"You two guys!"

Just when Al was about to break out, Lucifer really gave her a basin of ice water.

"Well, thanks, Al."

"Huh! Say thank you before you start eating, it's a little bit awful to death, so you can't eat it."

Al walked to the side of the white pavilion and put the snack in his hand on the table.

She has practiced hard for so long, and today finally waited until the harvest time.

On the surface, she was calm, but in fact, her heart was already excited.

In the heart of the girl, Lucifer will be the best return to her if she is satisfied to praise her for doing very well.

"Even if it is poison, since Al made it by himself, I can only eat it.

After all, it contains Al's heart."

With that, Lucifer opened the lid and saw the exquisite shape of the dessert in the box.

This is, your face really has your style.

no.223 we are one

Lucifer's words made Al almost unable to suppress her inner excitement.She deliberately tilted her head and closed her eyes and said with disdain.

"Ah! Is your brain broken? Take the poison too! Then you will be cured."

"Anna, you heard it too, you testify to me.

If I fall down later, I will need Al's compensation at that time."

Seeing Al's avoidance, Lucifer said to Anna next to him.

"Well, um, let me testify. If Sill wins, Al will always take care of Sill until Sill recovers and he will agree to any request from you."

Anna also said very cooperatively.

Originally Al felt very happy, but suddenly felt something wrong when he heard it.

"Ah! Why did I say this before?"

Al opened his eyes and asked in surprise.

"You just said it! Don't Al, you want to regret it"

Lucifer continued to emphasize.

But this time, Al was not fooled.

She just doesn't get tired, she's not a fool.

On the contrary, she is actually just like Joan, very smart.

"I don't! Damn it, don't think I don't know what you want to do, if I say what I have.

You must have just wanted to faint on purpose, you must have thought so.

Don't try to lie to me."

Al immediately accused Lucifer and said loudly.

Al's words caused Anna to laugh softly, and she gave Lucifer a look, as if she was saying, ‘Tell me, this doesn’t work’.

In this regard, Lucifer was also very helpless.

"How come, Al.

Am I such a person?"

Lucifer wanted to struggle at this time, but Al was completely unrelenting.

"What do you mean by such a person? You are!"

"Well, I admit, I just couldn't help seeing Al too cute.

I apologize.

Now let us taste Al's heart."

With that, Lucifer picked up the knife and fork next to him and began to slice the cake.

Under Al's gaze, Lucifer deliberately marked the part with Al's face to his side, and the other side gave it to Anna, and finally prepared a copy for Al himself.

Anna seems to have discovered the key. She didn't eat the cake immediately, but looked at the expression of Al next to her.

The moment Lucifer picked up the fork and put'Al' into her mouth, her expression wrinkled for a moment.

"Ah! Eat me down!"

Al yelled at this moment.

Not surprisingly, she should be expecting her part to be eaten, well, in various senses.

"Al, didn't you have been eaten by me long ago?

Now it needs to make such a fuss and it tastes good."


Al hasn't said anything yet, Anna has discovered that Lucifer's expression is wrong just now.

She picked up the cake and ate it, then... "Hey, it tastes a bit strange, so greasy, and a bit abnormally sweet."

Anna expressed her feelings.

"It's so weird"

Ai Qi put the cake she made herself into her mouth, and her expression became a little complicated in an instant.

"Actually, if it is a person who likes it very much, the taste is just what they want.



"Don't comfort me, I will do it again."

Al quickly ran away, preventing Lucifer from seeing his current face.


Lucifer got up and was about to chase him, but was immediately stopped by Al.

"Don't follow, absolutely don't! Otherwise I will hate you, this time it's true."

Hearing this, Lucifer sat down temporarily.

He was going to go again later.

``Syl is too gentle. He obviously felt wrong in the first place, but he didn't want to say it.

So only me."

Anna calmly said what was in her heart at this time.

"I just said that even if Al made poison, I would eat it happily.

Besides, for a beginner, Al is actually very qualified."

It's just that you put a lot of sugar, it may even be the wrong type of sugar, instead of using salt as sugar as a joke.

In this regard, Lucifer felt that she had done a very good job.

At least in addition to...too much sugar, other aspects are good.

Especially the shape and touch.

"But it's not delicious...don't eat.

If you just spoil her, it will only be counterproductive, and Al certainly doesn't want to see that the things he makes in the end are delicious.

Although it may be cruel, it is also necessary."

"It's true to say that, but Al she..."

"Sill tolerates her blindly, she may not grow up."

"What are you talking about, tolerating my wife's faults is what I should do as a husband.

It's not an obligation or a responsibility, but because I want to do it.

If something like this happens to Anna, I will do the same thing."

Lucifer did not continue to defend Al, but turned the topic to Anna.

"Then what if it is not a fault, but a mistake"

Anna asked curiously at this time.

"Well, if it's not a fault but it's wrong, then I might be responsible for it.

After all, we are already one, and your mistakes are naturally my mistakes.

However, I don't think there is any problem with the error itself.It is precisely because I have learned to reflect on the error that we are now.

Many times, we not only need to be unrelenting, but also have the courage to try and make mistakes.

In normal times, making some mistakes occasionally, without affecting other people and the overall situation, is like an experiment in a laboratory.

Lucifer felt that there was nothing wrong with this.

Just don't make the same mistakes.

Facing such Lucifer with a sincere smile, she lowered her head, like a child who did something wrong.

"I am sorry..!"

"what's happenin"

Lucifer was a little strange at this time.

"I just said the wrong thing. If it were Sill, I would definitely change to a more gentle method, but I was too direct to make things the way they are.

Will Seal forgive me?"

"We are one, there is no forgiveness or unforgiveness.

I will only make up for my mistakes.

It’s just, Anna."

At this moment, Lucifer smiled and touched Anna's head.


"Although Al seems to be upright, she is not a fragile girl! If you think you just hurt her, then you may be wrong."

"Isn't it, but!"

Anna thought it was her fault at this time, and Al just ran away.

She felt a little overwhelmed.

During this time, her relationship with Al was actually better than Joan.

But she didn't know what to do now, so she wanted to rely on Lucifer to recover.

However, in Lucifer's view, her thinking has a critical deviation.

"She! She probably failed because she took the initiative to make me a cake for the first time. She felt very embarrassed and didn't have the face to see me, so she didn't want me to follow.

She didn't blame you, but blamed the problem on herself.

Well, although she didn't do a good job at first.

So, you don't have to worry about affecting your relationship with her.

Although she seems to be the opposite of Joan, there is one thing that they are actually alike. That is, she is not the kind of...unreasonable grudge."

Lucifer calmly said the key.

Although most people are of the type...they will sigh their teeth when the pain is uncovered, but fortunately, neither Al nor Joan are.

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