The King of Gundam Comes

Chapter 469: Lieutenant Tiger

"Dare to ignore me?" Lieutenant Tiger was in a bad mood in the warship's cafeteria.

Because he was missed by someone else, the meal was not tasteful at all.

By the way, this soldier named Lieutenant Tiger is Lieutenant A who challenged Minglai Tabin yesterday.

As the object of challenge, Minglai Tabin continued to look up information about Galalhorn in his room alone. Although most of these materials are not secrets, they are rarely published by outside news, and many of them are not as detailed as these materials even if there are news releases.

"Boss, that guy is too arrogant!" A teammate in Lieutenant Tiger's team was also a little annoyed.

In his opinion, isn't Ming Lai Tabin the same rank as he is a second lieutenant?

How dare to ignore the duel of a lieutenant with a rank higher than his own?

This behavior is more than just arrogance in the eyes of soldiers.

It's arrogant if you have the strength, but if you don't have the ability, it's timid.

"That is, a person who walks through the back door dares to be so arrogant." The lieutenant of the other team also said in conformity.

In fact, he is not familiar with the cold behavior of Ming Lai Tabin, but he knows that the shot is shot, and this kind of test of the strength of others should be left to others to do!

He just needs to watch the changes.

This lieutenant knew that since Ming Lai Tabin was a special recruit, he must have some abilities. Moreover, their captain, Major McGillis Farid, was specially recruited, and his identity was definitely unusual.

The opponent is definitely not a Martian military or civilian who can only conduct simple MS piloting. Without a skill, it is impossible to be admired by their captain.

"Boss, he's here!" There was a discussion here, and Lieutenant Tiger's opponent also found Ming Lai Tabin walking into the canteen.

After all, Ming Lai Tabin's dress is too conspicuous, no matter where he goes, he is so eye-catching.

Although that uniform is quite low-key when there are soldiers all around, that mask is the real object of criticism!

So there is no need for Minglai Tabin to do anything. The moment he walked in, he was naturally the protagonist here.

Even if it is a supporting role, it is a supporting role that is even more eye-catching than the protagonist.

"Second Lieutenant Nitro!" Lieutenant Tiger walked to Ming Lai Tabin. Although he had tried his best to make himself no longer angry, he still wrote the word unhappy on his face.

"It's you?" Minglai Tabin looked up, and felt that this person was a bit familiar, and he said in response to it after half a second.

But Ming Lai Tabin couldn't remember the other party's name. He only remembered that this person came to him yesterday, as if he was talking about a duel?

By the way, he seems to be called Mr. A? It's probably the name!

But it's not that Minglai Tabin couldn't remember the other party's name, but Minglai Tabin didn't give the other party a chance to declare himself, so he didn't know the name of Lieutenant Tiger at all.

"Second Lieutenant Nitro, did you forget our agreement?" Seeing Minglai Tabin's dazed look, Lieutenant Tiger wanted to punch him.

But reason told him that this was the person covered by Major McGillis Farid and Lieutenant Shidong Kahun, and he could not beat him. Of course, unless Minglai Tabin did it first, Lieutenant Tiger wouldn't dare to do it first without reason.

After all, the rules of this warship are very strict. You can duel to colleagues or anything, but if you really meet each other, that meaning is not ordinary.

The background doesn't work here, because almost all of them have no background. But willingly follow Major McGillis Farid?

It's because here, the background is the most useless. Whether you are a commoner or a nobleman, you are all equal.

That's why Lieutenant Tiger dared to bluntly put out a duel against Ming Lai Tabin, who was covered by someone, because he would not be afraid of Ming Lai Tabin's background as long as he accounted for it.

Only after listening to Lieutenant Tiger's words, Ming Lai Tabin was taken aback and asked: "Promise? What agreement?"

Regarding what happened yesterday, Ming Lai Tabin didn't care at all. Although the duel is conducted with a simulation system, the simulation equipment provided to ordinary soldiers is only the most basic model of MS body data.

And Minglai Tabin must use his own special machine.

This is not Ming Lai Tabin picky, but he needs to collect his own combat data, and then prepare for the modification of Gundam Agareth's installation.

The mobile suit that Major McGillis Farid chose for him was selected for modification based on the combat data he provided, so he was able to give full play to his strength.

So no matter who came to challenge him, Minglai Tabin chose to wait before his dedicated mecha came.

However, other people don't know these things, especially equipped with a dedicated mobile suit body, which is not something that everyone can have. What's more, Ming Lai Tabin's military rank is only second lieutenant, which is even more impossible.

After all, in normal operations, there is no special MS body for the rank of ensign, and even the rank of lieutenant does not necessarily have this opportunity.

Lieutenant Tiger, who didn't know it, said angrily: "Did you not promise to fight me yesterday?"

He was really angry.

For soldiers only, it would be a shame not to treat duels as the same thing.

Especially Ming Lai Tabin has accepted the invitation to a duel.

It's just that Ming Lai Tabin is a real Garralhorn soldier?

To put it awkwardly, he was just a Martian resident of a gangster background.

Even in the previous life, he was just an ordinary office worker.

However, Ming Lai Tabin seemed to have realized his mistake, and quickly replied: "Oh! It turned out to be this thing! Sorry!"

Although Ming Lai Tabin had some apologies in his heart, and apologized. But his cold facial paralysis reaction is a bit misunderstood-this is a bit too despised, isn't it?

Okay, in the hearts of the people around, they think so.

And Ming Lai Tabin also felt that the surrounding atmosphere was a bit wrong, wondering if he had offended this group of soldiers from Galalhorn?

I thought: I haven't been a soldier, so I don't know what you want?

Minglai Tabin knew that soldiers could sacrifice for the sake of easy, but he didn't know that Galalhorn's soldiers were obsessed with glory even a duel.

As a human for two lives, he had no experience in joining the army at all, but he didn't know these things.

"Do you have anything else?" the slightly embarrassed Ming Lai Tabin asked cautiously.

He knows that he will have to live on this battleship for a long time. It is impossible to offend everyone from the beginning, right?

But now it seems to be really offended!

"..." Hearing this, Lieutenant Tiger was also a little speechless, but he actually thought about it for a while before seriously replied, "No!"

"Then please let it go!" Ming Lai Tabin specifically used honorifics, thinking that his polite behavior should satisfy the other party!

The honorific use of "please" can be regarded as a kind of respect for the other party!

Let us love each other in the future, no, let us be friendly colleagues in the future!

It's just that Ming Lai Tabin's words are once again misunderstood, and it makes people feel that Ming Lai Tabin is despising them. Lieutenant Tiger pressed his hands on the table madly, and shouted angrily: "What do you mean, you dare not fight me?"

Originally, he wanted to overturn the table, but found embarrassingly that the table was fixed, and could only hold the table firmly to avoid embarrassment.

"It's just a simulated battle, you can't die! Hahaha..." The people around were somewhat mocked, they felt that Minglai Tabin seemed to be afraid of losing the duel.

But will Minglai Tabin really lose?

He almost frustrated Major McGillis Farid’s chances several times, and he also let the first mercenary king of Mars "Mad" Caesar fled, how could he lose to an ordinary driver? member?

If the other party knows that Ming Lai Tabin has been chased by Arian Hurd's battleship team, he still has a chance to escape, it is estimated that this group of people will be shocked!

Because Ming Lai Tabin has done too many miracles, but his name is unknown.

(To be continued...)

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