The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 283 The most valuable new plant

Judging from the map, Jie Cao is really just a small place. The population of the entire small town does not even total 500,000.

However, big and small are relative terms. Compared with other cities, the boundary is very small. But if Lin Chen were to go deep into the realm alone to search for a crater, the place would still be huge, enough for him to search for several days! If you include countless second- and third-level zombies, his search progress will undoubtedly be even slower!

This time was obviously not something Lin Chen could accept.

After spending half a day searching several small villages and killing nearly a thousand zombies, Lin Chen realized that he had to take some other measures. If he continues searching aimlessly like this, his patience may run out before the meteorite fragments are found. Thinking of this, Lin Chen casually jumped to the roof of a small house, sat down there with a big heart, and began to consider the possible range of meteorite fragments.


A gust of breeze happened to blow over, making Lin Chen, who was anxious because of the location of the meteorite fragments, inexplicably calm down. He enjoyed the pleasant cool breeze for a while, and his mind gradually calmed down.

I remember Chen Gaoyang said before that he knew there were meteorite fragments here because soldiers participating in the Beijing-Shanghai line battle accidentally discovered them. At that time, the troops at the central base were advancing southward strictly along the Beijing-Shanghai Railway. Perhaps, the crater should be not far from the Beijing-Shanghai Railway, and probably not far from the center of the battle. Because before that battle, the troops at the central base advanced smoothly and did not stop along the way. Only during the two days of fierce fighting did the soldiers have some free time to explore a little outside the railway line!

Yes, nine times out of ten that’s the case!

After figuring out the joints, Lin Chen suddenly felt confident. This time, the search scope has been reduced by more than ten times!

After resting for a while, Lin Chen casually ate some dry food he brought with him, then found the Beijing-Shanghai Railway and walked north along the direction. Because he was more focused on the possible meteorite fragments, Lin Chen didn't tire of the countless zombies on the road, and simply charmed three third-level zombies to clear the way for him.

As a result, Lin Chen's speed suddenly became a little faster.

More than an hour later, more and more zombie limbs, abandoned guns, shrapnel, etc. appeared on both sides of the railway. It wasn't until a mountain of zombie corpses appeared near a small platform that Lin Chen knew he had arrived.

Perhaps it’s because nearly 100,000 soldiers and tens of millions of zombies once died here. The entire small platform and the nearby ten-kilometer battlefield are filled with a strong stench. You can also vaguely see the dark red soil and the faint trace of blood. breath. Nearly a hundred tanks destroyed by level three zombies were scattered on the narrow battlefield, surrounded by large and small craters, like the uneven surface of the moon.

"It shouldn't be on the central battlefield!"

Lin Chen frowned when he saw the countless craters, but quickly eliminated this area. Because, if the meteorite fragments were really here, Chen Gaoyang wouldn't say that he didn't know the location. Moreover, the ground here has been plowed by artillery shells countless times. Even if there are indeed meteorite fragments, they will probably be shattered by the super firepower.

After wandering around for roughly half an hour, Lin Chen began to search for the edge of the central battlefield. However, the meteorite fragment may be a little shy and still refuses to reveal its hiding place. Lin Chen searched for a long time, but didn't find anything that could stimulate his supernatural powers. Instead, he found several intact cars and many individual self-heating foods left behind when the troops retreated in embarrassment. There are self-heating rice, soft canned fruits and spicy sauce, which look quite delicious.

"I have a car to go back to, and I can also take a cart of delicious military rations back with me."

Lin Chen casually tore open a bag and tasted it, and found that the taste was acceptable. And there were at least thousands of rations scattered across the battlefield. For a normal hunting team, it would be a good harvest if they could get so many. But for Lin Chen, these things are not what he wants at all!

Meteorite fragments, where are you!

After searching around to no avail, Lin Chen knew that either the news was false, or there was something wrong with his own speculation. He thought carefully for a while, and sure enough he found another loophole. Because the energy escaping from the meteorite fragments is also good for zombies. Therefore, if there are debris nearby, there will probably be zombies nearby.

Unless, the meteorite fragment may fall in a place that is out of reach of ordinary zombies but easier for survivors to find!

Thinking like this, Lin Chen expanded the search scope. In the end, his eyes were fixed on the Jie Cao TV transmitting tower that was broken off in the distance! Through the telescope found on the military vehicle that had been smashed to only one tube, Lin Chen could clearly see something heavy falling from the sky. It smashed through more than a dozen pieces of steel along the way, and then got stuck two feet above the ground. More than ten meters in the air.

"That's it!"

