The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 363: Laying down a super minefield

PS: At this point, the book is not far from completion. I hope everyone will support and subscribe more.

The Satellite Intelligence Department of the Shanghai Base.

Since its establishment, it has become one of the busiest institutions in Shanghai. A large number of senior Shanghai officials came in and out, analyzing and formulating various plans based on intelligence sent by satellites. Especially in the past two days, as the situation in the south worsened, the continuous movement of the two zombie groups made the faces of people entering and exiting more serious.

"The first wave of more than two million zombies from India is only 700 kilometers away from Shanghai!"

"The super zombie group in Nanxiang is moving! They are moving eastward!"

Two pieces of news weighed heavily on everyone's heads. At the instruction of the chief of staff, the people from the intelligence office divided into two teams to track down the two most threatening groups of zombies.

Lin Chen also held a special military meeting to discuss the possibility of these two zombie groups attacking Shanghai and how to deal with it. From the current point of view, the purpose of the Nanxiang zombie group's movement is not obvious yet, and it is still a matter of time before they can attack Shanghai. But the threat of zombies from India is imminent, and we must make thorough preparations!

Fortunately, there are only over two million of these zombies.

Although they are highly evolved, with Huhai's current strength, they are not incapable of dealing with them. At least, with Lin Chen's continuous expansion, the number of plant control masters has exceeded two hundred. As for the Pseudo-Plant Control Division troops, after a regiment was established, more than one battalion was added one after another, with the total number exceeding 2,000 people! With this strength, he can not only defend the city and fight, but he can also take the initiative to fight these zombies!

In fact, Lin Chen also planned this.

Because the distance between the Shanghai base and Shanghai urban area is not too far. To this day, the survivors from the Guangzhou base still live in Shanghai. If we fight in front of the Shanghai base, it is likely that some defeated zombies will accidentally break into the Shanghai city. Instead of dedicating a large number of people to guard in fear, it is better to rely on the plant control division troops to take the initiative to fight!

Of course, even if you take the initiative to fight, you still need to pay attention to strategy.

The zombie group from India has a very high proportion of third-level zombies, and there are definitely more than three or five fourth-level zombies. It is unrealistic to expect that the problem will be solved in one battle. Even if you win, you will suffer heavy losses!

After careful consideration, Lin Chen set up three battlefields along the approximate route of the zombies' advance. The first two battlefields are dominated by potato mine consumption, supplemented by kite warfare when the plant control division moves. As long as you lure them properly, you don't have to worry about them stepping into the minefield obediently. As for the third battlefield, choose a condescending slope and engage in a sniper attack with all your strength!

"This battle is very important. Not only must we win, but we must win beautifully, and strive to win with as little cost as possible!"

After making such a declaration, Lin Chen went out with two hundred plant control divisions to lay mines.

As one of the plants that consumes the least energy among all kinds of plants, the summoning cost of Potato Thunder is similar to that of Water Lily, only one-quarter of the first plant, Peashooter! Plant control masters of any level, as long as they have the ability to summon potato mines, can easily recruit a dozen of them. If you enter the intermediate level, you can recruit more than a hundred in one go!

If Lin Chen is given enough time, even if Lin Chen lays a super minefield with millions of landmines, it will be no problem!

This is the advantage of having satellites, which allows Lin Chen to calmly deploy after discovering the enemy's situation from a distance, unlike before where he could only discover zombies dozens to more than a hundred kilometers in advance, and then there would be no time to deploy mines once. This time, Lin Chen set up four small minefields here three days in advance, burying a total of 200,000 potato mines, stretching for more than ten square kilometers! In some densely populated places, there are even several potato mines per square meter!

Anyway, the zombies don't know how to disperse, they will just rush forward blindly. Not only will the dense potato mines not be wasted, but they will increase the lethality against high-level zombies!

However, even with the support of large swaths of sunflowers, such a large-scale minefield is still very tiring for the planters to control.

Next, before the zombies arrived, the plant control masters retreated and planted another 100,000 potato mines on the second line of defense. If it wasn't for the lack of time, Lin Chen wished he could bury himself all the way from here to the Shanghai Base to see which zombies could still rush over!

"Commander, the zombies are approaching the first battlefield. They are still at most ten hours away!"

Since communication was restored, Lin Chen could obtain satellite intelligence support from the Shanghai base from a distance. After learning that there was not much time left for them, Lin Chen entered the battlefield with two hundred plant control masters and one and a half regiments of pseudo-plant control masters! Since they didn't plan to fight a positional battle this time, the cars they took were all selected, the fastest ones! This way they can leave as quickly as possible if needed!

"Don't be afraid, all plant control masters have pumpkin combat uniforms. If you are attacked, remember to protect your head, and your companions will naturally help!"

