The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 207: : Red bird, blue turtle, purple tree

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As the main building of the East Palace, the magnificent castle in the center of the East Palace is a large and multifunctional office area.

The castle is large and looks magnificent, but it is like an iceberg. Compared with the part exposed in front of the people, the part of the castle hidden underground is more amazing and larger.

The ground structure of the castle has six floors.

The first floor is the lobby. After the East Palace is fully matured in the future, office windows will be formed here, but now it only has a few prototypes.

The second and third floors are the office areas for civilian staff of the East Palace, and the financial, commercial, logistics, public relations, research and development departments are divided into blocks on the second and third floors.

The fourth floor is a multi-functional area, where catering, entertainment, fitness and leisure are all concentrated. It is a place for civilian staff and high-level entertainment to relax.

The fifth floor is the data database and monitoring area. More and more files, materials and data are stored here in the East Palace, and it is equipped with a weapon system and monitoring equipment with almost no dead ends. Almost every corner of the East Palace can be seen in the scene It is projected on the large screens one by one on the fifth floor of the castle. Similarly, the weapon system after several upgrades can also accurately hit any corner of the East Palace.

This set of code-named guardian's six-generation weapon system is fully synchronized with Beihai Dibingshan, which was also one of the transactions that Li Tianlan swept with the summer solstice when he swept the North Sea. On the level of technology at the world's top level, even if the East Palace will really be Xuanyuan City in the future Become a part of yourself, with the guardian as the core, the East Palace can also set up some weapon systems to work with the guards to guard the East Palace in all directions.

The top floor of the castle is the residence of the high-level of the East Palace. Everyone has their own area, which can be decorated with their own heart.

The six-story ground building cannot be regarded as exceptional, and the internal planning is basically a pattern of normal forces.

But the underground space of the castle has 12 floors.

The second floor below is the logistics warehouse of the East Palace, which stores the daily supplies of the East Palace.

From the three underground floors to the twelve underground floors, almost every floor is the secret of the East Palace.

The three underground floors of the East Palace belong to Yu Donglai's site.

As a poison doctor in the dark world, Yu Donglai went through Li Honghe, Li Kuangtu, and now the three generations of Li Tianlan's leaders. It can be said that he is the veteran of the three dynasties of the Li family. Li Tianlan also respected and respected him very much. At first, he was just casual. Opening a mouth, Li Tianlan directly gave him the three underground floors of the castle as a laboratory.

Yu Donglai's life was very comfortable. He spent most of his life dealing with various poisons. For him, this has almost become a habit of survival or even an instinct. All kinds of pets that don't seem to be conspicuous. The old Yu Donglai completely gave up the idea of ​​fighting, and let his state continue to decline. Most of the day is waiting for himself in his own laboratory Little babies, every time they see them, his heart is extremely comfortable.

The old man’s children have been sacrificed on the battlefield, and only one granddaughter is now home. Yu Qingyan has decided to marry Ning Qiancheng in May next year. Because of this matter, Yu Donglai has recently been with the Tiannan Liberty Army Ning Zhiyuan, the head of his army, met several times and met.

Even in the horizontal comparison of the current high-level of the East Palace, Ning Qiancheng’s future is destined to be one of the best. His force may not be invincible. At present, it seems that it is even difficult to enter the peak level of thunder, but Mayor Xuanyuan His position has already determined his future identity. As long as Li Tianlan does not fall, Ning Qiancheng will surely become one of the directors standing at the pinnacle of Nakasu in twenty years. Even if he is not the prime minister of the president, he will definitely be ranked high. The real power figure, Yu Donglai is not satisfied with the grandson-in-law


"I now, I hope Qiancheng and Qingyan will have children later after they get married. They are still young anyway, don't worry, I still can't live as a teenager. I will have more children born a few years later After a few years to accompany me, the little babies, when the grandson or granddaughter is born, I will take the children for the two little ones. My little little babies. .."

In the huge laboratory on the 3rd basement floor, Yu Donglai gleefully introduced the internal facilities to Qin Weibai, who was beside him. When he talked about Ning Qiancheng and Yu Qingyan, his tone was very happy, but he thought of their children. , With these cute little babies in front of him, his tone will inevitably become a little bit more complicated and melancholy, but also with a trace of anticipation and reluctance.

Qin Weibai stood beside Yu Donglai and looked at a species resembling a big frog in a delicate window in front of him quietly.

The big frog was also staring at Qin Weibai, and briefly looked at it, and its belly bulged out with a murky green mucus.

Qin Weibai frowned slightly, disgusted: "You little ones are really ugly."

"Maybe you are just as ugly in its eyes."

Yu Dong came to ha ha with a smile, knocked on the window glass, and seemed to say hello to the big frog.

The big frog was bouncing around, and another bite of green mucus spouted out.

