"Immediately move in at full speed in the direction of two o'clock!" Minglai Tabin shouted solemnly.


"Boss, that battleship seems to be rushing towards us..." And in the control room of the enemy transport ship, I saw that the "Warhammer" battleship turned in its direction, and I immediately panicked.

"What?" The leader of the transport ship looked incredulous.

Judging from the current situation, no one knows who will die. How could the other party rush towards them in a suicidal manner?

"Do a good job of defensive work immediately, the other party should want to bombard us at close range!" The boss never thought that Ming Lai Tabin really wanted to hit them with the "Warhammer" warship.

Although the current "Tabins" assets are not many, there are still several transport ships. Of course, Minglai Tabin has never let go of the spoils, but today is an exception.

Because they will soon rendezvous with the "Apocalypse" cruise ship.

And if you want to use the opponent's transport ship as a trophy, you must conduct landing operations after annihilating all the enemy's MS units. Regardless of the casualties, just the time consumed is not what Ming Lai Tabin wants.

It is precisely because today is an exception that Minglai Tabin's heart will be inexplicably annoyed.

If it were normal, Minglai Tabin would not play well with the opponent for a while, and then search for valuable trophies.

Maybe it was the other party's bad luck today, so he didn't read the almanac when he went out (of course the other party may not know what the almanac is).

It's just that the enemy just thought Minglai Tabin just wanted to get close to them and bombard them.

It's just that Minglai Tabin doesn't intend to waste any ammunition at all. If you enter it without leaving alive, then just go straight-destroy the opponent's transport ship!

Compared with artillery bombardment, it is undoubtedly that the suicide strike of the "Warhammer" warship is more effective.

Anyone who knows "Tabins" knows that this is their most terrifying method. Because let alone a transport ship, even a warship, there is no warship in the world that can survive the suicide impact of a "Warhammer" warship without damage.

Minglai Tabin doesn't know the identity of the enemy, but does he need to know?

For Ming Lai Tabin, these are just some jumping clowns, it doesn't matter who they are. The important thing is that they will soon become a wreck in this icy universe.

"Boss, they seem to really want to hit over..." The staff in charge of controlling the transport ship was already a little timid at this time.

Can you blame them for this!

After all, they were only on a transport ship, although they also had weapons and equipment, but they were facing a battleship! The two sides are not at the same level in terms of weapons and equipment, and in addition to the strong offensive power of the warship, even the defense is much stronger than that of the transport ship.

"Hurry up and let the MS intercept it!" The boss of the transport ship gritted his teeth. He knew that if the "Warhammer" battleship was allowed to approach them, their transport ship would definitely not be able to hold it.

Is it just that their MS troops can spare time to fight the "Warhammer" warship?

"Honey, want to use that trick?"

"It seems Ming Lai is really angry..."

Amida Miluka knew that if Minglai Tabin was not really angry, he would definitely not use that trick lightly. But think about it, the rendezvous between them and the "Apocalypse" cruise ship, but Minglai Tabin's most important thing, how can you tolerate other people's interruption?

Although Minglai Tabin didn't take the shot himself, it doesn't mean he doesn't mind!

"These prey want to protect their ship?" Ravda Franklando saw that in the enemy's mobile suit, only a few mobile suits were restraining them, two or three of them seemed to want to rush towards the "warhammer".

This is obviously to protect their transport ship!

In this universe, especially if there is not even a base nearby, if the transport ship is lost, it is tantamount to drifting in the vast ocean.

But the enemy's ideas are beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Because the person they provoke is not someone else, but "Tabines".

If in a one-to-two situation, you can still let the other party have the ability to slip away under your nose, wouldn't it be detrimental to the reputation of the "Tabins" battle ace?

"It's a very dangerous thing to turn your back to the enemy in battle, idiot!" Ravda Franklando slammed on the thruster pedal, and at the same time reminded the enemy mockingly.


A flying spear with a steel rope was shot from "Bai Li", and it directly grabbed the back of one of the enemy mobile suits.

"This is?" Feeling that the MS body he was driving was suddenly blocked, his body still leaned forward inertially.

But before he could make any response, he found that his mobile suit body suddenly fell backward.

No, it should be pulled by something.

"Come on! Come on! Exciting swing!" Ravda Franklando drove "Hundred Miles" to pull the target, and then flew towards an asteroid with a radius of tens of meters.

When it was about to collide with the asteroid, "Baili" made a sharp turn to avoid the accident.

However, because of the inertia, the mobile suit body that was pulled over continued to move forward rapidly.


The frightened enemy simply forgot that he could use the power of the thruster to slow down or change the direction of advancement to avoid this accident.

However, in a state of panic, he completely forgot how to save himself.



This mobile suit smashed heavily on the asteroid, and the entire mobile suit body was almost deformed, and then the whole mobile suit body exploded in an instant.

After Ravda Franklando quickly recovered the flying spear that he shot, he immediately moved on to the next target...

"To be continued...)

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