The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 599: laboratory

Bane glanced at the alchemist's laboratory. As mages, most mages are involved in alchemy, but from the foundation to the master are related to the mage ’s own interests and talents. Bai En is familiar with alchemy, but he is not proficient. Moreover, it is completely different from the alchemy room on Fatalin Island. Everything here looks so mysterious and incomprehensible.

The long table is covered with intricate piping and beaker structures. The distillation equipment accounts for almost half of a table. Several plugged glass tubes were stacked against the wall. Each contains a cobalt blue, lime green or blood red liquid. Some contain many layers of multi-colored deposits. A framed certificate hung on one wall. Even so far away, Bane can recognize the school badge of Midland University, which is famous for the Marnus Empire as a school of magic and alchemy.

Charcoal burners are heating flasks and jars filled with various substances. Kripman quickly changed from one cup to another, stirring, adjusting the temperature, and occasionally tasting with a long glass spoon. This surprises Baeun very much. If he is not an alchemist who is very familiar with each substance, it would be suicide. Then he opened a large cabinet and took out a large white padded glove covered with burn marks. He put it on his right hand.

"It won't wait too long," he said, taking a heated flask and pouring it into the central jar. He put a stopper on the second bottle, shook it, then opened the stopper and poured it into the mixture. A pungent green smoke rolled through the room. Bane coughed and heard Greta coughing.

As the smoke cleared, he saw Kripman carefully pour the third bottle of fragrance into the mixture. With each drop, a small smoke of different colors emerged. The first one is red, the second one is blue, and the third one is yellow. It didn't drop once, but it was a small, mushroom-like steam cloud that extended upward to the ceiling.

The alchemist put down the alchemy bottle and adjusted the flame under the pot. He picked up a small hourglass and turned it upside down. "Two minutes," he said.

Bai En's heart was filled with joy of victory. Soon, Gray Rogan will be cured, and they will visit the smiling dragon tavern. He wanted to return all the sufferings he had suffered in Wolfgang-Lamel ’s hiding place.

As soon as the last grain of sand fell from the top of the hourglass, Krepman removed the jar from the flame. "Everything is done!"

He motioned to Guerrerogen to come over and scooped the potion from a measuring cup into a small porcelain bowl.

Bai En saw red circles and astrological symbols on the inner circle. He believes that these represent different doses. When the alchemist filled it up and handed it to Grey Rogan, somehow, Bane felt relieved.

"Drink it up now."

The dwarf drank it. "Hey!" He said after drinking.

They stood there, waiting. waiting. waiting.

"How long will it take to see the effect?" Bai En finally asked.

"Uh, not too long!"

"You said that an hour ago, Krepman. How long is it?" Bai En gripped the heavy pestle, and his finger joints turned white.

"I told you that this process is uncertain. There are certain risks. Maybe this sun grass is not at its best. Are you sure you picked it at sunset?"

"How much! Long! Time?" Bai En spoke both words clearly and slowly, and his anger could be heard from his voice.

"Well, I--actually it works almost instantaneously, shaking the memory nodes and memory fluid back to their original state."

Bane looked closely at Grey Rogan. The dwarves looked exactly the same as when they entered the alchemist laboratory.

"How are you feeling? Are you ready to seek your great death?" Bai En asked softly.

"What death?" Guerrerogan responded.

"Maybe we should try another dose, Mr. Bai En?"

Bai En uttered an angry, unreasonable howl. This is unbearable. He endured a severe beating by Wolfgang. He climbed the mountain along an indescribable difficult path. He escaped in the hands of a group of bloodthirsty mutants. He was tired, hurt and hungry. Even worse, he is suffering from a plague-like infection. His clothes are torn. He desperately needs a shower. This is all the alchemist's fault.

"Calm down, Mr. Bai En. There is no need to growl like that."

"Oh, no, isn't it?" Bai En continued to growl. Krepman sent him to pick the **** sun grass. Kripman promised that he would cure Gray Logan. Kripman destroyed the glorious revenge plan of Bai En. He went through a hell-like journey in vain because of the stupid instructions of a stupid old man who did not know his stupid thing!

"Maybe I can make you a good hypnotic to calm your nerves. Get a good sleep and it will be much better."

"I almost died to get those flowers."

"Look, you are upset. This is completely understandable, but violence can't solve any problems."

"It will make me feel better. It will make you feel bad." Bai En threw the pestle at the alchemist. Krepman jumped aside. The tool slammed Guerrerogan's head. The dwarf fell.

"Come on, Greta! Go and shout the town guard!" Alchemist muttered ~ ~ Mr. Bai En is crazy! Help! Help!

Bian followed Krepman running back and forth on the workbench, knocking him to the ground with a flying shovel. His fingers pinched the alchemist's throat, which gave him great satisfaction. He started clenching his fingers, always smiling. He felt that Greta wanted to pull him away from Krepman. Her fingers were caught in his hair. He tried to get rid of her. The alchemist's face began to turn into an interesting purple.

"Not that I am against unnecessary violence, humans, but why do you strangle the old man?"

The granite-like hard voice is raspy and harsh, and it contains an absolutely cruel undercurrent. It took Bai En only a moment to realize who was talking. He let go of Kripman's throat.

"Who is he? Where are we? Why does my head hurt and Greni is on it?"

"It must have been Clang Pei's blow to restore his consciousness," Greta said softly.

"I, ah, would rather think that this is the delayed effect of my potion," Krepman said breathlessly. "I told you that you will succeed."

"What consciousness? What potion? What are you talking about, you old maniac?"

Bai En stood up and dusted himself off. He helped Krepman stand up, took the alchemist's glasses and handed him. He turned to face Gray Rogan. "What is the last thing you can remember?"

"Of course it's an aberrant attack, human. A rogue hit my head with a slingshot. How did I get here? What magic is this?" Guerrerogen frowned seriously.

"It needs a lot of explanation," Bai En said. "Let's drink some beer first. I know there is a friendly tavern nearby."

Bai En smiled evilly at himself, and the two of them walked towards the smiling dragon tavern together.

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