The King of Gundam Comes

Chapter 407: Annihilation mission (7)


"Shot on the right side, slight damage!" Bisquet Griffin immediately reported and shouted when the battleship was shot.

Just now, the "Yuhuo" battleship shook suddenly, and everyone knew that the battleship must have been shot. It's just that with the armor thickness of the "Yuhuo" warship, it just got a shot of howitzer, and it didn't cause much damage.

If there is any, the paint on the surface has been blown off, revealing the original color of the armor.

"Hold on, never let MS come near!" Olga Yizka was also a little worried.

They have delayed for more than three minutes, although they have not allowed any enemy mobile suit body to approach the warship for the time being. However, the battleship itself has been shelled several times, causing slight damage to the armor surface of the battleship.

But Olga Izka knew that if the enemy’s mobile suit was brought close, it would not be as simple as light damage. It is estimated that in less than half a minute, a hole will be opened in the armor of the battleship.

"Head, there are only less than sixty rounds of howitzers left..." When Bisquet Griffin noticed the remaining ammunition, he was already panicking effectively.

"Use it all!"

"Yes!" Olga Izka knew that this time was not a time to save money, even if he ran out of the last ammunition, he would insist until his MS troops came back.

"Forty-five howitzers are left..."

"Fifteen remaining burnt bullets..."

The consumption of all weapons and ammunition is huge, and the chance of burning money is almost the same as fighting three or four warships at the same time.

However, none of the enemy's mobile suits were shot down, and they were not even damaged at all.

Although the enemy’s mobile suits are all ordinary mass-produced models of spacecraft like Spina Roddy, Spina Roddy is a space-specific mobile suit, plus it is in the "Alaya Consciousness" system. Under the control system, it is very agile.

In the case of maintaining medium and long distances, the speed of the shells is simply impossible to hit the target.

Of course, there are also the consumption tactics used by the other party to consume all the ammunition of the "Yuhuo" warship while keeping a distance.

After all, although the mobile suit body is flexible, if it is forced to approach, it may not be able to avoid it under intense firepower.

If the enemy really carried out a strong attack, he would definitely lose one or two Spinner Roddy's.

In the eyes of the enemy, the "fishing fire" warship is their prey.

Therefore, the other party is not in a hurry to attack, after all, their purpose is not to destroy the "Yuhuo" battleship, but to capture the "Yuhuo" battleship.

The three leaders had already coveted the "Yuhuo" battleship. He had always wanted to get a battleship, but he had never had a chance. Now that the opportunity came, he naturally didn't want to miss it.

In the eyes of the three chiefs, this was just waiting for a few more minutes.

In these few minutes, he still waited. He didn't want to spend a lot of money to repair the "Yuhuo" battleship after being in a hurry for these few minutes.

But he didn't know that the first and second MS units he had arranged before had been wiped out by San Riyue Augs and others.

At this time, the three leaders thought that all the situation was under their control, and the only thing he had to watch out for was the "rats" of the advancing transport ships.

I don't know what kind of expression he will look like after he knows the truth after a while?

But Olga Izka was not as calm as the three chiefs. Although he had guessed the purpose of the three chiefs, he was still under great pressure. Of course, if the opponent did not choose to attack, that would be the best result for Olga Izka.

Otherwise, the other party chose to attack, and his own sin would be to kill one or two MS units of the other party. However, once it is approached by other mobile suits, the "Yuhuo" warship can't be defended at all.

Although the elephant is strong, it is also afraid of the bite of the mouse!

drop! drop! drop!

"The three chiefs have detected the reaction of the Ahab particles..."

"This speed... is MS!"


The transport ship quickly detected that five objects with "Ahab particle" responses were approaching them quickly. Judging from their experience, it is very likely that there are five MS units.

"Is it their support?" Hearing this, the three leaders were also taken aback.

Previously, the five mobile suits of the Tiehua Group seemed to be equipped with the "Ahab Reactor". It seems that this rising star is a local tyrant.

But the three leaders did not know that the Tiehua Group was very poor now. The huge expenses, as well as the expansion of their respective businesses, almost ran out of commissions for their **** missions to the earth.

"It's the MS before the Tiehua Group..."

"What?" Upon hearing this, the three chiefs were stunned.

It is estimated that the fight between the MS troops of the two sides will be less than ten minutes, right?

They dispatched fifteen Spinner Roddy!

Even if the regular army is coming, in a three-to-one situation, it is impossible to kill their 15 mobile suits within ten minutes, right?

There are many fools driving those fifteen mobile suits, so it's impossible to stand where they are targets and get hit by someone, right?

Is it possible that Chengdu has rebelled?

I have to say that the brains of these three leaders are really big!

"Zone D was captured..."

"Zone C lost..."

But before the three chiefs could react, his men once again reported even worse news.

With the support of the Tiehua regiment, he was not afraid, he could still escape.

He could give up on the capture of the Tiehua regiment's battleship, after all, his life is still there!

But what if this transport ship is lost?

Needless to say, I know the result.


The spacecraft for escape is in Zone B, which is designed for this situation. The control room is in area A. Once area B is captured, they will not even have a chance to escape.

Stay in the green hills without worrying about no firewood!

The three leaders decisively chose to escape.

Now he can only choose to abandon the transport ship. If the transport ship is not invaded by the Tiehua regiment, he can use the transport ship to escape. But now there are still an unknown number of enemies inside the transport ship, so we can only choose to abandon the transport ship.

He spied on the opponent's battleship, and instead of getting the opponent's battleship, he got his own transport ship in instead.

But he had just started, and when he dropped these men, one of them suddenly shouted: "Report, there is a fighting in Zone B."

This can put the three chiefs' **** in shock on his place.

(To be continued...)

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