The King of Gundam Comes

Chapter 393: Caesar's escape (3)

The mobile suit that Caesar was driving slowly stepped into the passage leading to the smashed door.

It's not that Caesar doesn't want to be faster, but that this type of body is not a general-purpose MS body, and the structure of the lower body is not suitable for fast movement.

The smashing door and the electromagnetic ejection orbit are connected, and the MS body is usually moved through a mobile device, but this time is an exception.

And because the electromagnetic ejection track is not in use, the safety door has not been opened.

This security door is not a solid iron door, just a huge iron net smashed the door.

Caesar controlled the MS body to step on the ejection track, not caring about the safety door in front of him at all, and continued to walk forward.


The security door with a height of more than 20 meters could not withstand the impact of the MS body at all, and was directly hit on the ground.

"Where have all the guards gone? Which guy should be stopped quickly..."

Although the response of the space station was very fast, it has been less than a minute since they discovered that the MS body was stolen by Caesar. And when Caesar passed by, he also easily obtained several mobile suits, making them obstacles.

Even if the mobile suit body at the back wanted to chase it up, at least it had to clear the way out of it, but that would take at least five or six minutes.

At this time, Caesar's distance from hitting the door was only less than two hundred meters, but Caesar had also noticed that there was a mobile suit body behind him catching up, at least temporarily blocked.

But that kind of hindrance is just a few minutes of delay.

boom! boom!

Two howitzer shells hit the smashed door, with a fan height of 20 meters, and the heavy smashed door was immediately exploded.

An extremely strong suction sweeps the surrounding environment, which is the vacuum environment of outer space constantly extracting the air inside.


"That **** exploded and smashed the door!"

But is it not normal for Caesar to blast and smash the door if he wants to escape?

Is it possible that he still expects the people of the space station to open the door for him?

Because of the explosion of the smashed door, all the passages of the accessory were forced to be closed in an emergency to ensure that the air would not leak.

But even so, many people were still blown away by this sudden strong wind. Of course, after they lost the air, they couldn't survive.

But Caesar sitting in the MS cockpit didn't feel anything.

Although the door was blasted to make a hole, it seemed that it was not enough to let his mobile suit body go out directly, but he still chose to light the thruster.

Fly directly to the broken door, and use a powerful MS arm to forcibly open the broken door.

"What's going on? It's not like terrorists' methods?" The person in charge of the space station was also taken aback when he heard that someone had stolen the MS body, especially since this MS body was not aimed at internal attacks. Like wanting to escape.

If it is a terrorist, it should be a direct attack inside them, right?

Is the explosion just now a bait? The enemy's purpose is just to steal MS and escape?

But who is so bold to go to a place like a space station to steal the MS body?

No, most people do not have the guts, but what if they are desperate?

Yes, there is another person who will do this!

That's Caesar!

Today's Caesar has not only lost his organization, but has also been offered a high reward, which can be said to be desperate.

This person deserves to be the person in charge of the space station, and soon figured everything out.

But it is one thing to figure it out, and it is another thing to suffer a loss yourself!

There are so many space stations in the entire Mars circle, why does Caesar have to come to his own chassis!

Can you blame Caesar for this, he just happened to come here after escaping from the asteroid area.

Originally, he also had the ability to go to the ground of Mars quietly, but unfortunately, that **** didn't know how he discovered his identity. Had it not been for the shootout, Caesar would not have chosen this drastic approach.

If he sneaks in safely, Caesar guarantees that he will land on the Martian ground 100%.

But now?

The chance of survival is less than 2%!

The current Caesar can only use the MS body to forcibly penetrate the Martian atmosphere, which is a very dangerous thing.

Although the gravity of Mars is much lower than that of Earth, it is very dangerous if it penetrates into the atmosphere and cannot slow down.

Although Ming Lai Tabin had successfully penetrated into the Earth's atmosphere, it was just a fluke. Even though the risk of Caesar’s penetration into the Martian atmosphere is much lower than the risk of entering the Earth’s atmosphere this time, it is still a matter of life and death.

"Immediately chase me!" The person in charge guessed that this person was likely to be the escaped Caesar. Although there was some fear in his heart, he still had to send someone to intercept it.

At least in the eyes of the person in charge, it was not for him to intercept Caesar himself, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

But the loss of the space station must be borne by someone, and he must take down Caesar's head.

Although there is only one warehouse where the MS body is parked in the space station, it is almost paralyzed now.

But aren’t there other warships and transport ships outside?

You must know that Caesar's current heads are very valuable, as long as the news is notified, there are not many people intercepted.

The person in charge doesn't care if Caesar did this time, but a scapegoat must be found!

"Is it Caesar?"

"Did that lunatic finally show up?"

"The reward is mine!"

Taking down Caesar's head is more than just a reward from "Tubbins".

To know the name of Caesar, in the entire circle of Mars and Jupiter in the mercenary world, it is the king and the king of soldiers. If someone takes down his head, then he will become famous.

Especially now that Caesar doesn't have its own special body, and he is only himself. Under this greatly reduced strength, when he doesn't do it, when will he wait?

(To be continued...)

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