The King of Gundam Comes

Chapter 251: Lieutenant Ain Dalton (6)

"This monster"

In this dark universe, a white figure suddenly appeared in one of the EB-05 "Grace" panoramic displays...

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Minglai Tabin swiftly controlled the ASW-G-52 Gundam Anlosian, and quickly approached one of the EB-05 "Graces", and directed several live ammunition attacks on its cockpit.

At this close range, even the MS body equipped with the "Ahab Reactor", the nano armor will be damaged. Once the cockpit door is damaged and deformed, although it has little effect on the MS body, the driver inside will be more fortunate.

At this time, Naze Tabin's eyes flashed with coldness.

In the face of this number of enemies, they do not have the advantage at all.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Every time Naze Tabin pulled the trigger, every bullet shot towards the head of the target MS's body.

"The guy's shooting...Sure enough..."

Special Agent Galio Badowen observed from a distance and found out Naze Tabin's purpose.

At the beginning, he was not sure why there was no defensive shield in the equipment of ASW-G-52 Gundam Anluosian, because in this case, it was obviously unreasonable.

But now Special Agent Galio Badovin has come to understand that the ASW-G-52 Gundam Anluoxian’s equipment is specifically aimed at the driver himself.

If it wasn't for the incredible dodge ability, no matter who replaced it with driving the ASW-G-52 Gundam Anluo, it would have been crazy firepower to reach a hornet's nest.

Moreover, the ASW-G-52 Gundam Anluo first had two plasma beam artillery and two electromagnetic artillery, and then equipped with two electromagnetic artillery. This obviously wanted to fight back with firepower to reduce the MS on his side. quantity.

And the weapon behind the ASW-G-52 Gundam Anluosian is obviously for close combat.

Special Agent Galio Badovin concluded that if the ASW-G-52 Gundam Anlor first uses that weapon, it will achieve a spike in the other EB-05 "Grace" series MS units.

The reason why Naze Tabin has not used that weapon is because the ammunition of the two electromagnetic artillery in the hands of ASW-G-52 Gundam Anluosian has not been consumed yet. Moreover, the current ASW-G-52 Gundam Anluosian only pulled in a few enemy mobile suits, and a large part of it was difficult to approach. After all, the opponent's firepower was too fierce.

"All mobile suits, immediately stay away from that white machine, you are not opponents..."

Special Agent Galio Badovin had to remind the Moon Branch Base, although this is not his own unit, but at least it is also a unit belonging to "Galalhorn"!

As the future heir of the Seven Star Family, Special Agent Galio Bhadowen can never watch his own people be killed one by one by the enemy, right?

It's just that no one paid any attention to the cry of Special Agent Galio Badowen, after all, this was not the direct superior of this force.

Agent Major Galio Batuwen stepped on the thruster pedal, and the ASW-G-66 Gundam Simmonli quickly rushed up. In the heart of Agent Major Galio Batuwen, it seemed that only he could defeat Gundam. ·An Luo is the same first.

However, he does have this confidence. After all, he has had the experience of fighting with ASW-G-52 Gundam Anluo, and at the same time, he has studied the combat mode of ASW-G-52 Gundam Anluo for a long time. .

However, the current equipment used by ASW-G-52 Gundam Anluo is different from the previous ones, and the combat method...seems to be different.

Even so, Special Agent Galio Badovin still has enough confidence, because his driving skills are much better than all other MS drivers. But in fact, Special Agent Galio Badowen still had some fear in his heart, after all, Naze Tabin's strength was still too terrifying.

"That MS is..."

Under the powerful soul perception, Naze Tabin discovered a special mobile suit body rushing towards him in the distance. With Naze Tabin’s love for mechas, he recognized it as ASW- at a glance. G-66 Gundam Simmonli.

This is the special body of Special Agent Galio Badowen-ASW-G-66 Gundam Simongli.

drop! drop! drop!

After Naze Tabin had reacted, the ASW-G-52 Gundam Anrosian's detection system issued an alarm. It can be seen how fast Naze Tabin's soul perception ability is!

"Unexpectedly, this machine has actually appeared..."

Naze Tabin smiled suddenly and immediately threw away the two weapons in his hands and took off the hammer spear hung on his back.


At the moment when ASW-G-52 Gundam An Luoxian and ASW-G-66 Gundam Simongli passed by, the melee weapons in the hands of the two mobile suits had already staggered and collided, and they had been cremated.

boom! boom!

Only the ASW-G-52 Gundam Anluo turned around first, and immediately shot two plasma beam cannons toward the back of the ASW-G-66 Gundam Simongli. Of course, with the abilities of Special Agent Galio Badowen, he could still be avoided. To be precise, it was Agent Major Galio Badowen who had already determined that Naze Tabin would react immediately and shoot him.

So before the MS body's detection system reacted, it subconsciously made an evasive action.

In other words, regardless of whether Naze Tabin will carry out this attack, Special Agent Galio Badowen will react in the same way.

The reason why Special Agent Galio Badowen would do this subconsciously was entirely because he had done a lot of repeated research on Naze Tabin's combat mode. I know that Naze Tabin is very good at grasping the enemy's weakness and counterattack.

"This guy... actually avoided? No, he should have studied my fighting style..."

Naze Tabin was also startled at the beginning. It stands to reason that it is impossible for anyone to avoid the blow he just made.

At least a little more than a day ago, when Dort was colonizing the constellation, Agent Major Galio Badowen could not escape this assault.

But Naze Tabin doesn't believe that Special Agent Galio Badowen has the same soul perception ability as himself. After all, this is a plug-in that he only possesses as a traverser.

If Agent Major Galio Badovin was not taken away, it can only show one thing, and that is that Agent Major Galio Badovin has studied his way of fighting in detail.

(To be continued...)

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