"The first battalion of pseudo-plant control divisions, as all equipped with pumpkin combat uniforms, must stand on the front line at critical moments. Those who have not yet had time to equip themselves should stand in. It is important to eliminate zombies, but the premise is to preserve ourselves as much as possible !”

"Once you find a blood-red zombie, it is likely to be level four. Remember to report it immediately!"

Before the battle, some senior plant control masters began to teach their experience to the newcomers around them.

Because this was not the first time they had fought zombies, the plant control masters were all calm. Especially those plant control masters who participated in the recapture of Shanghai City. They also captured millions of zombies and several level four zombies. Therefore, when faced with these zombies, which are said to be the most evolved from India, there is not much worry on their faces. Only a few new beginners who became plant control masters were a little nervous, but after seeing that their companions were confident, they gradually relaxed.

Soon, satellite intelligence from Shanghai was sent again: "After careful calculation, the zombie brigade is about five kilometers away from the lateral offset of our minefield, and they must be led eastward!"

This is not a problem.

The distance of five kilometers may not seem close, but in front of a high-level plant control master, it only takes two minutes. Especially Lin Chen, a plant control master who has already entered the fourth level with one foot, and his speed is comparable to a formula car. The three high-level plant control masters in the team only need to work together to create some movement, and they can easily attract the zombies!

"They're coming!"

Lin Chen, Qian Xu, and Zhao Gang stood five kilometers away diagonally in front of the minefield and saw a large gray figure in the sky from a distance. Because they have to take care of the low-level zombies in the zombie group, this group of more than two million zombies cannot move too fast. However, because there are so many, this boundless lineup still gives people the feeling of a torrent destroying everything. In front of this attack arrow of millions of zombies, Lin Chen and the others were as inconspicuous as ants in front of the sea!


Hundreds of zombies on the outermost edge screamed strangely when they sensed humans hundreds of meters away, and quickly pounced on them!

If it were an ordinary person, he would probably be scared to death at this moment, and would not even have the strength to escape. However, the three people present are all high-level plant control masters. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the strongest conventional combat power in the world. Facing these hundreds of zombies, including several Level 3 zombies, Lin Chen, Qian Xu, and Zhao Gang not only didn't feel nervous, but actually chatted and joked leisurely.

Killing them is just a matter of raising your hands.

A few cherry bombs were thrown over, and then these third-level zombies were charmed, and the vanguard of these zombies was eliminated.

Perhaps attracted by the explosion of the cherry bomb, more zombies noticed Lin Chen and the others and began to rush towards them. This time, there were thousands of them! The rest of the zombies also began to deviate from their original route, and there was a strong tendency for them to overwhelm them all.

"Not enough!"

Lin Chen shook his head. He knew that if he left now, it would obviously be impossible to attract all the zombies. Therefore, not only did the three of them not retreat, but they showed off their strongest abilities. Three golden rays of light jumped and moved among the zombies, and quickly eliminated the second wave of zombies!

At this time, the zombies seemed to be enraged.

More and more zombies turned around and came towards Lin Chen and the others. However, the three of them were like rocks in a rushing stream. No matter how the undercurrent beat, they could never break the rocks. All zombies who dared to pounce on us, whether they were second or third level, were turned into corpses!

"Be careful, fourth-level predator!"

At this moment, Lin Chen saw a fleeting blood-red figure out of the corner of his eye. The extraordinary speed made him alert instantly, and he also sounded a warning to the other two people.

It has to be said that these zombies are indeed highly evolved.

The three of them worked together to kill less than 10,000 zombies. led to a sneak attack by level 4 zombies! Although this does not really represent the true proportion of level four zombies among the more than two million zombies, it can also explain to some extent how difficult they are!

Perhaps because he was a little afraid of the strength of Lin Chen and the others, the fourth-level predator that appeared did not attack immediately. Instead, he relied on his fourth-level status to walk among ordinary zombies, deliberately looking for opportunities. Although Lin Chen wasn't afraid of it, he didn't want to fight it in the midst of the zombie army that was already approaching. He looked up at the opportunity and felt that the task should be completed, so he quickly signaled to retreat!

It doesn't matter even if they can't attract all the zombies, this is just their first battle anyway, and there are two more battlefields to come!

Seeing Lin Chen retreating, Qian Xu and Zhao Gang did not hesitate to give up on their opponents and began to evacuate quickly. The three golden streams of light deliberately controlled their speed and rushed towards the minefield with the large group of zombies behind them.

At this moment, the satellite orbit of the Shanghai Base happened to pass here, providing real-time intelligence. It can be clearly seen from the enlarged satellite images that under the lure of Lin Chen and the others, the huge zombie army divided into two groups. A small group of only four to five million zombies left with Lin Chen and the others, while the remaining large group kept moving forward on the original route! As for the zombies that have been lured over, they will step onto the edge of the minefield in a minute at most!


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