The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 591: Alchemist

| | |->-> The alchemist Lothar-Claytonman ’s office is filled with the smell of formaldehyde and incense, and the smell of strange fish that he often chews. The wall was full of shelves, and on the shelves were placed a jar of alchemy supplies: powdered unicorn horns, mercury, quick lime, and dried herbs. On a shelf in a corner, a vulture covered with scabies and glittering eyes curled up; in some places it was bald, and there was no feather on one wing. It took Bai En some time to realize that it was filled and a specimen was made. On the bulky oak writing desk, in the middle of a pile of letters and scribbled paper, is a large bottle with a monster head with goat horns on it. The mortar and pestle became temporary paperweights to prevent the paper strips from floating lazily closed windows.

The torch swayed smoky in the alcove, casting a shadow deep into the cold room. The leather-framed book, with the title of faded gold leaves, bears the name of the great natural philosopher. Many books were tucked into the bookshelves in a mess, and these bookshelves had been dangerously bent under their weight. The candle dripped into a cone shape in the placed porcelain dish. There was a small pile of burning coal crackling in the grate. Bai En saw some half-burnt paper coming out of the furnace. He believed that once a fire broke out, the whole place would become very dangerous.

Claytonman took another pinch of herbal snuff, sneezed, and wiped his nose with the sleeve of his dirty blue robe, adding a mark to the rune stitched on it. He threw a small piece of coal into the fire with a small brass shovel, and then turned to look at his patient.

Alchemist reminded Bae of the vulture specimen in the corner. His bald head had unkempt white hair. The nose appears like a large protruding beak on thin, closed lips. A pair of light gray eyes sparkled behind the tiny clip-on glasses. Bai En saw that their pupils were large and still expanding, which was a clear sign that Claytonman was addicted to psychedelics. When the alchemist moved, his thick robe fluttered around his thin body, and he looked like a flightless bird trying to take off.

Claytonman walked over and sat at his desk. He pointed at Bane with a long, thin finger. Bane noticed that her nails had been bitten, and there was a slight dirt underneath. As he spoke, Claytonman's voice was high and harsh, as annoying as a teacher swiping his finger across the blackboard.

"Do you feel better, my young friend?"

Bai En had to admit that it was so. No matter how unremarkable his appearance is, Lothar Claytonman masters his job. The ointment he had applied had relieved the bruising and swelling, and the glass of bad-tasting ale that he forced Bian to drink made the pain evaporate like a mist in the morning light. "You said it was done by Wolfgang Rammel's bodyguard, Greta?"

The girl nodded. The alchemist twitched. "Little Wolfgang is an annoying guy. However, as the" World News "said," Evil will destroy itself. "

The last sentence of the alchemist is said in ancient language. But Bai En did understand.

"Maybe in the case of Wolfgang Jr., evil will indeed destroy itself. But I am ready to lend a helping hand," Bai En said.

"You know ancient language! Oh, that's great. I thought that in this foolish age, all respect for learning is gone." Claytonman said happily. "Very good. It's so nice to be able to help a fellow scholar. It would be as simple as curing your friend. I fear it is almost impossible." Then he smiled dreamily. In the corner where he was sitting, Guerrerogan looked back at him, his eyes hollow like a deep hole.

"Why exactly is this?" Greta asked. "What's up with him?"

"It seems that his head was beaten, and his brain seemed abnormal. His memory blades were violently stirred, and many memories were shaken. He no longer knew who he was, and his reasoning ability was impaired . "

Bai En thought, about the reasoning ability, the alchemist was wrong, and the dwarves did not have many such thoughts.

"In addition, the mental state that dominates the personality has also been given a new form. I think his recent behavior is not like himself, right, my young friend? I can see him from his appearance Is a fanatical believer in dwarf religion, an oathbreaker. They are not known for tolerating peace. "

"This is true," Bai En admitted. "Usually he would tear those people's lungs out of insulting him."

He noticed that Greta ’s beautiful round face glowed as soon as he mentioned the use of violence against his attackers, not knowing her resentment towards them. Bai En had to admit that the main reason why he wanted to cure the dwarf was that he still needed him to find the dwarf artisan to repair his sacrificial knife.

But Bai En also admitted that he had a more despicable motive: he wanted to avenge those who beat him. He had seen the dwarf's fist fall on him, and he knew it was impossible to do it by himself. Although Bai En can spend time to solve them one by one in secret, the feeling of assassination and being beaten by the dwarf's fist is completely different.

