The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 890: Conspirator

The night came and brought chill. The streets are crowded with marchers and trained troops. The evil army outside the city undoubtedly put a pressure on all the people in the city. Even those who were full of confidence began to worry at first, and they finally began to recall that the outer walls of Prague were also broken four hundred years ago, and there was a subsequent massacre.

Below all this, the cellar looked dark, warm and quiet. Only one lamp illuminated those wearing hoods and cloaks. They were meeting secretly to discuss the fate of the city. These people are no longer in peace, and the army outside may be the real companion for them.

All four of his co-conspirators knew that his name was Halek, yes, it was a pseudonym, just like several others. No one will use his real name in such a party. But some of them may have guessed who he is, just as he guessed who a few of them are likely to be.

He looked around and knew that if the witch hunter found him here, even if he had a high status in Prague, he could not save him at all. Being burned to death on the stake is the most benevolent fate he can expect.

Of course, he also has a little extravagance in his heart. If he is really found, maybe the people in power in this city will not disclose his identity because of other concerns. Burning to death while covering your face is sometimes not a bad thing.

Then he told himself that it could not happen. He is now at the home of the wealthiest businessman in Prague, who is undoubtedly one of the other masked men sitting at the table. Maybe not, maybe here is just a servant of that man. Only the high priest sitting at the table, the great priest, the one who summoned them all, can definitely know who the participants are.

Why am I here, he asked himself why he became such an exploration of knowledge in the beginning, but he was seated here, surrounded by human enemies. He took a deep breath and reminded himself that he was now one of those dead enemies of humanity.

He couldn't find an excuse or reason for him to become like this. This kind of thing can't be found in Prague, maybe nowhere else. He tried to comfort himself. At least he chose the winning side.

Anyone with eyes is well aware that there can only be one winner in the upcoming battle. The powers of evil gods are too powerful for Prague, just as they are too powerful for this world.

They are destined to inherit this world, then transform this world and rule this world. The power of evil gods is as eternal as death or time; eventually, it will always win, or corrupt its enemies in the long years. Just like they have done in the past. They have almost unlimited time to accomplish this compared to humans.

When the high priest began to recite prayers, Harek forced himself to control his thoughts. This kind of thinking is dangerous and almost crazy. He is a very knowledgeable person, knowing that the plans of the evil gods will have setbacks, and sometimes setbacks come after great victories. Just like four hundred years ago, the army of evil gods broke through the outer walls of Prague. When besieging the most central castle, it was defeated by the army led by the two monarchs who were almost mortal gods.

But it doesn't matter. For those great beings, whether victory will come now or centuries later may not matter, but it is very important to him. The punishment for failure now will be death, or worse than death, because his master is not kind to the souls of those who fail.

All this helped him persuade himself well. The victory of the evil gods is inevitable, but if you cannot enjoy the fruits of victory at that time, all this is meaningless. He smiled behind the plain cloth mask. Yes, at least this time thinking helps him to see things correctly.

Just four weeks ago in Prague, just a few weeks after the fall of the city, the army of so-called destructive forces was driven back to the wasteland by the army of devout Marnus. How much his fellow Mrs. Casler likes to boast of this. This is their true character and how stupid they are.

They ignored the fact that the army had broken the outer walls of Prague, the massacre they had created after breaking the walls, and the evil if there were no such things as 'pious Marnus' and Shazan Alexander The army will continue to sweep through Kaslov, and even be destroyed together with the Marnus Empire.

They cannot see the long-term as he does. They couldn't see that it was okay if these evil forces were driven away once, or a hundred times. It always comes back, and when it comes back it becomes stronger. This is a terrible trait, a desperate trait, a trait that makes people completely blind to the future.

He knew that to some extent, it was despair of this understanding that he finally decided to devote himself to evil. Of course there is the fact that he has fallen too deep to get out safely. When he realized that the community he joined was not just another secret group dedicated to alchemy and mysterious knowledge, it was too late.

Who can think of when? Who can think of a group that studies alchemy, and when it keeps showing you more mysterious knowledge, you have fallen into their fists. Is it not human nature to explore the unknown and perhaps more knowledge? At least for him, yes, too much mysterious knowledge, too much secret news ~ ~ When he was immersed in this, he really understood who gave it to this knowledge. This time is really too late.

He knew that his members would kill him instead of letting him free. And everything he did with them revealed his true identity. It doesn't matter what he does now. He can't stop them, and he can't get rid of them.

They are too strong to be defeated. No, the best thing he can do is do what he has done, insist on changing his lifestyle and beliefs, and do his best to get promoted in it.

Who wouldn't jump for the prospect of sharing the fruits of victory? Halek has been coveting power all his life. Although he is close to the throne of power, he is not on the throne of power. Secular power is the most insignificant thing that Sasolion can give.

The promise of God involves much more than this: eternal life is not in a boring fairy tale in the future, but in this sweet human world here and now. Above the power of magic. The ability to satisfy all your desires, no matter how dark or depraved they are.

It is not that Harlequin is one of the weak people attracted by this commitment. He longed to serve God because God would give him knowledge and satisfy his curiosity about everything. Let him live the coming end of the world as he knew, he added bitterly in his heart.

All he has to do is betray those who love him and trust him. He tried to control his pain. If these people know that he is here, or know that his body has begun to show a sudden stigma of stigma, they will not love him or trust him for a second. He couldn't hide them for too long. The invasion came just in time. In a few months, he had to flee the city.

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