The King of Gundam Comes

Chapter 494: Cancer MA appearance (3)

"You are the one who gets in the way!" In Amida Miluka's eyes, the other person is the one who gets in the way, because she is preventing herself from supporting Lavda Franklando.

Because of the unknown, I am worried. As the eldest sister of the "Tabbins" family, Amida Miluka is very concerned about her sisters. Especially the sisters of Lavda Franklando who are often by their side, the feelings are even more extraordinary.

Can Amida Miluka not worry about the unknown MA body?

Because of the lack of relevant intelligence, in fact, Amida Miluka doesn't know much about MA, mainly from two sources.

One is an introduction from Ming Lai Tabin, but it only mentions some vaguely. As for the specific details, even Ming Lai Tabin can't explain it clearly.

Because the MA bodies in this world are different from the MA bodies in other worlds, these MA bodies are the public enemies of mankind, and they are all artificial intelligences with the purpose of exterminating mankind. This sounds a bit similar to the "Skynet" in the "Terminator" movie.

On the other hand, it comes from the historical records about the "War of Evil Sacrifice", but the relevant information is extremely scarce. Most of the information is handed down from the people, and there are not many real official information. Perhaps, there will be relevant records in Galalhorn's internal information!

After all, this organization was established when the "War of Evil Sacrifice" broke out. Since it has been passed down for more than 300 years, I believe there should be more detailed information handed down. It's just that I don't know if the identity of Lieutenant Nitro of Ming Lai Tabin has enough authority to access these materials.

I wanted to support Lavda Franklando and the others as soon as possible, but Amida Miluka knew that he would never be able to leave. At the speed of up to An Luoxian, it is natural to get rid of this double shield MS body, but the opponent's strength should not be underestimated.

If you get rid of your opponent, then your sisters and the brothers of the "Tiehua Group" will face this enemy directly. Judging from the strength of the opponent, if you don't hold the opponent by yourself, I'm afraid it's your own camp. At least half of the troops must be lost.

"Amida, every MS has its own characteristics..." Amida Miluka's mind began to recall some of the things Ming Lai Tabin had said to her, and she was also analyzing The characteristics of Gundam Anluosian and the characteristics of the enemy.

Gundam Anluosian is a product of the "War of Evil", even in the 72 Gundam skeleton types, it is also special. In other words, each Gundam skeleton type is special, but Gundam Anluoxian does Few airframes have beam weapon configurations.

Although the beam weapon has been eliminated for many years, it really has no effect at all. Although the beam weapon will be restrained by the "Ahab Reactor" very powerfully, the effect on conventional weapons is very powerful.

It's just that her current opponent is also a mobile suit equipped with the "Ahab Reactor", which is also immune to beam weapons. It's not that the beam weapon is completely ineffective, it's just that the power is not enough.

Not to mention that it is only Gundam Anluo's beam weapon, even the high-power beam weapon of the legendary MA body is only the surface coating that can burn the nano armor.

However, Amida Miluka soon discovered the advantages and disadvantages of the dual-shield mobile suit body. Its characteristic is its super high defensive ability, but this is also its weakness. Too heavy nano armor, although it has warship-level defense capabilities, but at the expense of its mobility.


The plasma cannon on Gundam Anluo's shoulders fired a plasma beam again, directly hitting the opponent's shield. As for the effect? Of course, it was completely offset, and the effect was not as good as a bullet of grapes.

At least bullets can leave some dents on it, but beam weapons can only burn the coating on the surface.


Although there was no effect, Amida Miluka still did not give up, still using beam weapons to attack.

"What is this woman doing?" The other party is rarely puzzled, completely ignoring why Amida Miluka is doing this?

This is not as good as using live ammunition to attack, although it is not very effective, but at least it has an effect!

Is it because the other party is in a hurry?

If so, the enemy would be happy to see it. As an MS driver, if you lose your composure, you can imagine the result.


Two plasma beams shot towards the dual-shield mobile suit body again, but after the other party saw it, they said mockingly: "You still use this ineffective weapon? It's for a stupid woman..."

"What?" The last two plasma beams frightened the enemy.

Because the attack part Amida Miluka chose just now was different from the previous one, this time she chose the head. I saw a strong flash of light completely obscured the panoramic display's line of sight, so that the driver could not see anything except the bright light.

The previous attacks were actually made by Amida Miluka deliberately, and all her previous attacks were prepared for this time.

The sudden flash of light temporarily blocked the opponent's sight, even if only one second was enough.

Perhaps it was because of the danger, or the instinctive reaction. Under the pilot's control, the dual-shield MS body moved backwards.

But this speed still can't keep up with Gundam Anro's previous advancement speed. In the previous several attacks, Amida Miluka was already slowly approaching the enemy's position.

When the opponent's eyes reacted again, Gundam Anluo had already appeared in front of the dual-shield mobile suit body.

"Go to hell!" Amida Miluka didn't intend to let the enemy go at all, she didn't have the habit of letting go.

However, the enemy is not a vegetarian. When Gundam An Luoxian's spear and sword were smashed towards him, he had already allowed his mobile suit body to continue to retreat and evade.

But Amida Miluka didn't want to hit the target, or she never thought of being able to hit the target from the beginning, but she could use her weapon to make a second attack.

Boom! Boom!

The two bullets directly destroyed the main camera on the opponent's head when fired at close range.

If possible, of course, he directly hacked the opponent's head, but this is also a master. If Amida Miluka uses other weapons instead of guns and swords, it may not hurt the opponent at all.

The main camera was destroyed, causing problems with the front display of the panoramic display. However, the opponent is also an experienced master after all, and his judgment has not been affected by anger after he was recruited.

A mechanical arm quickly stretched out and clamped Gundam Anluoxian's right leg.

"Sure enough..." It seems that Amida Miluka had already expected that the other party would use this trick, and had already calculated that he would be caught by the other party.

At this distance, if the opponent fires on himself, Gundam Anluosian will inevitably be severely damaged. But will Amida Miluka sit still?

(To be continued...)

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