The window began to shimmer, the temperature inside the window decreased, and the internal gravity seemed to change slightly. The green mucus rolling down the glass gradually gathered in one place, slowly condensed in the corner, and finally fell to the window. Inside a transparent container.

Qin Weibai frowned slightly and shifted his gaze.

The other window next to the big frog was a mass of black meat that could not tell the species. The meat was creeping slowly, carrying a black liquid.

Qin Weibai turned his attention again.

There are countless windows in the huge space on the third floor of the basement, almost every window has some strange animals or plants, but at first glance, there are really not many things that can be pleasing to the eye. Qin Weibai couldn't help saying: "Old man, your taste is getting heavier."

"Have it?"

Yu Donglai asked back.

"This was not the case when I knew you before. At that time, you were still cooking private dishes in Huating. It seems that you are more interested in studying the menu."

Qin Weibai was helpless.

"That's not allowed by the environment."

Yu Donglai sighed and said: "If I had such a laboratory at that time, the ghost would go to study what menu, and show you this. This thing is called Black Moongrass. My latest invention, I grind this thing into powder. , Mixed with the toxin of the little frog, it can become a very active toxin. If it is given to people, within five months, the internal organs of the target will be fibrotic, and this toxin can even be absorbed in the later period. The activity in the human blood is basically no cure. Uh, you are not interested? Then take a look at this, I have not yet determined the name of this thing, after grinding this into a powder and putting it in the diet, it is colorless and tasteless, but But it can burn fat quickly inside the human body. I can guarantee that even the invincible body can't carry this medicine, so it becomes weaker and weaker in the fastest time, right?"

Qin Weibai listened quietly and suddenly said: "Frankly speaking, this is not a diet pills?"

"It's different from weight loss pills. This kind of medicine, even people who don't need to lose weight, can burn fat, and it is possible to turn them into a person."

Yu Donglai's expression was serious.

Qin Weibai was helpless: "Old man, you are really getting bored."

"The fun of the elderly, you don’t understand

. "

Yu Donglai laughed and said, "This is a hobby."

"Where are the things I want to see?"

"I think everything here is what you want to see."

Yu Donglai mumbled and walked deep into the laboratory: "Don't tell me you don't know what it means to put the laboratory here."

Qin Weibai smiled and said nothing.

Putting Yu Donglai's laboratory here, of course, she knows what it means, which not only means Li Tianlan's absolute trust in him, but also Li Tianlan's recognition of his ability to poison.

There are six floors above the ground and twelve floors underground. Strictly speaking, the six floors above the ground have nothing particularly important. The real secrets are all underground, except for the warehouse on the second floor below, starting from the third floor Every floor below has the secret of the East Palace.

Ten thousand steps back and said that even if Li Tianlan was not in the East Palace in the future, the enemy entered the East Palace and even broke the castle. Yu Donglai can completely transform the three-story space into a toxin battlefield with his own laboratory. In order to preserve the confidentiality of the lower level, from this perspective, the ugly animals and twisted plants in the laboratory can be regarded as part of the East Palace.

These are what Qin Weibai needs to see.

But it was not what she wanted to see most.

"I always feel that you are a little urgent. Are you planning something with this thing?"

Yu Donglai brought Qin Weibai to a completely sealed area in the laboratory and asked casually.

"You will soon know."

Qin Weibai's voice carried some expectations.

Yu Donglai shrugged slightly, put his hand on the door handle, verified the fingerprint, entered the password, scanned the pupil, and verified the password again.


In the crisp voice, the alloy door was slightly separated toward the sides, and a living room-sized space behind the door appeared in front of the two.


A very clear and sweet voice sounded without warning.

The sound was not loud, but it suddenly appeared, but it was extremely clear and even harsh.

Like a bird twisted to the extreme, not angry, but extremely fierce, like a wildly burning fire.

Qin Weibai frowned, seeming uncomfortably, but walked in.

There is hardly any extra space in the small sealed space, only a small table with pens and ink, and a few thick and neatly placed notebooks.

A special glass cover covers most of the space. Inside the glass cover is a piece of bright and lush green.

Qin Weibai took two steps forward.

Inside the glass cover, a purple tree with a twisted shape about two meters high stands in the glass cover. The whole body is deep purple, and even the leaves have a deep purple light.

The purple trees are thick and twisted. The trunk that should be straight seems to be folded many times at random. It looks extremely uncoordinated. The dense branches and leaves do not grow in any regular manner, and the whole looks extremely untidy.

A flaming bird was standing on a branch, staring silently at Qin Weibai outside the glass cover.

Under the tree trunk, on a greenish black grass, a blue turtle was lying quietly under the tree, motionless.

Red bird, blue turtle, purple tree.

Qin Weibai stood in front of the glass cover and looked at this scene, silent for a long time.

"This is what you want to see."

Yu Donglai's breezy voice sounded: "It's also my most successful masterpiece in my life, how?"

"quite splendid."

Qin Weibai said softly.

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