Under the cooperation of Minglai Tabin, Sanriyue Augs, Zhaohong Atlas and Jasmine Stark, they have given the monster-like "Ain Graz" serious injuries. .

The current situation is that the output of Gundam Angorxian's body is only less than 70%, the nano armor is not lightly damaged, and the skeleton is also damaged to a certain extent. But because Minglai Tabin's ability has improved again, he is not at a disadvantage.

In addition to the beam weapon, he also has a melee weapon obtained from Gundam Barbatos-the hammer spear!

And next was Gundam Barbatos, the nano armor was also not lightly damaged, but the performance of the MS body was maintained in a relatively good state, and the driver San Riyue Augus was just tired of the game.

As for Gundam Guxin, although the defensive ability is the strongest among the four Gundam skeletons, the nano armor is not lightly damaged because it receives the most attacks. It's just that the driver, Zhaohong Atlas, caused considerable damage to the brain because of the excessive use of the "Alaya Consciousness System". It can be said that it is the only pilot in the four-person squad whose combat effectiveness has dropped drastically.

Of course, the best state is Gundam Mapa who joined later. With the ability to fly at high speeds, and did not directly choose to engage in close combat with "Ion Graz", this is the wisest choice. And equipped with a howitzer with long-range attack capability, although it does little damage to the nano armor, it can still affect the actions of "Ain Graz".

Although the four-man team on Ming Lai Tabin's side seems to be in poor condition, Lieutenant Ain Dalton is not much better.

With a huge body, "Ion Graz" has almost invincible power because of the forbidden operation of the pilot Lieutenant Ion Dalton-the full version of "Alaya Consciousness".

Although in terms of the performance of the MS body, Galalhorn made a very perfect adjustment, which is entirely tailor-made for Lieutenant Ain Dalton. It only uses a monomeric "Ahab reactor", so its output is still inferior to the high-frame type.

There is no other way. Although the "Ahab Reactor" was invented by Galalhorn, from ancient times to the present, the MS units that have been successfully equipped with the "Double Ahab Reactor" are only legendary. Seventy-two Gundam skeleton type only. Even after three hundred years of technological development, Galalhorn still cannot overcome the difficulty of manufacturing the "Double Ahab Reactor".

I don't know how many times Galalhorn failed to produce the legendary 72 "Gundam Skeleton".

"Give it to the monster... a few more..." Zhaohong Atlas reluctantly said.

That’s right, although his main task now is to act as a decoy to influence Lieutenant Ain Dalton’s judgment, but for Zhaohong Atlas, who has reached the limit of his body, he can guarantee that Gundam Guxin can continue. Acting according to your own will is already very good.

"Zhaohong, don't force yourself too much, the victory is ours!" Minglai Tabin also knew that Zhaohong Atlas' current state is not very good.

Let him evacuate first?

The character of Yi Zhaohong Atlas is probably impossible. He is not afraid of death, let him escape, perhaps Zhaohong Atlas will choose to die with the enemy.

The only way now is to make a quick fight.

At this time Ming Lai Tabin also hates why he is so weak.

But is Minglai Tabin really weak?

With almost the world’s top MS driving technology, it also has one of the world’s 72 best MS units, and it has the ability to predict the enemy’s next move and perceive danger.

But in front of the monster "Ion Graz", it was still not enough.

Because Minglai Tabin knows very well in his heart that even if he has the world's top driving skills, he still cannot control the MS body as a body like the "Alaya Consciousness".

Even if he owns one of the best seventy-two mobile suits, Minglai Tabin knows very well that he can't exert the real power of the Gundam skeleton at all. Because the real power of the Gundam skeleton type can only be exerted by relying on the "Alaya Consciousness".


Gundam Anko quickly approached "Ion Graz" again, and slammed the hammer in his hand madly.

And "Ain Graz"'s reaction was also extremely fast, only one punch blocked the attack of the hammer and spear. If it were replaced with another MS body, just one blow would be enough to cause serious damage to the target. But "Ain Graz" just blocked the blow.

"Sure enough, with the current output, the power has dropped too much!"

Ming Lai Tabin also had a wry smile in his heart. Gundam Ankoxian's output has dropped more than expected, and over time, the output is still declining.


Gundam Mapa in the air just shot past, although it had no effect. Of course, it is not completely ineffective, at least Lieutenant Ain Dalton has been angered again.

However, Lieutenant Ain Dalton's primary goal is Gundam Angorxian. Of course, he doesn't know the pilot name Lai Tabin, but as long as this mobile suit body appears, it is his goal.

If there is no appearance of Gundam Ankoxian, Lieutenant Ain Dalton must choose to attack Gundam Mapa's auxiliary mobile suit first.

But under the current circumstances, the enemy that Lieutenant Ain Dalton most wants to kill is right in front of his own eyes. How could he easily miss it?

Why did he chase from Mars, how much cynicism and contempt he encountered along the way? But he didn't care, his purpose was always firm-revenge!

So even if he is dead, he must defeat all enemies and complete his revenge!

For this purpose, he did not hesitate to sacrifice himself.

In the last battle, he was supposed to be a vegetative, but he was reborn again because of the "Alaya Consciousness" operation and gained unparalleled strength. Although from now on, he no longer possesses a human body and can only survive in a mechanical form, but in order to complete his revenge, what is there to fear?

But even so, Lieutenant Ain Dalton still hopes that he is still a human, not a mechanical monster, so he is ready to die with the enemy.

(To be continued...)

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