Lin Chenfei found the target and ran over quickly. Sure enough, when he followed the guidance of the half-section of the TV station transmission tower and ran into the Jie Cao TV station compound, he felt the acceleration of the supernatural power in his body. Having had two experiences, he knew exactly what this meant - there were meteorite fragments nearby!

After killing two second-level zombies without eyes, Lin Chen came to the launch tower.

Near the base of the tower, several holes of varying sizes appeared on the originally flat concrete floor, which should be small fragments of large meteorite fragments falling in mid-air during the impact. As for these small fragments, it goes without saying that they must have been taken away by zombies. Fortunately, the large fragment of the meteorite was still stuck on the launch tower that was broken into two parts.

After carefully climbing up the somewhat rusty escalator, Lin Chen got what he wanted!

This is a meteorite fragment about the same size as the Wuli Street Grain and Oil Purchase Station, but the energy contained in it is much higher than that. Lin Chen reached out and felt it, and found that it should be enough for him to break through to the second level of Advanced Plant Control Master, and there was still a small amount left!

After careful calculation, Lin Chen followed the cracks on the meteorite fragments and divided the large fragment into two parts.

The big part is reserved for yourself. The smaller part is given to Qian Xu, which should be enough for him to advance to one level. No matter what, if you want to eat meat yourself, you have to let your subordinates share some of the soup. Taking it all yourself is not a choice that a wise captain would make!

"knock off!"

After holding the meteorite fragments, Lin Chen let go and jumped down from the launch tower lightly. Seeing that there happened to be a clean place washed away by the rain nearby, he sat there and began to absorb the energy from the meteorite fragments, striving to break through the realm in front of him.

Since becoming a senior plant control master, Lin Chen has killed many zombies intermittently. There were already a lot of soul crystals accumulated in the mark, and now coupled with the pure energy in the meteorite fragments, Lin Chen's superpowers quickly replenished to full value, and began to attack higher levels!

Lin Chen was already familiar with the whole process and didn't panic at all.

I don't know how long it took, it seemed like half an hour, and it seemed like only a few minutes. The supernatural power in Lin Chen's body was running at its fastest, almost boiling. After absorbing all the energy in the meteorite fragments, he mobilized his huge superpowers and broke through the shackles in one fell swoop, breaking through to the second level of advanced plant control master!

As the rich golden light flashed outside his body, a new energy node was born in his body, and then integrated into the superpower circulation system constructed by the two energy cores, and this also made Lin Chen feel more and more full of power in his body!

This promotion may have increased his overall strength by at least 40% out of thin air!

As Lin Chen's strength improves, every time he advances to a level, he gains much more than before! And this kind of improvement will accumulate from quantitative changes to qualitative changes, until it helps him break through to the fourth level of plant control master!

In addition to the improvement of abilities, the newly obtained plants are of course one of the things Lin Chen pays most attention to. This time, when Lin Chen discovered the mimic plant he obtained randomly, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. Because the plants obtained by breaking through to the second stage are what he needs most, and they are also the most valuable ability for Lin Chen at the moment!

It's the coffee bean!

This brown plant should be the smallest of all Lin Chen's mimic plants, bar none. Coffee beans themselves do not have any combat ability, but they allow all night-time mushrooms to function equally well during the day, instead of quickly withering and disappearing after being summoned. This means that smoke mushrooms, big spray mushrooms, timid mushrooms, and tombstone moss that could only be used at night can all be used during the day!

Think about it, smoke mushrooms that consume almost no energy can reduce the bellicosity of zombies and play a role in confusing and paralyzing them; big spray mushrooms can spray poisonous mist and reduce zombies' defense; timid mushrooms have a long range and are in the form of weapons It can be switched to a sniper rifle, which greatly enhances the long-range fixed-point strike capabilities of Lin Chen's subordinates; not to mention the tombstone moss. Once it can be used during the day, Lin Chen can set up a sensory shielding line of defense for his camp, allowing large groups to It’s hard for zombies to find them again!

Before this, because they could only be used at night, the above four plants were rarely used. It’s different now. One coffee bean can be used all day long to use these four plants, and you will naturally make a lot of money! Moreover, the power consumed to summon it is not high, roughly equivalent to the sum of an ordinary sunflower and extremely cheap potato mines!

It's a pity that he can't do anything on his own. Otherwise, if a large number of plant control masters can summon tombstone moss and coffee beans, maybe these two plants alone can greatly reduce the pressure of zombies on humans! At the very least, the zombies with level three perception so far cannot detect the covering effect of tombstone moss!

Therefore, for Lin Chen, it is undoubtedly a lucky day to obtain plant-based coffee beans! (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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