The King of Gundam Comes

Chapter 485: Joint Operations (3)

"Sure enough, it's a bit difficult!" Amida Miluka knew that the black bear boss was never a small character.

Although the "Black Bear" organization created by the Black Bear boss is also famous by force, its methods are extremely brutal, and according to intelligence, the entire "Black Bear" organization has at least hundreds of MS units.

And here is the concentration of the main forces of the "Black Bear", and it is conservatively estimated that the number of mobile suits owned by it will not be less than 60 units. And this time, because it was a covert operation, Amida Miluka did not mobilize too much force. Calculated based on the transport volume of the two warships "Warhammer" and "Yuhuo", that is, less than 20 mobile suits. That's it.

In the universe, a battle with more than 30 mobile suits can basically be defined as a small war, because the destructive power caused by one mobile suit can be equivalent to dozens of hundreds of MW.

"The enemy MS is approaching!" Yuri Alpha shouted.

"Start anti-air weapon defense immediately! The rest of the MS forces attack!" Amida Miluka immediately made corresponding tactics to the changes in the battlefield.

Boom! Boom! boom! boom!

Although the "Warhammer" warship is known for its defensive power, it is a warship in itself, and its weapon system is naturally not weak. The "Warhammer" battleship used intensive firepower to reluctantly hinder the attack of the enemy's MS troops, and at the same time killed two of them, and at the same time forced the rest of Man Roddy back.

Without the blessing of the "Ahab Reactor", the armor of the ordinary mobile suit body is simply not enough to defend against the fire attack of the warship. They all use the "Alaya Consciousness" system to fight, but the human neural response is also limited.

Although it is not possible to kill all enemy MS units at once, it at least reduces the number of enemies.

"What's the matter with that white mobile suit?" The black bear boss saw Gundam Anluoxian's battle in the distance, and he was a little puzzled in his heart, and asked in secret: Is it Tubbins' new mobile suit?

This is indeed the body of Tabernas, and it is also the legendary Gundam skeleton type.

"Chee, it's that guy's woman again..." The black bear boss is indeed very upset. He has been fighting with Ming Lai Tabin for many years, but he always loses more than he loses.

And he could also see that the driver driving Gundam Anluosian was probably Amida Miluka.

However, he still had a mistake in guessing, that is, the commander of the operation this time was not named Lai Tabin, but Amida Miluka.

Except for the brothers of the "Tiehua Regiment" like Olga Itzka, no one knew that Minglai Tabin was not on the "Warhammer" battleship. To be correct, only Olga Itzca knew that Rai Tabin didn't even take part in this battle. Others thought that the person driving Gundam Anlotan was still named Rai Tabin.

There is no impermeable wall under the sky, so except for the interior of "Tabins", Amida Miluka did not mention the absence of Ming Lai Tabin too much. It even asked insiders to mention as little as possible about Minglai Tabin, to avoid accidentally leaking information about Minglai Tabin’s absence.

"Don't plan to use the main force?" Seeing that the black bear boss has not arranged reinforcements, Amida Miluka was also a little confused.

Is this black bear boss going to sacrifice all his hands and buy time for himself to escape? Still really so confident?

Amida Miluka knows that this black bear boss is also an arrogant person, and should not easily escape, can he really continue to calm his heart to test their strength.

But this loss is a bit too great, right?

But Amida Miluka knows that the black bear boss is also a ruthless person, and he doesn't care about the life and death of his men. If it is to kill his old opponent, how about pitting his men?

So Amida Miluka was not overly proud in successive victories, but rather worried.


Amida Miluka drove Gundam Anluo Xian, directly towards a Man Rody who was only tens of meters away from him, and slammed it down with a rocket hammer.

"It's a highly destructive heavy weapon!" The black bear boss sneered thoughtfully, as if thinking about why.

In his speculation, since Gundam Anlor came first from the "Warhammer" battleship, and seems to be the captain of the "Tabbins", that is to say, the driver of Gundam Anlor should be Amida Milou. The card is no doubt.

But this time, he was really wronged by the black bear boss.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"What a trouble!" Although the enemy was killed more than half, Amida Miluka couldn't remember it.

She felt that the black bear boss seemed to be plotting something, and it must be against them "Tubbins".

On the other side, Sanriyue Augus driving Gundam Barbatos is extremely calm. The spear in his hand is basically an enemy with just one blow. If it doesn't work, then two blows!

"The guy Sanriyue..." Seeing Sanriyue Augs's simple and neat method, even Akira Atlans couldn't help sighing. I thought this was fortunately not the enemy!

At this time, the two battleships "Warhammer" and "Yuhuo" were no more than 20 kilometers away from the three ships of the black bear boss, and the distance was still shortening.

The battlefield between the two MSs happened to be between them.

"Playboy, this time let you know what it means to come and go!" The black bear boss said with a sneer.

However, he didn't know that his old opponent did not appear at all. If he knew about this, he would probably go crazy!

Although the two organizations are equally famous in the outside world, in terms of strength, "Tabins" has a slight advantage. But these are things that happened a long time ago, and the current "Tubbins" has long since thrown off this so-called old opponent.

Although the real behind the attack on the mine is not the "black bear", they are one of the participants behind it. The black bear boss thought that the concealment method did a good job, but in the end he still left some clues. However, the real behind-the-scenes man seemed to have anticipated this a long time ago, so it was arranged early so that all the clues would only end here in the end.

However, Minglai Tabin already had some speculation in his mind. It is precisely because all the clues have been broken that it is even more suspicious, because the "black bear" simply does not have enough confidence to resist the entire "Tubbins" crazy revenge.

Even if they hire other forces to join the battle, at least their financial resources are not enough to do this. Why is the "black bear" that has struggled for so many years suddenly so arrogant? There must be someone behind it, or else the black bear boss doesn't have the guts.

The black bear boss is a profit-oriented person, and he will not easily attack even if it is an enemy when he can't get enough benefits. And Amida Miluka also had some guesses, so he planned to pull out some of the other's minions for Ming Lai Tabin.

"The enemy's movements have changed!"

(To be continued...)

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