"Is there nothing he can do for him?" Bai En asked, taking out his wallet and preparing to pay for the treatment.

Claytonman shook his head sadly.

"But ... maybe a little more head punching will help."

"Do you mean to knock him?"

"No! It will be a powerful blow, in the right way. This method is sometimes effective, but the chance is definitely one in a thousand. It is possible that such a treatment will only make things worse, maybe even Kill the patient. "

Bai En shook his head. He did not want to risk killing the dwarves. His heart sank, full of complex emotions. He owed the dwarf several times, and he felt sorry for the dwarf's confusion and inability to remember anything, including his own name. It seems wrong to put the dwarf in this state. He felt it necessary to do something.

But on the other hand, since he was drunk that night, he vowed to accompany Guerrerogan to complete his death mission and write an epic for his final ending. Since then, he has been in trouble. Guerrerogan's disease represented an opportunity to evade promises. In his current state, Guerrerogan seems to have forgotten his mission to fail. Bai En can go home freely and pursue a normal life. You can also look for the dwarf artisan one town after another according to the direction that the dwarves said. If he is really as magical as Grerogan said, there must be many people who have heard of his name.

Bai En thought of this and sighed. Perhaps it would be kinder to let the dwarf leave like this, because he did not realize the crimes he had committed, nor the dark destiny that drove him to the end. Bai En just needs to find a town, and then find some dwarf gathering place, and then let Grerogan take care of them.

But can he really abandon Grerogan and make a living with his current mental decline? Can he count on him to feed himself with his now debilitating body? Without the help of the dwarf ’s powerful axe, how could he cross countless dangers The infested wilderness and forest return to their own home on Fatalin Island?

Bei En regretted that Morris had left, and it was too dangerous to travel alone in this world. Even Bai En was not willing to do so easily.

"Do you have any other way?" Bai En tried to ask again.

"Nothing. Unless ..."

"Unless what?"

"No ... it may not work anyway."

"What doesn't work?"

"I have a recipe for a secret medicine, usually used by a magician on the verge of aging. In other respects, it consists of six parts, but one part is the sun grass. It is said that it can restore the normal state of mental thinking well.

Secret medicine? Bai En can guess the name of this secret medicine from the effect. Many people call it the elixir, but the actual effect does not make people live longer. Instead, it is like a medicine for treating dementia. Keep the thinking of the old mage not degenerate. However, perhaps the potion really succeeded, and Bane turned to look at Grerogan, who was still in a daze.

"Maybe you should try it."

"Old man, it would be nice if I could go. But Sungrass is rare, and to get the most effect, you must pick it on the highest **** of the Black Rock Pass at sunset."

Bai En sighed. "I don't care how much it costs."

Claytonman took off his glasses and polished them on his robe sleeves. "Alas, young man, you misunderstood what I meant. I don't pursue small financial interests. I just said that there is no sungrass in my inventory."

"Okay, so be it ~ ~ Bai En gave up.

"Wait," Greta said. "The black volcano is not far from here. The Black Rock Mountain Pass is approaching the top of the mountain ... Bai En, can't you pick some?"

"At this time, am I going back to the mountain alone? There are a group of crazy distortions." Bai En was a little uncertain.

"I never said it was easy," Kripman said.

Bai En moaned, this time it was more than pain. "Tomorrow. I will consider it tomorrow."

Claytonman nodded wisely. "I do n’t recommend that you go back to the hotel tonight. The temple of the goddess of mercy offers cheap hotels for the poor. If you hurry up, you may find an overnight bed there. Now, about my cost. Given your obvious Poverty, if you bring me enough sungrass to come back, I will not accept it. "

Bai En frowned, and looked at his empty wallet suspiciously. He didn't know when the wallet leaked a hole, and there were only a few large silver coins in it. He dropped his shoulder in disappointment and said fate . "Very good. I'll go."

Now, he must go, and also pray to heal the dwarf, and pray that the relationship between the dwarf and the craftsman can let the other party repair the sacrificial knife for free. Otherwise he could only wait for the apparently rich young master to separate from his bodyguard. This time, it was not for revenge, but for money.

Bai En turned to look at the dwarf that had caused him so much trouble. Guerrerogan sat, staring blankly into the distance. Bai En wondered what happened behind that crazy and empty eye.

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