The King of Gundam Comes

Chapter 459: Entertainment News

Although he calmed down, Jasney Donominx cried out in his heart: "Damn..."

He doesn't dare to bet!

It's not that he has not seen the fierceness of Ming Lai Tabin. If he is beaten and made the headlines of tomorrow, wouldn't his own become a joke of the whole universe?

Of course, this is Jasni Donominx who looks at himself highly, and it is estimated that few people will care about this when it is on the news.

And the reason why Justin Donominx did not dare to gamble when he had the advantage in numbers was because he knew that Amida Miluka was equally good.

Once he got up, at this distance, he might really be beaten into a pig's head. I knew I didn't pretend to be forced just now, I should have taken a few steps back and talked to Minglai Tabin.

Next, Justin Donominx did not do anything, but left the restaurant with anger. On the other hand, Ming Lai Tabin and his wife continued to eat as if nothing had happened.

It's just that the whole process was taken clearly by the reporter hiding in the corner, including the photos of Justny Donomix rolling up his sleeves and leaving in anger.

"Boss..." The next day, Jasney Donomix's men opened the news content on the tablet and handed it to Jasni Donomix in a panic.

There are several versions of the above content, among which the most-clicked title is "Playboy Attacked", followed by "Divaz Infighting, Who Will Kill You". As for the content, each version is different, but apart from the real photos, the rest are fake.

"Close this newspaper for me, and let the editor disappear by the way." After seeing the news content, Justny Donominks shouted angrily.

Although he wanted to beat Lai Tabin very much at the time, he didn't do it in the end!

How come it says that he and Ming Lai Tabin played more than ten moves, and finally lost to Ming Lai Tabin?

What is even more outrageous is that there is a woman who wrote that he wanted to **** the name Lai Tabin, but was rejected by Amida Miluka?

When did he compete with Ming Lai Tabin for women?

What and what is this all about?

However, these contents are considered good, and there are even more outrageous articles describing Justin Donominx as a heinous villain, and even ripping out some of his vain old things.

But the person who wrote this article is probably a woman who admires Lai Tabin. Of course, no one knows what it is.

So it's no wonder that Jasney Donominx will be angry, not only to close the newspaper, but also to arrange for a killer to assassinate the editor.

It's just that the background of this newspaper is not simple. It can fabricate news content at will, and dare to offend the second-in-command of "Divaz". Can the forces behind it be simple?


Then, Jasney Donominks, who had lost his composure, didn't even bother to dissuade him, and said angrily: "Can't you hear what I said?"

"Understand!" The subordinates could only helplessly agree.

They all know that Jasney Donominx is a face-saving person. This news content said that he is so unbearable, can he not be angry?

However, considering that the people who discredit their bosses are themselves hostile forces of "Divaz", they have nothing to worry about. Now that the boss has spoken, do it!

In the "Divaz" highest-end villa, Markumard Barliston also saw relevant content.

"This kid Minglai is on the news again?" Markumard Barliston whispered to himself.

After listening to the surrounding groups, they couldn't help feeling ashamed, and muttered in their hearts: Is this what your old man is concerned about?

Shouldn't you always pay attention to your heir?

It's just that I just said it in my heart, but there are still people who can't help but say: "But this time it involves the second master?"

This person has a very good personal relationship with Justny Donominx, and he is also one of the supporters who stand up to the position of Justny Donominx.

"Forget it!" Markumard Barliston is not blind, how could he not see the content about Justny Donomix?

It's just that he doesn't want to mention it!

He felt embarrassed to say this kind of shame.

After all, Jasney Donnominx is the heir he believes, but this news has written him so unbearably. Is it not obvious that he is losing face?

However, he also guessed that this newspaper was controlled by his hostile forces in all likelihood, otherwise he would not dare to discredit Jasney Donominx so blatantly!

He knows that Jasney Donominx doesn't want to see Ming Lai Tabin, but he will never cause anything in public. At least judging from the photos, the two did not act excessively.

Although some of the above content is deliberately discrediting Ming Lai Tabin, but it is more about Ming Lai Tabin's careless news, this kind of thing is not surprising.

And Markumard Barliston also discovered something, some of the content even deliberately caused a contradiction between the two.

Markumard Barliston couldn't help sighing: Is this going to cause Divac's internal conflict?

But he would like to know how Jasny Donominx will react next?

Based on his knowledge of the two, it is estimated that Ming Lai Tabin is still chic, when nothing has happened; but what about Jasney Donominks?

Justin Donominx will definitely do something, but what about it? Still brave and intrepid?

This makes Markumard Barliston look forward to it, and I hope he will not let himself down!

But won't you let him down?

While in Galalhorn’s Mars base, when Major McGillis Farid’s adjutant was watching today’s news, he noticed news about Minglai Tabin and immediately came over to report.

Because he is a cooperative ally of his superiors, he also pays attention to Minglai Tabin's affairs.

"Major, have you seen today's entertainment news?" the adjutant asked.

"Entertainment news?" Major McGillis Farid was taken aback after hearing this.

"Yes, it's about Ming Lai Tabin!" said the adjutant.

Although Major McGillis Farid has the habit of reading news, under normal circumstances, Major McGillis Farid would not click on this type of news, but because it involves Minglai Ta Bin, this made him couldn't help but click in and take a look.

After clicking through a few pieces of entertainment news, Major McGillis Farid was also a little surprised: "This..."

Although he knows that the content is fake, the photos are probably real.

Because this high-end restaurant was estimated at the place where he and Minglai Tabin would meet yesterday, and Jasney Donominks was also in which space station yesterday and wanted to invite himself to dinner?

So where the two will meet is not unusual.

"This guy is really interesting, it is not easy!" After turning off these boring fake news, Major McGillis Farid couldn't help but smile.

He did not expect that Ming Lai Tabin is still playing the name of a **** in a high-profile manner!

And he is still at odds with the second-in-command of "Divaz"?

This is something he didn't know before!

In the case of disagreement with the second-in-command, he can still play in the "Divaz", which shows that Minglai Tabin is indeed quite capable. Otherwise, the old fox Markumard Barliston wouldn't let Ming Lai Tabin stay in Divas. After all, what an organization fears most is infighting.

Major McGillis Farid felt that he was right to come to Mars this time. But he was more curious about Minglai Tabin's abilities.

(To be continued...)

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