance of this body is not superior, Aji Kurumin is still not at a disadvantage. It can be seen that Aji Kurumin is driving. The technology is much better than these professional soldiers.

(To be continued...)

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