The King of Gundam Comes

Chapter 268: The Mind of Major Farid

"Report, the target broke through the defensive line..."

Hearing the report from his subordinates, the commander of the Moon Branch Base suddenly collapsed on his seat. If it weren't for a seat behind him, he would fall to the ground and be laughed at by his subordinates (of course, no one would dare to laugh at the leader in person, unless he didn't want to mix in this base).

"how is this possible······"

At this moment, the commander stared at the screen with dementia.

If he issues the order in time at this time, he may still have a chance to save the situation and intercept again before the "Tiehua Regiment" warship arrives in the earth's orbit.

However, the sudden blow made him unable to react for a while, and he even forgot that he still had a chance.

And his subordinates, seeing their boss look like this, they are not good to ask questions, so as not to offend their boss.

After all, if the mission is successful, the commander's credit is given; if it fails, maybe the culprit is his own.

Not long ago, the commander-in-chief was still laughing at the "incompetence" of the Arian Hurd team. He didn't expect that things would happen to him in such a dramatic way.

What's more, unlike the Arian Hurd team, the Moon Branch Base was able to intercept the "Tiehua Regiment" with complete strength. If even with sufficient preparations, they would let the people from the "Tiehua Group" escape.

Then, waiting for the commander-in-chief is not just ridicule and loss of face, but military interrogation and loss of jobs.

Of course, in fact, there is still a chance to recover, but without the order and arrangement of his commander-in-chief, except for the warships that have been intercepting the "fishing fire" warships, the other "Galalhorn" warships are not at all. Know what to do.

Although the warships that had been transferred from the mountain had also rushed back, they did not dare to chase the "Yuhuo" warship without the command of the commander-in-chief to avoid encountering other emergencies.

What if the "fishing fire" battleship in front of you is just a decoy?

If they act arbitrarily, the final culprit will be borne by them. Therefore, before receiving orders from higher authorities, the fleet of warships going back and forth only returned to the attachment to the base of the Moon Branch.

In this regard, Ming Lai Tabin and Olga Izca didn't know these things at all. Of course, this is a good thing for them.

In the eyes of Ming Lai Tabin and Olga Yizka, they only need to drop the battleship and mobile suit that are chasing them as much as possible.

Of course, they didn't have time to think so much.

Because they must repair all MS bodies before reaching the earth orbit. In the following process, the difficulties and dangers they encountered will not be much lower than they are now.

However, they have no retreat.

At the base of the Moon Branch, Special Agent McGillis Farid was waiting in the MS body maintenance warehouse.

"When can the booster be installed?"

Special Agent McGillis Farid took a look at his special EB-05 "Grace", and immediately asked an MS machine maintenance personnel next to him.

"Go back to Major Farid, because the armor is damaged and needs to be replaced. As for the thrusters, just inject fuel..."

A passing soldier with the rank of sergeant immediately reported.

Because of the MS body of Special Agent McGillis Farid, the outer nano armor suffered damage during the previous battle with Ming Lai Tabin.

If the armor is not replaced, the safety performance of the MS body will be affected. As any soldier in charge, he did not dare to take the risk of attacking a mobile suit with a security risk, let alone a dedicated mobile suit.

Even though these non-commissioned officers did not know the identity of Special Agent Major McGillis Farid, the officers who took the special mobile suit body were of unusual identity. What's more, as a soldier of "Galalhorn", wouldn't he know what status the surname "Farid" represents?

The replacement of the external nano armor is very fast. Although it is a dedicated MS body, it is of the EB-05 "Grace" type after all. Even ordinary nano armor can be used.

The reason why Special Agent McGillis Farid wanted to install enhanced propellers was to rush to the Earth’s orbit before the Yuhuo warship.

Special Agent McGillis Farid wanted to rendezvous with the Earth Orbital Defense Force as soon as possible, although they could communicate with each other through special means of communication.

However, Special Agent Major McGillis Farid had to personally meet with the commander of the Earth Orbital Defense Force in order to prevent the wall from having ears.

After replacing the nano-armor with the special "Grace", the enhanced thrusters have already been installed, and the rest is to inject fuel, which will take some time.

Special Agent McGillis Farid did not blame the fact that the commander of the Lunar Branch Base missed to catch up with the "Tiehua Regiment". Of course, he will report this matter truthfully to the senior management of "Galalhorn".

Otherwise, if this mission fails, his elder brother-in-law, Special Agent Galio Badowen, will also bear half of the responsibility. After all, in previous high-level meetings, Special Agent Galio Badowen promised to complete this task.

Therefore, the failure of the mission not only affected the future of Special Agent Galio Badowen in the army, but also affected the reputation of the Badowen family.

Although Agent Major McGillis Farid also has his own ambitions and plans, as long as his ambitions and plans are not affected, Agent Major Galio Badovin is still his only friend and partner.

As for the elder brother-in-law of Major McGillis Farid, Special Agent Galio Badowen has no thoughts about these things now, because he is still worried about the comfort of Lieutenant Ain Dalton at this time.

It has to be said that Special Agent Galio Badowen is also a very affectionate person. Perhaps for a king, this emotion is superfluous, but for a partner, Special Agent Galio Badowen is definitely A good partner.

Of course, with regard to the life and death of Lieutenant Ain Dalton, Special Agent McGillis Farid was much more indifferent.

"Gudilia Lanna Bernstein, and the driver driving the white mobile suit, what kind of surprises will you bring to me..."

Special Agent Major McGillis Farid, who was staring at his dedicated mobile suit body, suddenly sneered.

At the beginning, Special Agent McGillis Farid was only interested in Gudilia Lanna Bernstein, a representative girl of the Martian independence movement, but now there are many people interested in him. One, that is Ming Lai Tabin.

Of course, he still doesn't know that the driver who drove this Gundam Anluoxian was named Lai Tabin.

"Major Farid, the fuel has been filled and you can set off at any time..."

The sergeant sergeant in charge of the maintenance trot over and reported to Special Agent McGillis Farid.

Of course, the fuel has just been injected, but the inspections of all aspects of the MS body are actually still going on, and it may take a minute or two to complete.

However, even if Special Agent McGillis Farid wanted to set off immediately, it would take a minute or two to prepare.

"All staff, evacuate immediately..."

"Move the MS to the exit..."

After Special Agent McGillis Farid entered the cockpit, his EB-05 "Grace" special body began to be moved, and all nearby staff also began to evacuate to prepare for the departure of the MS body. Prepare.

"McGillis Farid, Graz, go..."

(To be continued...)

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