The King of Gundam Comes

Chapter 395: Caesar's escape (5)

"Does this guy want..."

The MS squad chasing Caesar found that Caesar’s MS body seemed to be declining continuously. Some cautious people had noticed that if their MS body continued to descend at a height of about ten kilometers, it would not be able to escape the gravity of Mars.

Is Caesar going to fight back, or is he really so crazy?

The fact that the MS body penetrated into the atmosphere is simply unheard of.

Although Lai Tabin had done this kind of thing, it was on Earth, and these mercenaries in the Martian circle might not be able to know this kind of news. After all, these things have not been officially announced, nor have they been reported in the news.

Moreover, no outsider knows the identity of Gundam Anluoxian's driver, and outsiders are not sure whether Gundam Anluoxian has changed the driver. After all, the MS body suddenly reached the atmosphere, it was a matter of life and death.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The mobile suit body that pursued Caesar increased to ten in less than twenty minutes, and it kept firing at the target.

Of course, relying on his rich experience, Caesar quickly dodged, and even a bullet did not hit his MS armor. It has to be said that even without the assistance of the Alaya Recognition System, Caesar is still a first-class MS driver.

How could the soldier who became a mercenary in the Martian circle not have two brushes?

Fortunately, there is no tacit understanding of cooperation between these people, but a group of mobs.

Yes, in the eyes of Caesar, they are a mob.

But even so, Caesar still had to go all out. No way, Caesar's current strength is not even the top three in his peak business!

In the distance, there are still more than a dozen mobile suits chasing soldiers, rushing over.

Caesar discovered this too, but he wasn't worried either.

Because he was ready to penetrate into the atmosphere.

Caesar calculated that as long as he penetrated into the atmosphere, it would take only a few minutes for him to fall to the ground.

Even if the enemy immediately asked the ground to make arrangements, it would be difficult for them to figure out where Caesar’s mobile suit fell. Because this is not a meteorite fall, but a fall of an MS body with a thruster, which can change the direction of the fall.

And the enemy is not sure whether Caesar will actually choose to penetrate into the atmosphere, because this kind of crazy behavior would otherwise be unimaginable.

So Caesar was sure that those guys on the ground were definitely not prepared.

Because it's useless to be prepared!

The entire Mars area is so vast, and now Caesar is still moving, who knows where Caesar will choose to land?

After all, compared to the rich Earth, most of Mars is vast and sparsely populated.

"Almost enough..." Caesar found that there was less than 30% of the fuel in his mobile suit body, so he didn't intend to continue entangled with the mob.

And there are still a lot of chasing soldiers behind, it is estimated that it will be here in ten minutes.

Without weapons and without the aid of the Alaya Consciousness System, Caesar was afraid to continue fighting. If the MS body is damaged, it will affect safety during the fall.

"Which guy is doing?"

"Is he descending?"

"Is he going to commit suicide?"

Seeing Caesar's MS body descending rapidly, everyone was stunned. If this continued to descend, the thrusters of their MS body would not be able to escape the gravitational force of Mars.

"No, this guy wants to confuse us!"

There are still many people who think that Caesar is not going to penetrate into the atmosphere, but just trying to mislead them.

They felt that Caesar wanted to take the opportunity to open the distance between them, and then take a blow to escape.

This is not impossible, although Caesar's head is very valuable, but it is not enough to let people risk his death to take his head.

As long as Caesar ensured that his mobile suit body would not be pulled down by the gravity of Mars, he could take the opportunity to raise the height, and then throw everyone away.

But these people seem to have overlooked one thing, and that is the fuel for the MS body propulsion!

If there is no one to support Caesar, there is no way to escape with the fuel left in his mobile suit body.

Therefore, penetration into the atmosphere is the only way to get rid of everyone, although the chance of survival is very low. But it is definitely much higher than being caught, and at least there is a chance to survive.

"Want to catch my uncle? If you have a kind, just follow along..." Caesar shouted with a sneer, and he actually didn't intend to slow down at all, and directly drove the MS body into a dive.

"Sure enough, a lunatic..."

"He is going to commit suicide!"

Soon, Caesar's mobile suit body had begun to fall, and the temperature of the armor on the surface had been rising continuously when it rubbed against the air in the atmosphere.

At this moment, even if Caesar regretted it, he didn't have enough motivation to raise the height, and he could only fall continuously.

"The surface temperature of the body armor is too high! Danger!"

"The surface temperature of the body armor is too high! Danger!"

The display keeps flashing red alarms!

"The temperature in the cockpit is too high!"

As the temperature in the cockpit increased, Caesar felt it even without warning. At this time, the temperature in the cockpit has reached more than fifty degrees Celsius, no, it has exceeded sixty degrees Celsius.

Caesar was already hot and sweating, breathing extremely fast. In addition, the gravitational burden caused by acceleration is too strong. If it weren't for Caesar's strong body, he might have passed out a long time ago.

"My uncle won't just die like this!"

Caesar suddenly remembered that he still wanted to avenge the famous Lai Tabin. If he died like this, what revenge would he talk about?

Perhaps it was just because this belief in revenge was so strong that Caesar, who was almost in a coma, awake again.

Caesar gripped the control rod fiercely and activated the thrusters of the MS body again, trying to slow down the speed of the fall.

But I have to say that the effect of deceleration is indeed achieved. But the impact generated by the sudden change in gravity made Caesar's bones almost fall apart. The soreness of that muscle made him almost unable to bear it.

At this time, even the screen in the cockpit couldn't withstand the impact, which caused a crack in the display screen. Not only that, but the joints of this MS body also suffered some damage, but it was not very serious.

However, Caesar also knew that although the speed of this mobile suit had been reduced, it still exceeded the speed of sound. If he fell directly to the ground, his body would definitely not be able to bear it.

Even if you survive, you must be unconscious!

He tried his best to bet his life and escape, but he didn't want to be caught!

(To be continued...)

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